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Returning to the Office: Accessible Hybrid Meetings

November 28, 2023 Presented on: November 28, 2023


Federal workspaces are required to be accessible in both physical and online environments. During the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the widespread transition to telework made use of virtual meetings and conferences commonplace. Now that agencies are transitioning to a workspace which may be either physical or virtual or a hybrid of both, there are novel issues facing federal accessibility specialists. This webinar will provide a review of the requirements for making the physical environment accessible under the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) and the virtual environment accessible under Section 508. Presenters will also offer recommendations and best practices, as well as identify available resources to maximize participation in the federal workspace, whether virtual, physical, or hybrid. Section 508 Coordinators, IT Specialists, Reasonable Accommodation Specialists, and Disability Program Managers are encouraged to join this webinar to gain the following unique insights.

Attendees will learn:  

  1. The requirements for making offices, conference rooms, and assembly areas accessible under the ABA. 
  2. How the Section 508 Standards and WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria work to ensure an accessible online environment for all.  
  3. How accommodations can improve the experience of federal employees in both physical and virtual environments.  

This session is intended for entry-level to intermediate audiences, but all are welcome to join.  

Questions can be submitted in advance of the session or can be posed during the live webinar. Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) and real-time captioning will be provided. 

Continuing Education Recognition Available

Certificate Credit hours
Certificate of Attendance 1.5


Timothy Creagan, Senior Accessibility Specialist,  Office of Technical and Information Services, U.S. Access Board

Josh Schorr, Training Coordinator and Accessibility Specialist, Office of Technical and Information Services, U.S. Access Board

Session Questions

This session is accepting questions from registered users. After you have registered to participate in this session you can submit your questions on your Account Manager page. Please note: the number of questions will be limited and submissions will be closed well before the session starts to provide time to prepare answers.

Privacy Statement

In order to register for this webinar you will need to create an account and provide, at a minimum, your name, email address, phone number, city, and country. If you do not wish to create an account, you may watch this webinar after it has been recorded. Webinars are typically posted two days after the live session. You can access previously recorded Section 508 webinars on the Great Lakes ADA Center Section 508 Best Practices Archives webpage. Be advised that in order to obtain continuing education credits, you must register and create an account. See Continuing Education Recognition Request Policy.