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2006 Draft Passenger Vessel Accessibility Guidelines

2006 Draft Passenger Vessel Accessibility Guidelines


Americans with Disabilities Act. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recognizes and protects the civil rights of people with disabilities and is modeled after earlier landmark laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race and gender. To ensure that buildings and facilities and certain modes of transportation are available to and usable by people with disabilities, the ADA requires the Access Board to establish accessibility requirements for State and local government facilities, places of public accommodation, and commercial facilities. Under the ADA, the Access Board has developed and continues to maintain accessibility guidelines for new construction and alterations of buildings and facilities; the guidelines are known as the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and accessibility guidelines for transportation vehicles.

As no guidelines exist for passenger vessels, the Board began a rulemaking effort to develop accessibility guidelines for passenger vessels subject to the ADA. The Board’s aim is to ensure that access for persons with disabilities is provided to and on passenger vessels which are newly built or altered, and that the same degree of convenience, connection, and safety afforded to passengers generally is available to passengers with disabilities. The guidelines would not require alterations to existing passenger vessels, but would apply where an element, space, or facility on a passenger vessel is altered as part of a planned project.


The Need for Passenger Vessel Accessibility Guidelines. Private entities, and State and local governments covered by the ADA must ensure that the facilities they build or alter are accessible to people with disabilities. The Board’s guidelines specify the minimum level of accessibility in new construction and alteration projects and serve as the basis for enforceable standards maintained by the Department of Justice and Department of Transportation. Currently, the Board’s guidelines focus on facilities provided on landside sites. Passenger vessels are required to be accessible under the ADA, but no specific guidelines are currently available to inform the public about how to make passenger vessels accessible to people with disabilities.

Passenger Vessel Access Advisory Committee. To assist in developing passenger vessel accessibility guidelines, the Board created a 21-member advisory committee in 1998 to develop recommendations for passenger vessel accessibility guidelines. The Passenger Vessel Access Advisory Committee was made up of disability organizations, industry trade groups, State and local government agencies, and passenger vessel operators. The committee held nine meetings between September 1998 and September 2000. The committee submitted its final report “Recommendations for Accessibility Guidelines for Passenger Vessels” to the Board in December 2000.

Draft Guidelines -- First Draft (November 26, 2004). An ad hoc group of Board members reviewed the advisory committee’s report in depth and crafted a set of draft guidelines applicable to large passenger vessels (i.e., permitted to carry more than 150 passengers or more than 49 overnight passengers) based on the committee’s recommendations. Because the draft guidelines departed from the advisory committee’s report in several areas, the Board made a draft of the guidelines available for comment by the public. A notice of availability of the draft guidelines was published in the Federal Register (69 FR 69244; November 26, 2004). The Board requested information and feedback on the draft guidelines, including usability and cost data. At the same time the 2004 draft was released, the Board also published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) on small passenger vessels (69 FR 69245; November 26, 2004). In addition to seeking written comment, the Board held public hearings in Washington, DC and Los Angeles, CA.

ANPRM on Small Passenger Vessels. The ANPRM defined a small passenger vessel as one which carried 150 or fewer passengers, or 49 or fewer overnight passengers. Public comment was requested on four potential options which could be further developed by the Board to address access to and on small vessels. The options included:

  1. Require these small vessels to comply with the same design, construction, and alteration requirements applicable to larger vessels except where it is not operationally or structurally feasible. Where a provision is not operationally or structurally feasible, compliance would be to the maximum extent practicable. Under this option, the Board also sought comment on which particular provisions might be considered operationally or structurally infeasible.
  2. Require these small vessels to comply with chapter 12 (Subchapters C & T; New Construction Access Specifications for Small Passenger Vessels) of the advisory committee report.
  3. Develop general performance requirements which must be met when designing, constructing or altering smaller vessels. General performance requirements list objectives, rather than detailed design requirements, which must be accomplished to determine if a vessel is accessible. Examples of general performance requirements were included with the option.
  4. As these small vessels decrease in size or passenger capacity, this option sought comment to determine at what vessel size or passenger count did the application of the 2004 draft become infeasible.

Public Comments. Over 90 comments were received from the public in response to the publication of the 2004 draft and ANRPM. Key issues from the comments were identified for analysis. Issues regarding the 2004 draft included which vessels should be subject to the guidelines, employee areas, criteria for embarking and disembarking, high door thresholds (coamings), alterations, methods for swimming pool access, elevator car size, guest room scoping, dispersion of wheelchair spaces in assembly areas, and visual emergency alarms.

Comments focusing on the ANPRM ranged from requesting the Board to exempt small passenger vessels, to supporting option two and (to a lesser degree) option three. Many commenters recommended that the Board concentrate its efforts on addressing large passenger vessels first.

Draft Guidelines -- Second Draft. Based on public comments and other information collected by the Board, the Board made changes to some of the provisions in the 2004 draft. To facilitate the gathering of cost data necessary for the next step in this rulemaking which is the preparation of a regulatory assessment (costs and benefits) and a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), the Board is placing this revised draft in the rulemaking docket. In order to develop an accurate picture of the potential costs and benefits of this rulemaking, the Board intends to work closely with passenger vessel industry representatives and others who have data on both current cost and industry practices and the knowledge and skills to assess potential effects.

The Board is interested in receiving public comments on this entire second draft. Changes made in this draft from the November 26, 2004 draft are summarized below.

Relationship to ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG). In 2004, the Access Board revised ADAAG. Access concepts present in ADAAG were used by the Board, along with recommendations from the advisory committee, to create its November 2004 draft of the passenger vessel accessibility guidelines (PVAG). The Board plans to have ADAAG and PVAG as two separate documents. ADAAG addresses access for buildings and facilities, and PVAG addresses access for passenger vessels. However, both will overlap in the area of getting passengers on and off passenger vessels. In the Board’s future NPRM on PVAG, the Board will also be proposing to amend ADAAG to address this on/off issue. The Board plans that the ADAAG amendments will parallel the on/off requirements contained in V208 and V412 of this draft.

Rulemaking Process. As noted earlier, the Board creates guidelines under the ADA which serve as the basis for enforceable standards maintained by other agencies. To create final guidelines and enforceable standards, in general, the rulemaking process will comprise the following steps.

  • Board made draft guidelines available for public comment (2004);
  • Board makes a second draft available for public comment and collects regulatory assessment data (2006);
  • Board completes the regulatory assessment and publishes for public comment a NPRM on passenger vessel accessibility guidelines and amendments to ADAAG;
  • Board finalizes the vessel guidelines and ADAAG amendments, and updates the regulatory assessment based on the final guidelines and amendments;
  • DOT completes its regulatory assessment and publishes its NPRM to adopt the provisions from the vessel guidelines and ADAAG amendments into its enforceable standards; and
  • DOT finalizes its standards and updates its regulatory assessment based on the final standards.


Department of Transportation Rulemaking. During the comment period on the 2004 draft, the following issues received comment, but should be addressed by DOT when it publishes its NPRM:

  • Who is the administrative authority for US flag and foreign flag passenger vessels (since a number of provisions in the draft relate to determinations by the administrative authority)?
  • What criteria should be used for determining whether a passenger vessel is considered a new vessel or an existing vessel (e.g., date of keel laying or shipyard contract signing), and what effective date for the standards should be established which provides sufficient advance notice?
  • What responsibilities do landside facility owners (e.g., pier owners) have in providing accessible passenger boarding systems?
  • How should conflicts between provisions in this draft and foreign safety and accessibility standards be addressed?
  • How should conflicts between provisions in this draft and International Conventions (which the United States is a party) be addressed?
  • How should operational issues be addressed which do not fall under the Board’s jurisdiction (examples may include providing service animal relief areas, blockage of passageways with luggage and housing keeping carts, accessibility of shore side amenities offered by passenger vessel operators, tours, accessible guest rooms being used by non-disabled passengers, and providing portable shower and pool chairs)?

US Coast Guard. In a number of places, commenters on the 2004 draft noted potential conflicts with US Coast Guard requirements. Except for the coaming issue (see V404.2.5 discussion below) which is still being evaluated by the Board, we do not believe any conflicts remain. In most cases, what were identified as conflicts, were provisions which differed from Coast Guard requirements but did not conflict. For example, subchapter K of the Coast Guard regulations requires ceiling heights of 74 inches minimum but the draft in V307.4 sets the vertical clearance at 80 inches minimum. As the Coast Guard requirement is a minimum, no Coast Guard conflict exists if the clearance is raised to 80 inches. However, the V307.4 requirement may create an impact on the construction of new vessels which is one of many sections the Board will further evaluate in the vessel case studies mentioned below.

Figures. In this draft, only four figures are provided and are located in V404.2.5 of the draft. When the NPRM is published, additional figures will be placed within the text of the guidelines. As many of the requirements and the section numbering system found in this draft are identical to the requirements and section numbering system found in ADAAG, figures in ADAAG can be used to provide further assistance in understanding many of the provisions of this draft.


Summary of Changes. Changes made in this revised draft from the 2004 draft include:

  • adding advisory notes (most advisory notes are similar to those found in ADAAG);
  • adding definitions for tenders and ferries in V106.5;
  • applying in V201.1 the access provisions to certain tenders which carry 60 or more passengers and all ferries regardless of size, in addition to all passenger vessels which carry more than 150 passengers or more than 49 overnight passengers;
  • exempting areas used exclusively by employees in V203.2;
  • allowing platform lifts to be used in accessing tender loading platforms in V206.7;
  • adding an exception regarding onboard accessible routes connecting entry and departure points in V206.4;
  • requiring emergency alarms provided to alert passengers to comply with principles of best practice in V215;
  • removing references to detention facilities;
  • simplifying the swimming pool access provisions in V234;
  • adding a fourth exception which allows ¾ inch high vertical surfaces on the exterior side of certain weathertight doors in V404.2.5;
  • clarifying the accessible means of escape provisions in V410;
  • allowing manually powered boarding lifts to be used as a component in providing a complying passenger boarding system in V412;
  • allowing steeper gangways which have a maximum rise of six inches in V413.2;
  • clarifying the rinsing shower provisions in V608;
  • removing the requirement from V1005.2 that pool lifts be located where the water depth is less than 48 inches; and,
  • adding specific tender technical provisions in a new chapter 11.

Summary of Issues under Review. Issues that are still being evaluated by the Board include:

  • access to passenger amenities (V201.4);
  • accessible routes on vehicle decks of small ferries (V206.2.2);
  • passenger vessel boarding system components (V208);
  • wheelchair space dispersion in large assembly areas (V221);
  • guestroom scoping and technical provisions (V224);
  • weathertight door thresholds and coaming configurations (V404.2.5); and
  • elevator car sizes (V407).

Summary of Questions. A number of sections contain questions for which the Board is seeking public comment:

  • alterations (V202.3, Question 1)
  • operable part scoping for slot machines (V205, Question 2);
  • entry and departure points (V206.4, Question 3)
  • application of V410.3 to all elevators (V207, Question 4);
  • public seating areas (V221, Question 5);
  • width of sliding door tracks (V302.3, Question 6);
  • gangway surfaces (V413.4, Question 7); and
  • vessel case studies (see Vessel Case Studies section below, Questions 8 and 9).

Discussion of Provisions: Second Draft

The following discussion does not address every provision in this draft but addresses those provisions which differ substantially from the provisions in the 2004 draft, received significant public comment but were not changed, or are still under review.

Chapter 1: Application and Administration

This draft modifies chapter 1 in the following areas:

  • The title of section V104 was changed from “Conventions” to “Standard Practices” to avoid confusion over international conventions which apply to some passenger vessels.
  • The reference to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) was removed from V105.2 because SOLAS is not a standard but an international convention (and the SOLAS references in V207 and V410 were moved to advisory notes).
  • The reference to the National Fire Protection Association’s National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72) was removed from V105.2 because compliance with that document is no longer required.
  • Section V106.3 was changed in that it requires US Coast Guard regulations to be used to define terms not defined in this draft or defined in regulations issued by DOT and the Department of Justice (DOJ).
  • Section V106.5 was modified by removing the definition for accessible means of escape and passenger areas, adding definitions for ferries and tenders, and amending the definitions for evacuation station, gangway, and occupancy load. The definition for ferries came from US Coast Guard regulations found in 46 CFR 114.400. The definition for tender includes vessels that are used for both emergency and non-emergency purposes to transport passengers between passenger vessels and shore side facilities.

Chapter 2: Scoping Requirements

V201.1 Scope. This draft applies the passenger vessel accessibility guidelines to all areas of newly designed and constructed passenger vessels and altered portions of existing passenger vessels permitted to carry more than 150 passengers or more than 49 overnight passengers. These vessels are labeled as large vessels in this draft (V201.1.1).

In addition, unlike the 2004 draft, this draft applies access provisions to all sizes of ferries (V201.1.2) and certain tenders (V201.1.3). Covered tenders are those which carry 60 or more passengers, and are carried by or used primarily by large passenger vessels (i.e., those subject to V201.1.1). Ferries would have to comply with the same access provisions in chapters 1 through 10 applicable to large passenger vessels and tenders would only use chapters 1 and 11. Three advisory notes have been included with these sections.

Although the charging statement at the beginning of V201.1 applies the draft to all areas of a passenger vessel, various provisions in the draft limit the application. For example, section V203.2 exempts areas used exclusively by employees. Therefore, only passenger areas are subject to this draft. Within passenger areas, for example, V224 only requires a certain number of passenger guest rooms to comply with this draft.

Comment on the 2004 draft and the ANPRM on smaller vessels generally supported either not addressing small vessels at all or first addressing large vessels and then addressing smaller vessels. Although many tenders and ferries carry 150 or fewer passengers, because of the critical transportation function they perform, these types of vessels are being addressed in this draft. Water taxis are not included unless they are classified as ferries by the Coast Guard. For water taxis and other small passenger vessels, the Board plans to develop guidelines to address these vessels after this rulemaking is complete.

V201.4 Passenger Amenities. This section is unchanged in this draft. However, the Board is still evaluating the section’s impact on vessels not required to have vertical access between decks by an exception in V206.2.1. An advisory note has been included with this section.

V202.3 Alterations. This draft modifies exception 3(c). The exception allows alterations to provide accessibility to the maximum extent feasible where compliance with applicable provisions would result in a reduction in the structural integrity or fire resistance of a Class A or B bulkhead or deck surface. The 2004 draft applied the exception where an alteration would result in a violation of the minimum requirements established by the administrative authority.

A commenter noted that vessel designers or builders may choose for good reasons to exceed the regulatory minimums regarding structural integrity or fire resistance of a Class A or B bulkhead or deck surface. Therefore, in the commenter’s opinion, in the alteration of existing vessels, the 2004 draft should not reduce safety to the regulatory minimums and should contain the exception developed by the advisory committee. Exception 3(c) was modified to parallel the advisory committee recommendation.

Other key alteration concerns raised by commenters are discussed below.

  • Concern that the alteration provisions require immediate changes in existing passenger vessels.

Under these draft guidelines, accessibility improvements are only required when alterations are performed in existing vessels. The Board does not have jurisdiction over requirements for existing facilities that are otherwise not being altered, except for certain types of transit stations (key stations and intercity rail stations). Under the ADA, regulations issued by DOJ and DOT effectively govern requirements that apply to existing facilities. How, and to what extent, the Board’s guidelines are used for purposes of retrofit, including removal of barriers and provision of program access, is wholly within the purview of these departments.

Many exceptions in this draft which relate to the alteration of existing vessels have been rewritten to clarify their application. For example, in the 2004 draft, the exception in V407.2.1 stated that “existing elevators shall be permitted to have recessed call button”. In this draft, the exception states that “in alterations, existing elevators shall be permitted to have recessed call buttons”.

  • Concern about what actions constitute an alteration and what degree of access improvement is required.

Minor alterations do not trigger extensive retrofitting of existing vessels. To help the passenger vessel industry understand the alteration requirements of this draft, the Board plans to develop a question and answer format on alterations when it issues the NPRM.

Question 1: To assist the Board in developing this question and answer format, what types of alterations are generally performed on passenger vessels? What features of passenger vessels subject to provisions in this draft are typically replaced or rebuilt, and how often do these actions occur? To what degree are new midsections added to passenger vessels and which vessels have received new midsections in the last five years?

  • Concern that new construction requirements would apply regardless of the impact when alterations are performed in existing vessels.

Normally, when alterations are performed, section V202.3 would require conformance with the new construction requirements, unless an exception in V202.3 applies. For example, in an alteration where compliance with applicable requirements is technically infeasible, exception 2 allows the alteration to comply to the maximum extent feasible.

However, in some sections, the new construction provisions have exceptions which set out alternative access requirements which are allowed to be used in the alteration of existing passenger vessels. Use of these alternatives is allowed, except where the features being altered already conformed to the new construction requirements. In such cases, section V202.3.1 would prohibit a reduction in access below the new construction requirement.

V203 General Exceptions. This draft adds general exception V203.2 and states that areas of passenger vessels which are exclusively used by employees are not required to comply with this draft. An advisory note is also included which provides further clarification on what is a space exclusively used by employees. Also, for consistency with V203.2, throughout this draft the term “employees” replaces the terms “crew” and “service personnel” where used in the 2004 draft.

Commenters on this employee area issue generally stated a desire that the Board exempt employee areas or use the employee area provisions from chapter 10 of the advisory committee report. To simplify the rule and lessen its impact on small businesses and small governmental entities, the draft applies the access provisions to passenger areas where most users focused their comments. Although this draft exempts areas exclusively used by employees, for those employers subject to title I of the ADA, employers must still provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities working in such spaces.

In addition, this draft removes the general exceptions for refereeing, judging, and scoring areas, and raised boxing or wrestling rings because such features are not generally provided on passenger vessels or are not for passenger use.

V205 Operable Parts. This section is unchanged in this draft. However, the Board is evaluating the application of this section to situations where a large number of operable parts of the same type are provided in accessible spaces.

Question 2: The Board is aware that some passenger vessels have spaces which contain a large number of the same type of fixed elements, such as slot machines. In other sections of the draft guidelines, where multiple elements or spaces of the same type are provided, only a certain number are required to comply. For example, V224 does not require every guest room to be accessible, and V228 does not require every vending machine to comply with V309. Should the Board add an exception to V205 which would address situations where a large number of operable parts of the same type are provided in an accessible space? Should five percent, but not less than one, of each type be used? Besides gambling devices, are there other situations where a large number of operable parts of the same type are provided as part of fixed features of passenger vessels?

V206.2.1 Multi-Deck Passenger Vessels (Accessible Routes, Where Required). The content of this section has not changed in this draft, but exception 1 in the 2004 draft was divided into two exceptions for clarity reasons. Exception 1 now addresses passenger vessels which have two passenger decks, and exception 2 addresses passenger vessels where each deck is less than 3,000 square feet. The remaining four exceptions from the 2004 draft have been retained but are renumbered. An advisory note has been added and highlights that the term deck is defined in V106.5 and clarifies how the vertical access exceptions apply to mezzanine access.

One commenter expressed concern that under exception 5, passenger spaces below the bulkhead deck would not be required to be connected to a means of vertical access. The Board has not changed this exception because, if a unique passenger element, space or facility is located below the bulkhead deck, section V201.4 would require that a similar feature be placed on an entry deck or vertical access must be provided down to the feature. As V201.4 is still under evaluation, if changes are made, the Board will reevaluate exception 5.

V206.2.2 Spaces and Elements (Accessible Routes, Where Required). This section is unchanged in this draft. However, the Board is still evaluating the application of onboard accessible routes which must connect accessible features located on vehicle decks of small ferries.

The section addresses onboard accessible routes which connect elements and spaces located within a deck. A deck could contain one or more levels. Under this draft, each level would not be a separate deck, but a change in level within a deck. For example, a tender loading platform is a change in level within a deck. In general, as all passenger areas have to comply with this draft, each change in level is required to be connected by an onboard accessible route. In addition, where an elevator or other means of vertical access is not required by V206.2.1 from an entry deck to another deck, section V206.2.2 still requires that an onboard accessible route connect elements and spaces on that deck which are required to comply with this draft. An advisory note is included which highlights these points.

V206.3 Location. This draft simplifies the 300 foot requirement in V206.3. The section requires that an onboard accessible route connecting any two accessible spaces shall not be more than 300 feet longer than the shortest general circulation path connecting the same two spaces, instead of connecting any two points within the two spaces. A space is not only a room but other definable areas such as clear deck spaces and wheelchair spaces.

V206.4 Entry and Departure Points. This draft adds an exception to V206.4 which only requires one tender boarding platform on the port and starboard side of passenger vessels to be on an accessible route. The exception would not apply to tender boarding platforms provided at the sterns of such vessels. Therefore, if a vessel had two boarding platforms on the starboard side, two on the port side, and one on the stern, one platform on each side and the one on the stern must be connected to an onboard accessible route.

This section does not address embarking or disembarking to piers or other landside structures. It only addresses onboard circulation to these points where someone may enter or depart a vessel depending on which entry or departure point a vessel chooses to use in a particular situation. Section V208 addresses getting on and off a vessel.

Question 3: Are entry and departure points provided on passenger vessels which are not used to access piers and other landside structures, or tenders? Should tender platforms which only service smaller tenders (i.e., those not subject to V201.1.3) be required to comply with V206.4? Are some swim, dive, and tender platforms also used as end points in passenger boarding systems which connect passenger vessels to piers and other landside structures (for example, a pier gangway connected to a swim platform)?

V206.7 Platform Lifts. This draft adds a condition which allows platform lifts to be used in new construction to access tender boarding platforms. An exception is also included in the section which allows manually powered boarding lifts complying with V414 to be used instead of platform lifts complying with V409. This exception is allowed where platform lifts accessing tender boarding platforms are exposed to waves and the tender boarding platform is less than 300 square feet.

Comments on platform lifts focused primarily on operational matters and included questions regarding employee assistance in using a platform lift and when platform lifts could be locked or the power turned off. The draft requires a platform lift to be capable of independent entry, operation, and exit. This means that passengers must not have to wait for employees to arrive and unlock the lift or activate its power. However, where a platform lift is used to access a space which is not always open to passengers, such as a performing area, it would be acceptable to turn off the power or lock the platform lift when the space in question was not open to passengers. Lifts must not be installed which require employee assistance to use. However, operators are permitted to have employees available to assist all users of a platform lift (when assistance is requested).

V207 Accessible Means of Escape. This draft modifies V207 in the following areas:

  • The definition for accessible means of escape (AMOE) was removed from V106.5 and incorporated into V207.1.
  • Where more than one means of escape is required by the administrative authority from a space required to comply with this document, section V207.2 was changed to require the space to be served by at least two AMOE, instead of each accessible portion of the space to be served by at least two AMOE. This change was to make the provision consistent where only one AMOE is required.
  • The reference in V207.3 which allows sprinkler systems complying with SOLAS to be used in exceptions 1 and 2 was moved to an advisory note.
  • Advisory notes were added to V207.2 and V207.3.

Question 4: Although some changes have been made, the Board is still evaluating the AMOE provisions. The Board is aware of situations where the vessel’s emergency plan has employees directing passengers to higher decks where areas of refuge are located when certain emergencies (such as flooding) occur and the vessel is not required to have a means of vertical access. If a newly constructed vessel has an elevator, due to the requirements of V201.4 or V206.2.1, what is the impact of requiring all elevators to comply with V410.3? If platform lifts are provided, what is the impact of requiring all platform lifts to comply with V410.4?

V208 Passenger Vessel Boarding. This draft removes the reference to connecting land and replaces the term “land” with the term “landside structures”. The provision applies when embarking and disembarking from fixed piers, floating piers, or landside structures. The terms embarking and disembarking refers to all intermediate stops where passengers leave and reenter the vessel not just the starting point and ending point of a cruise or trip. As in the 2004 draft, an exception allows either the boarding system to be carried by the vessel or to be provided on piers or landside structures.

Commenters objected to requiring a conforming connection regardless of what pier a new vessel may use, imposing this requirement on both the vessel owners and pier owners, or requiring a conforming connection to vessels subject to this draft when new piers are built or existing piers are altered. Other commenters pointed out difficulties in connecting undeveloped land, or specific problems where steep gangways exist or very long gangways are required.

This draft requires a new vessel to have a conforming connection to piers and landside structures. The draft does not assign responsibility in terms of whether the vessel owner or landside owner is responsible to provide the connection.

Regarding the future ADAAG amendments, the Board is not planning to propose that new piers or landside structures provide accessible boarding systems to all covered passenger vessels. However, where boarding systems are provided by the landside entity, the boarding systems will need to comply with requirements similar to those found in V412. As noted earlier, DOT will be addressing whether boarding systems must be provided as part of a new construction project in its NPRM.

Aside from replacing the reference to land, the Board has not changed the content of V208, but is still evaluating the components listed in V412 which may be used to provide a conforming passenger boarding system. In the list, a manually powered boarding lift complying with V414 was added.

V213.2 Toilet Rooms and Bathing Rooms. This draft clarifies exception 1, in response to a commenter concern that the exception in the 2004 draft was possibly introducing a new standard for technical infeasibility. Exception 1 now states that “in alterations, where it is technically infeasible to comply with V603, the existing toilet rooms or bathing rooms shall comply to the maximum extent feasible in accordance with V202.3 exception 2, or provide a single unisex toilet room or bathing room complying with V213.2.1 that is located in the same area and on the same deck as existing inaccessible toilet or bathing rooms”.

V213.2.1 Unisex (Single-Use or Family) Toilet and Unisex Bathing Rooms. In response to a commenter concern, this draft clarifies how many water closets and urinals are required in unisex toilet and bathing rooms required by V213.2 to be accessible.

V215 Emergency Alarms. This draft modifies V215 by requiring emergency alarm systems which are provided to alert passengers to comply with principles of best practice. This is similar to a provision in ADAAG for medical care facilities which permits fire alarm systems in medical care facilities to be provided in accordance with industry practice. The 2004 draft required emergency alarm systems (both audible and visible) to be permanently installed and to comply with NFPA 72.

Commenters primarily focused on the desire to allow portable systems with enhanced capabilities as an alternative to requiring permanently installed visible alarms in public areas and in guest rooms required by V224.4 to have communication features. Aside from problems in interfacing visible alarm systems with public address systems over which audible alarms operate, these commenters noted benefits in using portable systems. Portable systems would allow technological advances to be more rapidly adopted which could provide better information during emergencies than permanently installed visible alarms. Portable systems would also allow more guest rooms to be covered than the two percent proposed in the 2004 draft. The same portable systems could also be used to communicate more effectively other information about shipboard activities to people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

The Board is also aware of how employees on passenger vessels play an important role in providing directions and addressing passenger needs during emergencies. This heightened role is more analogous to how hospitals notify its patients and is completely different from most other facilities on land.

As technology in this area is rapidly changing, this draft proposes that alarm systems comply with principles of best practice to alert passengers. Alarm systems which are in accordance with principles of best practice may contain capabilities which are more than just flashing lights and better meet the emergency needs of persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.

V219 Assistive Listening Systems. This section is unchanged in this draft. Some commenters may have been confused between the requirements of this section and the requirements for audible and visible alarms in V215. Section V219 requires, in certain assembly areas and public seating areas, that permanently installed assistive listening systems be provided. Where audio amplification is provided and is integral to the use of the space, such as in movie theaters, assistive listening systems will transmit the audio signal to a headset or other receiver to assist people who are hard of hearing in understanding the audio signal received by others through typical room sound systems. The permanent installation applies to the transmitters not the receivers.

Where a portable sound system is provided, section V219 does not apply. However, it may still be useful in helping entities meet their ADA obligations to provide auxiliary aids and services. Two advisory notes have been added to the technical provisions in V706 and provide more detail on the types of transmitters and receivers.

V221 Assembly Areas and Public Seating Areas. This section is unchanged in this draft. However, the Board is still evaluating the dispersion requirement in V221.2.3 and its application to large assembly spaces. Some commenters noted that unlike many large assembly spaces on land, passenger vessels have size constraints and meeting the dispersal requirements could cause an unacceptable loss in seating.

Question 5: Public seating areas contain fixed seats which are not at fixed tables and are areas not classified as assembly areas (see assembly area definition in V106.5). Such seats would typically be found on passenger vessels, such as ferries, which primarily provide a transportation service similar to a city bus or commuter rail vehicle. In the Board’s guidelines for transportation vehicles which apply to buses, vans, light rail, commuter rail and rapid rail, no companion seats are required and the number of wheelchair spaces is generally set at two. The Board seeks information regarding the impact in using table V221.2.1.1 to determine the number of wheelchair spaces required in public seating areas of ferries (particularly small ferries). In addition, regarding public seating areas, the Board seeks information regarding the impact of providing each wheelchair space with an adjacent companion seat that is positioned for shoulder to shoulder alignment, while ensuring the wheelchair spaces are an integral part of the seating plan and dispersed throughout the public seating areas of the vessel.

V224 Passenger Guest Rooms. This section is unchanged in this draft. However, the Board is still evaluating the scoping section and the technical provisions applicable to accessible guest rooms.

Commenters generally took opposite positions on the scoping for accessible guest rooms. Industry groups indicated the scoping was beyond the need experienced and should be reduced. Disability organizations and individuals described their experiences and indicated that there is an insufficient number of accessible guest rooms available. Commenters also said that a guest room equipped with mobility features is generally one and a half times the size of a standard guest room. Therefore, increasing the number of such accessible guest rooms will lead to a reduction in the total number of guest rooms available and related unacceptable revenue loss. Some commenters noted the need for wider doors at all guest rooms, not just accessible guest rooms.

V230 Detention Facilities. This draft removes the provisions concerning detention facilities which appeared in section V230 of the 2004 draft because such spaces are seldom provided in passenger vessels. With this change, the remaining sections of chapter 2 were renumbered and other references to detention facilities were removed from this draft.

V234.2 Swimming Pools. This draft simplifies the swimming pool access provisions in the following ways and reduces the number of exceptions from four to two:

  • As no swimming pool on a passenger vessel has been identified with 300 or more linear feet of pool wall, this draft simplifies the text and requires at least one accessible means of entry into each swimming pool, and the means will be either a pool lift or sloped entry.
  • An exception was removed which addressed situations where user access to a pool is limited to one area, because the exception is not applicable to swimming pools provided on passenger vessels.
  • An exception regarding clustered swimming pools was modified to include a “one of each type” condition. Therefore, where swimming pools are clustered, at least one of each type of pool needs to have a means of entry which is either a pool lift or sloped entry.

Comments from industry groups recommended allowing transfer systems to access swimming pools instead of pool lifts. As pool lifts provide access for a broader range of the population, as compared to transfer systems, the Board has not modified the requirement. Although the 2004 draft allowed sloped entries to be used instead of pool lifts, industry groups have indicated that due to space limitations on cruise ships, sloped entries would not be provided. This draft has retained the sloped entry option as newer vessel designs may allow their installation.

Concern was also raised about the arms of pool lifts (while subject to vessel motions) extending out over wide (shallow water) beach areas of the pool to reach deeper water. As observed in some existing vessels, this may be resolved by locating the deeper water near the forward or after ends of new pools. Pool wave action may also be less at the ends and may allow designs with no beach, as compared to the sides of the pools where wider beach areas may be needed.

A commenter also raised concern that different types of pools would not be required to have a pool lift or sloped entry. In this draft, exception 2 was modified to include a “one of each type” condition which did not exist in the 2004 draft.

Chapter 3: Building Blocks

V302.3 Openings (Deck Surfaces). This draft adds an exception that allows larger openings needed for deck drainage where the administrative authority determines that they are necessary. Openings not located within an accessible route shall be permitted to be increased, provided the size does not allow passage of a sphere more than ¾ inch in diameter.

Question 6: The Board has observed sliding doors (both manually operated and automatic) with tracks greater than ½ inch wide. Are marine sliding doors available which comply with V302.3? Does the location of the sliding door determine the size of the track? Are automatic sliding doors with fold down plates (that cover the track) appropriate for doors used by passengers?

V305.7 Maneuvering Clearance (Clear Deck Spaces). This draft removes the term “alcoves” from this section. In addition, it adds an exception concerning manually powered boarding lifts (see V414 discussion).

V309.4 Operation (Operable Parts). This draft adds an exception that allows the administrative authority to establish a maximum force for hardware on fire doors, watertight doors, or other doors where forces greater than 5 pounds are necessary.

Chapter 4: Accessible Routes, Accessible Means of Escape, and Accessible Passenger Boarding Systems

V403.6 Handrails (Walking Surfaces). This draft adds an exception which does not require rails (like guard rails) provided along walking surfaces for edge protection to comply with V403.6. An advisory note points out that rails installed for edge protection on passenger vessels may provide gripping surfaces but are not considered handrails.

V404.2.5 Thresholds (Manual Doors, Doorways, and Manual Gates). This draft adds exception 4 which allows weathertight doors to have non-beveled thresholds no higher than ¾ inch on the sealing side of the doors, where required by the administrative authority to meet weathertight door sealing requirements. To use the exception, the thresholds are required to contrast visually with adjacent deck surfaces either light-on-dark or dark-on-light.

The exception was added to address concerns from commenters that manually operated weathertight doors cannot properly seal against a sloped surface (whether a ramped surface or a beveled surface at 1:2) and a vertical sealing surface of ¾ inch is needed. As weathertight doors are often required where coamings are present, under this exception, this sealing surface would be allowed at the top of the ramps used at coaming equipped doors with double and single ramp access.

Although exception 4 has been included in this draft, the Board is evaluating, with the help of the Coast Guard, the scope of this exception, the degree weathertight doors may leak and not compromise vessel safety, and the second and third configuration of access set out in this draft. An advisory note has been included to explain the three configurations of access and how exception 4 applies in the first and second configuration (see also figures in V404.2.5 and V404.2.5.2). The Board is exploring whether certain manually operated weathertight hinged doors could be sliding doors and whether such weathertight sliding doors need a ¾ inch sealing threshold.

V404.2.9 Door and Gate Opening Force (Manual Doors, Doorways, and Manual Gates). This draft clarifies this section by removing the text regarding retractable latch bolts. This draft also adds exception 2 which includes the provision regarding fire doors and watertight doors from the 2004 draft and allows the administrative authority to make similar force opening determinations for other doors on passenger vessels. This allows higher force opening requirements to be established by the administrative authority to address unique vessel situations, such as closing doors or keeping doors shut due to the motion of a vessel.

V404.3 Automatic and Power-Assisted Doors and Gates. This draft clarifies how door clear openings apply to door leaves where breakout openings are required. In addition, it applies the break out requirements to doors which are part of an accessible means of escape, instead of doors which are part of a means of escape as in the 2004 draft. An advisory note is included which explains the purpose of breakout openings.

V405.2 Slope (Ramps). This draft adds exception 3 (see V414 discussion). Some commenters wanted the Board to use the ramp slopes in the advisory committee report which recommended steeper slopes for shorter ramps. The Board has not made that change.

V405.7.3 Length (Ramp Landings). This draft adds exception 2 (see V414 discussion).

V407 Elevators. This section is unchanged in this draft. However, the Board is still evaluating the elevator car size requirements. Comment was received requesting that the Board include all six car sizes provided in the advisory committee report. Four of the six were included in the 2004 draft and are in this draft.

V409.1 General (Platform Lifts). This draft adds a requirement that the design load of the platform lifts shall be at least 600 pounds. An advisory note is also included which recommends that the provisions in ASME A18.1, Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts, be used where applicable in the marine environment. ASME A18.1 is not directly referenced because A18.1 does not contain specific provisions for shipboard platform lifts.

V410 Accessible Means of Escape. This draft reformatted the provisions in V410.1 (General) and V410.2 (Exit Stairways) and is unchanged from the 2004 draft, except in the following four areas:

  • An advisory note was added to V410.1.1 to address requirements applied by the administrative authority to the accessible means of escape (AMOE).
  • An option to use a manually powered boarding lift was added to V410.1.2, as an AMOE may be routed to a tender boarding platform. The boarding lift may only be used where permitted by V206.7.
  • The same SOLAS clarifications made in V207 were made in V410.2 Exception 2 and V410.3 Exception 2.
  • The term “open” was clarified to apply to “stairways open to the weather” in V410.2 Exception 3 and “are accessed from areas open to the weather” in V410.2.2 Exception and V410.3 Exception 1. Covered areas can be considered open to the weather. An advisory note was added to V410.2.2 to explain the difference between areas of refuge and areas of temporary refuge.

V412.2 Components (Passenger Boarding Systems). This draft adds a manually powered boarding lift to the list of components which may be used to provide an accessible passenger boarding system required by V208.

V413.2 Slope (Gangways). This draft modifies exception one and allows gangways having only one run and rises which do not exceed 6 inches to use the running slope values in Table V413.2. The Table allows a maximum 1:8 slope where the maximum rise of a gangway is 3 inches. Exceptions 2 through 5 are unchanged from the 2004 draft. The above modification was made to address situations where short gangways are used to bridge the gap between a pier and vessel.

V413.4 Surfaces (Gangways). This section is unchanged in this draft. However, the Board is evaluating whether cleats should be allowed on gangway surfaces.

Question 7: The Board has noticed surfaces of gangways with raised narrow slats which are positioned perpendicular to the direction of travel. These slats have been referred to as cleats. Under V413.4, cleats would be prohibited on gangway surfaces. Are these cleats necessary to address slippery conditions? Are other methods available to address slippery conditions which do not require cleats or other raised surfaces on the gangways? What are the implications if the Board allowed cleats complying with V303.2 or V303.3?

V414 Manually Powered Boarding Lifts. This draft adds provisions for manually powered boarding lifts. The technical provisions are based on the manual boarding lift provisions developed for intercity rail cars and systems (36 CFR 1992.125), but V414 requires a larger platform, primarily when approached from the side. To maintain consistency with the intercity rail provisions, the following exceptions were added to sections in V305 and V405:

  • The exception to V305.7 allows platforms of boarding lifts to have a minimum width of 56 inches where the clear deck space (the platform) is approached at the long side.
  • Exception 3 to V405.2 allows ramps directly connected to boarding lifts to have a maximum slope of 1:8 provided the rise of the ramps does not exceed 3 inches.
  • Exception 2 to V405.7.3 allows the end of ramps directly connected to platforms of boarding lifts to have landings 48 inches long minimum. This allows boarding lifts to have 48 inch long or wide platforms depending on which side of the platform is connected to a ramp.

In this draft, the manually powered boarding lift is allowed to be used as a component in an accessible passenger boarding system. It is also allowed in accessing a tender boarding platform when platform lifts would be exposed to waves and the tender boarding platform is less than 300 square feet.

Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities

V604.6 and V604.9.5 Flush Controls (Water Closets and Toilet Compartments). This draft modifies two sections to address vacuum flush systems.

V608 Shower Compartments and Rinsing Showers. This draft clarifies how V608.5 through V608.8 apply to rinsing showers.

Chapter 7: Communication Elements and Features

V702 Reserved. In the 2004 draft, section V702 referenced NFPA 72 which contains technical specifications for visible and audible emergency alarms. As V215 in this draft requires compliance with principles of best practice, section V702 has been labeled as reserved.

Chapter 10: Recreation Facilities and Play Areas

V1005.2 Pool Lifts. This draft removes the requirement that pool lifts be located where the water level does not exceed 48 inches. This change was made because most shipboard swimming pools do not have levels deep enough to submerge a pool lift yet shallow enough to meet the 48 inch requirement. An advisory note is included which recommends that portions of pools, where pool lifts are located, have water depths that do not exceed 48 inches. This will allow the opportunity for someone to provide assistance from a standing position in the water to assist pool lift users.

Chapter 11: Tenders

This draft adds chapter 11 which contains technical provisions applicable to tenders which principally transport passengers between large vessels and landside facilities, and carry 60 or more passengers. The chapter requires:

  • at least two wheelchair spaces;
  • minimum dimensions for such spaces;
  • securement systems at each space;
  • an accessible route connecting each space with the passenger entry and departure points of the tender; and
  • a method complying with criteria established by the Department of Transportation to facilitate the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers with disabilities.

Passenger Vessel Case Study

Executive Order 12866 requires Federal agencies to submit certain regulatory actions to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, together with an assessment of the benefits and costs of the rule. The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze the impacts of rules on small entities and alternatives for minimizing any significant economic impacts. As part of the regulatory assessment and analysis of this rule, the Board will conduct case studies of passenger vessels that have been recently constructed or are currently under design or construction. The case studies will review the original designs of the passenger vessels to identify passenger features that would not meet this draft of the guidelines and propose new designs for the features that would meet the draft guidelines. The case studies will estimate the costs for the new designs and examine the impacts of the new designs on the vessel’s space, electrical power, fuel consumption, and stability.

The Board has completed sample case studies of a dinner boat and vehicle ferry to show the kinds of information that can be obtained by this method. The sample case studies have been placed in the rulemaking docket and are available on the Access Board’s website for review. The sample case studies are further discussed at the end of this section. Based on the information collected from the case studies and the comments received on this draft of the guidelines, the Board expects to further evaluate and possibly revise some provisions of the draft guidelines before publishing an NPRM.

When the first draft of the guidelines was made available in 2004, the Board analyzed data on passenger vessels that were constructed since 1997 and proposed a draft plan to conduct case studies of 9 passenger vessels. Based on this draft of the guidelines and responses to comments on the draft plan, the Board now proposes to conduct case studies of 14 passenger vessels as shown in the table below, including 2 additional cruise ships and 3 additional ferries.

Case Study Criteria


  • Post-panamax cruise ship, 1350 to 1600 cabins
  • Cruise ship, 1000 to 1200 cabins
  • Cruise ship, 100 to 200 cabins
  • Coastal cruise ship, 25 to 100 cabins


  • Vehicle ferry, 25 knots, 200+ passengers, 20+ vehicles
  • Vehicle ferry, 10+ knots, 1,000+ passengers, 60+ vehicles
  • Vehicle ferry, 10+ knots, 150+ passengers, 20+ vehicles
  • Vehicle ferry, 10+ knots, 150 or fewer passengers, 20 or fewer vehicles
  • Passenger only ferry, 25+ knots, 150+ passengers
  • Passenger only ferry, 10+ knots, 150+ passengers
  • Passenger only ferry, 10+ knots, 150 or fewer passengers


  • Large harbor dinner/sightseeing vessel, 3+ decks, 400+ passengers
  • Small harbor dinner/sightseeing vessel, 2+ decks, 150 to 400 passengers
  • Offshore excursion/ whale watching vessel, 2+ decks, 150+ passengers

The Board is interested in identifying passenger vessels that meet the criteria in the table above and that have been recently constructed or are currently under design or construction for the case studies. Vessel owners and operators are encouraged to contact the Board if they are willing to participate in the case studies.

Question 8: This draft includes provisions in V201.1.3 and V1102 through V1104 for tenders that carry 60 or more passengers. These provisions require at least two wheelchair spaces with securement systems; an accessible route to the wheelchair spaces; a method to facilitate boarding passengers with disabilities. Do tenders that have been recently constructed or are under design or construction provide wheelchair spaces with securement systems? What impacts will these provisions have on newly constructed tenders? Should the Board conduct a case study of a tender?

The International Council of Cruise Lines requested that a case study be conducted of a sailing cruise ship that carries 50 or more overnight passengers. The Board does not propose to conduct a case study of a sailing cruise ship because the International Council of Cruise Lines has not identified any vessels of this type that will be constructed within the next five years.

The Passenger Vessel Association and the American Gaming Association requested the Board to evaluate the impact of the draft guidelines on aisle widths in gaming areas on gaming vessels. Gaming areas would be considered assembly areas under the draft guidelines, and would be required to meet the provisions for wheelchair spaces in V221 and V802 where fixed seating is provided. The Board reviewed the plans for a gaming vessel, and determined that wheelchair spaces could be located and dispersed so as not to project into the paths of means of escape required by the US Coast Guard. The Board has also included a question in this draft seeking comment on whether at least five percent of each type of fixed element should be required to comply with the provisions for operable parts in V205 and V309 where areas in passenger vessels have a large number of the same type of fixed elements such as gaming devices. A clear deck space would have to be provided at operable parts that are required to comply with V205 and V309. The clear deck spaces can overlap each other and adjoining accessible routes, and portable seats can be located within the clear deck spaces. Thus, the draft guidelines are not expected to have any impact on aisle widths in gaming areas, and the Board does not propose to conduct a case study of a gaming vessel.

As noted above, the Board has completed sample case studies of a dinner boat and vehicle ferry . For the dinner boat case study, the Board contracted with a marine architect to identify passenger features in the original designs that would not meet the draft guidelines and propose new designs for the features that would meet the draft guidelines; and the vessel designer and vessel owner were given an opportunity to review and comment on the case study. For the vehicle ferry case study, the Board worked directly with the vessel owner to identify passenger features in the original designs that would not meet the draft guidelines and propose new designs for the features that would meet the draft guidelines. The Board prefers to work directly with vessel owners or operators and vessel designers for the remaining case studies and to contract with other experts as needed.

In the sample case studies, where new designs are proposed to meet the draft guidelines, the designs are identified as having significant impacts; incurring additional costs but not having significant impacts; or having minimal impacts. A design is identified as having a significant impact where the design would add more than 0.5 percent to vessel’s construction costs; would substantially reduce the vessel’s usable space or necessitate an increase in the vessel’s size; or would present major operational issues. A design is identified as incurring an additional cost but not having a significant impact where a specific cost can be attributed to the design but it does not meet the criteria for a significant impact. A design is identified as having a minimal impact where a specific cost cannot be attributed to the design and it will have little impact on new construction of the vessel. Examples of designs having minimal impacts include locating doors to provide maneuvering clearance without reducing usable space; configuring fixtures in toilet rooms to provide required clearances without increasing the size of the room; and lowering a portion of a service counter without reducing the total counter space area.

In the dinner boat case study, new designs are proposed for the following passenger features to meet the draft guidelines that would have significant impacts on the vessel: a limited-use/limited-application (LULA) elevator to connect the three passenger decks; a platform lift to connect a swim platform to the main deck; and single and double ramp access at doors with coamings. Additional costs would be incurred for new designs for the toilet rooms on the second deck, assistive listening systems, and accessible signs but these designs would not have significant impacts on the vessel. The elevator and new designs for the toilet rooms would reduce the usable space in the dining areas. The vessel would be lengthened by four feet to retain the same amount of usable space in the dining areas. The cost for constructing a new dinner boat based on the original designs is estimated at approximately $5.1 million. The new designs to meet the draft guidelines would add from $0.5 million to $0.6 million to the vessel’s construction costs, or a 10 percent to 12 percent increase. About 80 percent to 90 percent of the additional costs are attributed to the elevator and the lengthening of the vessel. The elevator and the lengthening of the vessel would also increase the vessel’s fuel consumption by approximately 3,000 to 4,500 gallons annually.

In the vehicle ferry case study, new designs are proposed for the following passenger features to meet the draft guidelines that would have significant impacts: a platform lift to connect the passenger amenities on the second deck to the entry deck; an accessible route within the main deck; and main deck slope. Additional costs would be incurred for new designs for toilet rooms, handrail extensions on gangways, wheelchair spaces in seating areas and at tables, a drinking fountain, and guardrails under certain stairways but these designs would not have significant impacts on the vessel. The cost for constructing a new vehicle ferry based on the original designs is estimated at approximately $8 million. The new designs to meet the draft guidelines would add from $206,250 to $256,250 to the vessel’s construction costs, or a 2.6 percent to 3.2 percent increase. About 75 percent to 80 percent of the additional costs are attributed to the platform lift. The accessible route within the main deck would result in the loss of four car spaces on the main deck.

Question 9: The Board seeks comments on the sample case studies. The Board is particularly interested in the following:

  1. Do the case studies adequately describe the impacts of the draft guidelines on the vessels?
  2. Are the cost estimates for constructing new vessels based on the original designs reasonable?
  3. Are the cost estimates for the new designs to meet the draft guidelines reasonable?
  4. How can the case studies be improved?
  5. Are the impacts described in the case studies representative of the impacts on other newly constructed vessels of the same type that are similar in design and size? If the impacts on similar vessels are different, please provide details on how the impacts differ.
  6. Are there existing dinner boats or dinner boats currently under design or construction that have or will have elevators or platform lifts? How much does the elevator or platform lift add to the vessel’s construction costs?
  7. How would a 10 percent to 12 percent increase in the construction costs for a dinner boat that is similar in design and size as the dinner boat in the case study affect the vessel owner’s or operator’s business?
  8. How do existing vehicle ferries or vehicle ferries currently under design or construction that are similar in design and size as the vehicle ferry in the case study address the need for an accessible route within the main deck?
  9. How would a 2.6 percent to 3.2 percent increase in the construction costs for a vehicle ferry that is similar in design and size as the vehicle ferry in the case study affect the vessel owner’s or operator’s business?
  10. Are there other methods the Board should consider for identifying the impacts of the draft guidelines on newly constructed vessels and estimating costs?

Chapter V1

V101 Purpose

V101.1 General.  This document contains scoping and technical requirements for accessibility to passenger vessels by individuals with disabilities.  The requirements are to be applied during the design, construction, additions to, and alteration of facilities and elements on passenger vessels to the extent required by regulations issued by Federal agencies under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

V101.2 Effect on Removal of Barriers in Existing Facilities.  This document does not address existing passenger vesselsunless altered at the discretion of a covered entity.  The Department of Justice has authority over existing passenger vessels that are subject to the requirement for removal of barriers under title III of the ADA.  Any determination that this document applies to existing passenger vessels subject to the barrier removal requirement is solely within the discretion of the Department of Justice and is effective only to the extent required by regulations issued by the Department of Justice.

V102 Dimensions for Adults and Children.  The technical requirements are based on adult dimensions and anthropometrics.  In addition, this document includes technical requirements based on children’s dimensions and anthropometrics for drinking fountains, water closets, toilet compartments, lavatories and sinks, dining surfaces, and work surfaces.

V103 Equivalent Facilitation.   Nothing in these requirements prevents the use of designs, products, or technologies as alternatives to those prescribed, provided they result in substantially equivalent or greater accessibility and usability. 

Advisory V103 Equivalent Facilitation.  The responsibility for demonstrating equivalent facilitation in the event of a challenge rests with the covered entity.  With the exception of transit facilities, which are covered by regulations issued by the Department of Transportation, there is no process for certifying that an alternative design provides equivalent facilitation. 

V104 Standard Practices


V104.1 Dimensions.  Dimensions that are not stated as “maximum” or “minimum” are absolute.


V104.1.1 Construction and Manufacturing Tolerances.  All dimensions are subject to conventional industry tolerances except where the requirement is stated as a range with specific minimum and maximum end points.

Advisory V104.1.1 Construction and Manufacturing Tolerances.  Conventional industry tolerances recognized by this provision include those for field conditions and those that may be a necessary consequence of a particular manufacturing process.  Recognized tolerances are not intended to apply to design work.

It is good practice when specifying dimensions to avoid specifying a tolerance where dimensions are absolute.  For example, if this document requires “1½ inches,” avoid specifying “1½ inches plus or minus X inches.”

Where the requirement states a specified range, such as in Section V609.4 where grab bars must be installed between 33 inches and 36 inches above the deck surface, the range provides an adequate tolerance and therefore no tolerance outside of the range at either end point is permitted.

Where a requirement is a minimum or a maximum dimension that does not have two specific minimum and maximum end points, tolerances may apply.  Where an element is to be installed at the minimum or maximum permitted dimension, such as “15 inches minimum” or “5 pounds maximum”, it would not be good practice to specify “5 pounds (plus X pounds) or 15 inches (minus X inches).”  Rather, it would be good practice to specify a dimension less than the required maximum (or more than the required minimum) by the amount of the expected field or manufacturing tolerance and not to state any tolerance in conjunction with the specified dimension.


Specifying dimensions in design in the manner described above will better ensure that facilities, spaces and elements on passenger vessels accomplish the level of accessibility intended by these requirements.  It will also more often produce an end result of strict and literal compliance with the stated requirements and eliminate enforcement difficulties and issues that might otherwise arise.  Information on specific tolerances may be available from industry or trade organizations and published references.

V104.1.2 Slopes.  All slopes are measured when the passenger vessel is in a static condition with design trim and heel.


V104.2 Calculation of Percentages.  Where the required number of elements or facilities to be provided is determined by calculations of ratios or percentages and remainders or fractions result, the next greater whole number of such elements or facilities shall be provided.  Where the determination of the required size or dimension of an element or facility involves ratios or percentages, rounding down for values less than one half shall be permitted.

V104.3 Figures.  Unless specifically stated otherwise, figures are provided for informational purposes only.

V105 Referenced Standards


V105.1 General.  The standards listed in V105.2 are incorporated by reference in this document and are part of the requirements to the prescribed extent of each such reference.  The Director of the Federal Register has approved these standards for incorporation by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.  Copies of the referenced standards may be inspected at the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC  20004.

V105.2 Referenced Standards.  The specific edition of the standards listed below are referenced in this document.  Where differences occur between this document and the referenced standards, this document applies.

V105.2.1 ANSI/BHMA.  Copies of the referenced standards may be obtained from the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association, 355 Lexington Avenue, 17th floor, New York, New York 10017 (

ANSI/BHMA A156.10-1999 American National Standard for Power Operated Pedestrian Doors (see V404.3).

ANSI/BHMA A156.19-1997 American National Standard for Power Assist and Low Energy Power Operated Doors (see V404.3 and V408.3.2.1).


ANSI/BHMA A156.19-2002 American National Standard for Power Assist and Low Energy Power Operated Doors (see V404.3 and V408.3.2.1).


Advisory V105.2.1 ANSI/BHMA.  ANSI/BHMA A156.10-1999 applies to power operated doors for pedestrian use which open automatically when approached by pedestrians.  Included are provisions intended to reduce the chance of user injury or entrapment.


ANSI/BHMA A156.19-1997 and A156.19-2002 applies to power assist doors, low energy power operated doors or low energy power open doors for pedestrian use not provided for in ANSI/BHMA A156.10 for Power Operated Pedestrian Doors.  Included are provisions intended to reduce the chance of user injury or entrapment.


V105.2.2 ASME.  Copies of the referenced standards may be obtained from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016 (


ASME A17.1- 2000 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, including ASME A17.1a-2002 Addenda and ASME A17.1b-2003 Addenda (see V407.1 and V408.1).


Advisory V105.2.2 ASME.  ASME A17.1-2000 is used for the design, construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, alteration, and repair of elevators and escalators.  The majority of the requirements apply to the operational machinery not seen or used by elevator passengers.  ASME A17.1 requires a two-way means of emergency communications in passenger elevators.  This means of communication must connect with emergency or authorized personnel and not an automated answering system.  The communication system must be push button activated.  The activation button must be permanently identified with the word “HELP.”  A visual indication acknowledging the establishment of a communications link to authorized personnel must be provided.  The visual indication must remain on until the call is terminated by authorized personnel.  The location in the vessel, the elevator car number, and the need for assistance must be provided to authorized personnel answering the emergency call.  The use of a handset by the communications system is prohibited.  Only the authorized personnel answering the call can terminate the call.  Operating instructions for the communications system must be provided in the elevator car.


V105.2.3 ASTM.  Copies of the referenced standards may be obtained from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Bar Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428 (


ASTM F 1292-99 Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment (see V1004.2.6.2).


ASTM F 1292-04 Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment (see V1004.2.6.2).


ASTM F 1487-01 Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use (see V106.5).


ASTM F 1951-99 Standard Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment (see V1004.2.6.1).


V105.2.4 NFPA.  Copies of the referenced standard may be obtained from the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169-7471 (


NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 Edition (see V207.3, V410.2, and V410.3).


V106 Definitions


V106.1 General.  For the purpose of this document, the terms defined in V106.5 have the indicated meaning.


Advisory V106.1 General.  Terms defined in section V106.5 are italicized in the text of this document. 


V106.2 Terms Defined in Referenced Standards. Terms not defined in V106.5 or in regulations issued by the Department of Justice and the Department of Transportation to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act, but specifically defined in a referenced standard, shall have the specified meaning from the referenced standard unless otherwise stated.


V106.3 Undefined Terms.  The meaning of terms not specifically defined in V106.5 or in regulations issued by the Department of Justice and the Department of Transportation to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act, or in US Coast Guard regulations, or in referenced standards shall be as defined by collegiate dictionaries in the sense that the context implies.

V106.4 Interchangeability.  Words, terms and phrases used in the singular include the plural and those used in the plural include the singular.

V106.5 Defined Terms.

Accessible.  A passenger vessel or portion thereof that complies with this part.

Addition.  An expansion, extension, or increase in the gross deck area or height of a passenger vessel.

Administrative Authority.  The US Coast Guard or other governmental agency that adopts or enforces regulations and guidelines for the design, construction, or alteration of passenger vessels.

Alteration.  A change to a passenger vessel that affects or could affect the usability of the passenger vessel or portion thereof.  Alterations include, but are not limited to, remodeling, renovation, rehabilitation, reconstruction, historic restoration, changes or rearrangement of the structural parts or elements, and changes or rearrangement in the plan configuration of bulkheads and partitions.  Normal maintenance, painting or wallpapering, or changes to propulsion, mechanical and electrical systems are not alterations unless they affect the usability of the passenger vessel.

Area of Refuge.  An area that is separated from the effects of fire and flooding where passengers can gather in an emergency, and then if necessary be directed to an evacuation station for disembarking a vessel.

Area of Sport Activity.  That portion of a room or space where the play or practice of a sport occurs.

Area of Temporary Refuge.  An area where people who are unable to use stairs may remain temporarily to await further instructions or assistance during emergency evacuation.

Assembly Area.  A passenger vessel, or portion thereof, used for the purpose of entertainment, educational or civic gatherings, or similar purposes.  For the purposes of these requirements, assembly areas include, but are not limited to, classrooms, passenger meeting rooms, motion picture houses, auditoria, theaters, playhouses, and dinner theaters.

Assistive Listening System (ALS).  An amplification system utilizing transmitters, receivers, and coupling devices to bypass the acoustical space between a sound source and a listener by means of induction loop, radio frequency, infrared, or direct-wired equipment.

Bulkhead Deck.  The upper most deck to which watertight bulkheads and the watertight shell extend.

Camber.  The curvature given to the weather deck surfaces to shed water readily, increase deck surface strength, and increase headroom clearance on the centerline for the deck below.  Also known as the rise or crown of a deck.

Catch Pool.  A pool or designated section of a pool used as a terminus for water slide flumes.

Characters.  Letters, numbers, punctuation marks and typographic symbols.

Children’s Use.  Describes spaces and elements specifically designed for use primarily by people 12 years old and younger.

Circulation Path.  An exterior or interior way of passage provided for pedestrian travel, including but not limited to, weather deck areas, passageways, elevators, platform lifts, ramps, stairways, and landings.

Closed-Circuit Telephone.  A telephone with a dedicated line such as a courtesy phone or phone that must be used to gain entry to a facility.

Coaming.  The vertical plating located at the base of a door for the purpose of stiffening the edges of the opening and resisting entry of water.

Cross Slope.  The slope that is perpendicular to the direction of travel (see running slope).

Curb Ramp.  A short ramp cutting through a curb or built up to it.

Deck.  A horizontal division of a passenger vesselwhich contains space designed for passenger occupancy and generally corresponds to a story in a building.  A horizontal division without enclosed space, such as a sundeck, is considered a deck even though it is not provided with a covering.  A deck containing one or more mezzanines has more than one deck level.

Element.  An architectural or mechanical component of a passenger vessel, facility, or space.

Elevated Play Component.  A play component that is approached above the ground level of the play area and that is part of a composite play structure consisting of two or more play components attached or functionally linked to create an integrated unit providing more than one play activity.

Entry Deck.  A deck which contains passenger entry and departure points which allow pedestrian passengers to embark or disembark a passenger vessel from fixed piers, floating piers or the land in non-emergency conditions.

Evacuation Station.  The end point in a path of escape travel on a passenger vessel.  Evacuation stations include life boat embarkation stations, life raft embarkation stations, or other places where passengers depart the vessel in an emergency.

Facility.  All or any portion of passenger vessels, structures, vessel improvements, elements, and pedestrian routes or vehicular ways located on a passenger vessel.

Ferry.  A vessel that: (1) operates in other than ocean or coastwise service, (2) has provisions only for deck passengers or vehicles, or both;  (3) operates on a short run on a frequent schedule between two points over the most direct water route; and (4) offers a public service of a type normally attributed to a bridge or tunnel.

Gangway.  A variable-sloped pedestrian walkway which consists of one or more runs.

Ground Level.  The level within a deck where a play area is located.

Ground Level Play Component.  A play component that is approached and exited at the ground level.

ITC.  International Tonnage Convention.

Mail Boxes.  Receptacles for the receipt of documents, packages, or other deliverable matter.

Mezzanine.  An intermediate level or levels between the deck surface and ceiling of any deck with an aggregate deck surface area of not more than one-third of the area of the room or space in which the level or levels are located.  Mezzanines have sufficient elevation that space for human occupancy can be provided on the deck level below.

Occupant Load.  The maximum number of persons that a space is permitted to accommodate. 

Operable Part.  A component of an element used to insert or withdraw objects, or to activate, deactivate, or adjust the element.

Pictogram.  A pictorial symbol that represents activities, facilities, or concepts.

Play Area.  A portion of a passenger vesselcontaining play components designed and constructed for children.

Play Component.  An element intended to generate specific opportunities for play, socialization, or learning.  Play components are manufactured or part of the vessel; and are stand-alone or part of a composite play structure.

Public Seating Area.  An area, other than an assembly area, where fixed seats are provided for passengers and dining or work surfaces are not provided.


Qualified Historic Passenger Vessel.  A passenger vessel that is listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or designated as historic under an appropriate State or local law.

Ramp.  A walking surface that has a running slope steeper than 1:20.

Running Slope.  The slope that is parallel to the direction of travel (see cross slope).

Sailing Vessel.  A vessel principally equipped for propulsion by sail even if the vessel has an auxiliary means of propulsion.

Sheer.  The fore-and-aft curvature from bow to stern of a ship’s deck surface as shown in side elevation.

Soft Contained Play Structure.  A play structure made up of one or more play components where the user enters a fully enclosed play environment that utilizes pliable materials, such as plastic, netting, or fabric.

SOLAS.  International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, to which the United States Government is a party.

Space.  A definable area, such as a room, toilet room, corridor, assembly area, open deck area, storage room, alcove, or lobby

Structural Members.  The components of the passenger vessel that give it its inherent strength, integrity, and resistance to damage.  Examples include, but are not limited to, the keel, keelson, stem and stern posts, frames, longitudinals, structural decks, structural and fire protection bulkheads, gussets, stanchions, columns, girders, beams, knees, trusses, and hull plating and planking.

Tactile.  An object that can be perceived using the sense of touch.

Technically Infeasible.  With respect to an alteration of a passenger vessel, something that has little likelihood of being accomplished because existing structural conditions would require removing or altering an essential structural member; or because other existing physical or vessel constraints prohibit modification or addition of elements, spaces, or features that are in full and strict compliance with the minimum requirements.

Tender.  A vessel that transports passengers for non-emergency purposes between passenger vessels and shore side facilities.

Transition Plate.  A sloping pedestrian walkway located at the end(s) of a gangway, or between gangways segments on a telescoping gangway.

TTY.  An abbreviation for teletypewriter.  Machinery that employs interactive text-based communication through the transmission of coded signals across the telephone network.  TTYs may include, for example, devices known as TDDs (telecommunication display devices or telecommunication devices for deaf persons) or computers with special modems.  TTYs are also called text telephones.

Use Zone.  The area beneath and immediately adjacent to a play structure or play equipment that is designated by ASTM F 1487 Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1) for unrestricted circulation around the play equipment and where it is predicted that a user would land when falling from or exiting the play equipment.

Vehicular Way.  A route provided for vehicular traffic.

Wheelchair Space.  Space for a single wheelchair and its occupant.


Chapter V2

V201 Application


V201.1 Scope.  All areas of newly designed and newly constructed passenger vessels and altered portions of existing passenger vessels shall comply with this document to the extent required by V201.1. 


Advisory V201.1 Scope.  The requirements are to be applied to all areas of a passenger vessel unless exempted, or where scoping limits the number of multiple elements required to be accessible.  For example, not all clustered single user toilet rooms are required to be accessible; those that are not required to be accessible are not required to comply with these requirements.


V201.1.1 Large Vessels.  Passenger vessels permitted to carry more than 150 passengers or more than 49 overnight passengers shall comply with Chapters 1 through 10.


Advisory V201.1.1 Large Vessels.  For US flag passenger vessels, the US Coast Guard (USCG) determines the number of passengers a vessel is permitted to carry.  This information is recorded in the vessel’s certificate of inspection (COI) which is required to be carried onboard the vessel.  Under USCG regulations, it is possible that a vessel could be capable of carrying more passengers then the COI allows.  However, the vessel owner may certificate a vessel to carry fewer than the maximum for business and regulatory reasons.


V201.1.2 Ferries.  Ferries shall comply with Chapters 1 through 10.

EXCEPTION:  Water taxis permitted to carry 150 or fewer passengers and that are not designated as ferries by the administrative authority shall not be required to comply with this document.


Advisory V201.1.2 Ferries.  This document applies to all new and altered ferries regardless of size or number of passengers permitted onboard. 


V201.1.3 Tenders.  Tenders carried by or used primarily by passenger vessels required to comply with V201.1.1 shall comply with Chapters 1 and 11.

EXCEPTION:  Tenders permitted to carry less than 60 passengers shall not be required to comply with this document.


Advisory V201.1.3 Tenders.  Tenders that are carried by or used primarily by large passenger vessels and that carry more than 150 passengers are only required to comply with chapters 1 and 11 and are not considered large vessels subject to V201.1.1. 


V201.2 Application Based on Facility Use.  Where a facility, room, or space on a passenger vessel contains more than one use, each portion shall comply with the applicable requirements for that use.


V201.3 Temporary and Permanent Structures.  These requirements shall apply to temporary and permanent facilities on passenger vessels.


Advisory V201.3 Temporary and Permanent Structures.  Temporary facilities covered by these requirements include, but are not limited to, reviewing stands, bleacher areas, stages, platforms and daises, fixed furniture systems, wall systems, and exhibit areas.


V201.4 Passenger Amenities.  At least one of each type of element, space, and facility required to comply with this document and used by passengers shall be on an entry deck or connected by an onboard accessible route to an entry deck.


Advisory V201.4 Passenger Amenities.  Types of elements, spaces, and facilities used by passengers include, but are not limited to, drinking fountains, seating, tables, counters, food service spaces, toilet rooms, and guest rooms.


In addition to the “one of each type” provision in V201.4, section V224.6 requires all passenger guest rooms that are required to comply with V806.2 to be located on the same deck(s) used to satisfy the “one of each type” requirement.  Also, sections V221.2.3.2 and V221.2.4 require all wheelchair spaces and companion seats to have a similar location.



V202 Existing Passenger Vessels


V202.1 General.  Additions and alterations to existing passenger vessels shall comply with V202.


V202.2 Additions.  Each addition to an existing passenger vessel shall comply with the requirements for new construction.  Each addition that affects or could affect the usability of or access to an area containing a primary function shall comply with V202.4.


V202.3 Alterations.  Where existing elements or spaces are altered, each altered element or space shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapter 2.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Unless required by V202.4, where elements or spaces are altered and the circulation path to the altered element or space is not altered, an onboard accessible route shall not be required.

2.  In alterations, where compliance with applicable requirements is technically infeasible, the alteration shall comply with the requirements to the maximum extent feasible.

3.  In alterations, each alteration shall provide accessibility to the maximum extent feasible where compliance with applicable provisions would result in:

(a) an increase in tonnage that changes the classification from 46 CFR subchapter K to 46 CFR subchapter H;

(b) a violation of the minimum requirements established by the administrative authority for the stability of the vessel;

(c) a reduction in the structural integrity or fire resistance of a Class A or B bulkhead or deck surface; or

(d) an increase in power load in excess of the existing power supply.


Advisory V202.3 Alterations.  Although covered entities are permitted to limit the scope of an alteration to individual elements, the alteration of multiple elements within a room or space may provide a cost-effective opportunity to make the entire room or space accessible.  Any elements or spaces of the passenger vessel or facility that are required to comply with these requirements must be made accessible within the scope of the alteration, to the maximum extent feasible.  If providing accessibility in compliance with these requirements for people with one type of disability (e.g., people who use wheelchairs) is not feasible, accessibility must still be provided in compliance with the requirements for people with other types of disabilities (e.g., people who have hearing impairments or who have vision impairments) to the extent that such accessibility is feasible.


V202.3.1 Prohibited Reduction in Access.  An alteration that decreases or has the effect of decreasing the accessibility of a passenger vessel below the requirements for new construction at the time of the alteration is prohibited.


V202.3.2 Extent of Application.  An alteration of an existing element, space, or area of a passenger vessel shall not impose a requirement for accessibility greater than required for new construction.


V202.4 Alterations Affecting Primary Function Areas.  In addition to the requirements of V202.3, an alteration that affects or could affect the usability of or access to an area containing a primary function shall be made so as to ensure that, to the maximum extent feasible, the path of travel to the altered area, including the rest rooms, telephones, and drinking fountains serving the altered area, are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, unless such alterations are disproportionate to the overall alterations in terms of cost and scope as determined under criteria established by the Attorney General.


V202.5 Alterations to Qualified Historic Passenger Vessels.  Alterations to a qualified historic passenger vessel shall comply with V202.3 and V202.4.

EXCEPTION:  Where the State Historic Preservation Officer or Advisory Council on Historic Preservation determines that compliance with the requirements for onboard accessible routes or toilet facilities would threaten or destroy the historic significance of the passenger vessel, the exceptions for alterations to qualified historic passenger vessels for that element shall be permitted to apply.



V203 General Exceptions


V203.1 General.  Passenger vessels shall be exempt from these requirements to the extent specified by V203.


V203.2 Employee Areas.  Areas of passenger vessels which are exclusively used by employees shall not be required to comply with this document.


Advisory V203.2 Employee Areas.  Where an accessible means of escape required by V207 runs through an employee space, only the circulation path in the space containing the accessible means of escape is subject to applicable accessibility requirements because the circulation path is not exclusively used by employees.


V203.3 Limited Access Spaces.  Spaces accessed only by ladders, catwalks, crawl spaces, manholes, hatches, or very narrow passageways shall not be required to comply with this document.


V203.4 Camber and Sheer.  Where necessary to meet camber and sheer needs of the vessel, running slopes and cross slopes shall comply with this document to the maximum extent feasible.


V203.5 Water Slides.  Water slides shall not be required to comply with this document.


V203.6 Raised Diving Boards and Diving Platforms.  Raised diving boards and diving platforms shall not be required to comply with this document.



V204 Protruding Objects


V204.1 General.  Protruding objects on circulation paths shall comply with V307.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Within areas of sport activity, protruding objects on circulation paths shall not be required to comply with V307.

2.  Within play areas, protruding objects on circulation paths shall not be required to comply with V307 provided that ground level accessible routes provide vertical clearance in compliance with V1004.2.



V205 Operable Parts


V205.1 General.  Operable parts on elements required to comply with this document,on onboard accessible routes, and in rooms or spaces required to comply with this document shall comply with V309.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Operable parts that are intended for use only by employees shall not be required to comply with V309.

2.  Electrical or communication receptacles serving a dedicated use shall not be required to comply with V309.

3.  Where two or more outlets are provided in a kitchen above a length of counter top that is uninterrupted by a sink or appliance, one outlet shall not be required to comply with V309.

4.  Deck surface electrical receptacles shall not be required to comply with V309.

5.  HVAC diffusers shall not be required to comply with V309.

6.  Except for light switches, where redundant controls are provided for a single element, one control in each space shall not be required to comply with V309.

7.  Exercise machines shall not be required to comply with V309.


Advisory V205.1 General.  Controls covered by V205.1 include, but are not limited to, light switches, circuit breakers, duplexes and other convenience receptacles, environmental and appliance controls, plumbing fixture controls, and security and intercom systems.



V206 Onboard Accessible Routes


V206.1 General.  Onboard accessible routes shall be provided in accordance with V206 and shall comply with Chapter 4.


V206.2 Where Required.  Onboard accessible routes shall be provided where required by V206.2.


V206.2.1 Multi-Deck Passenger Vessels.  At least one onboard accessible route shall connect each passenger deck and mezzanine in multi-deck passenger vessels.  Where passenger vessels have multiple entry decks, at least one onboard accessible route shall connect each entry deck.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Passenger vessels that have only two passenger decks shall not be required to provide an onboard accessible route to connect the decks unless both decks are entry decks.

2.  Where each passenger deck is less than 3000 square feet (279 m2), the passenger vessel shall not be required to provide an onboard accessible route connecting passenger decks that are not entry decks.

3.  Decks, other than entry decks, that have less than 300 (28 m2) square feet per deck shall not be required to be connected to an onboard accessible route.

4.  Where vehicle lanes for trucks, buses or other high clearance vehicles divide a higher deck, other than entry decks, into two separate segments and no horizontal circulation is provided between these two segments, only one segment of the divided deck is required to be connected by an onboard accessible route.

5.  Decks below the bulkhead deck are not required to be connected to an onboard accessible route. 

6.  Where exceptions for alterations to qualified historic passenger vessels are permitted by V202.5, an onboard accessible route shall not be required between decks.


Advisory V206.2.1 Multi-Deck Passenger VesselsDeck is a defined term in this document (see V106.5).  Under section V206.2.1, all passenger decks and mezzanines must be connected to an onboard accessible route in multi-deck vessels, unless an exception applies.  Where an exception applies and a deck is not required to be connected to an elevator or other means of vertical access, the mezzanine on that deck is also not required to be connected to a means of vertical access.  However, the exceptions do not exempt the elements and spaces located within such decks and mezzanines from compliance with this document.  For example, a drinking fountain on a passenger deck not connected by an elevator or other means of vertical access must still comply with V211 (and V206.2.2).


V206.2.1.1 Stairs and Escalators in Existing Passenger Vessels.  In alterations and additions, where an escalator or stair is provided where none existed previously and major structural modifications are necessary for the installation, at least one onboard accessible route shall be provided between the levels served by the escalator or stair unless exempted by V206.2.1 Exceptions 1 through 6.


V206.2.2 Spaces and Elements.  Within a deck, at least one onboard accessible route shall connect all spaces and elements within the passenger vessel required to comply with this document which are otherwise connected by a circulation path, unless exempted by V206.2.1 Exceptions 1 through 6. 


EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In assembly areas with fixed seating required to comply with V221, an onboard accessible route shall not be required to serve fixed seating where wheelchair spaces required to be on an onboard accessible route are not provided.

2.  Onboard accessible routes shall not be required to connect mezzanines where passenger vessels have no more than one passenger deck.  In addition, onboard accessible routes shall not be required to connect decks or mezzanines where multi-deck passenger vessels are exempted by V206.2.1 Exceptions 1 through 6.


Advisory V206.2.2 Spaces and Elements.  Accessible routes must connect all spaces and elements required to be accessible including changes in level (e.g., tender platforms, raised dinning areas, and speaker platforms) within the deck.  Where an elevator or other means of vertical access is not required by V206.2.1 to a passenger deck, the requirements of V206.2.2 still apply within that deck.


V206.2.3 Restaurants and Cafeterias.  In restaurants and cafeterias, at least one onboard accessible route shall be provided to all dining areas, including raised or sunken dining areas, and outdoor dining areas.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In passenger vessels not required to provide an onboard accessible route between decks, an onboard accessible route shall not be required to a mezzanine dining area where the mezzanine contains less than 25 percent of the total combined area for seating and dining and where the same decor and services are provided in the accessible area.

2.  In alterations, an onboard accessible route shall not be required to existing raised or sunken dining areas, or to all parts of existing outdoor dining areas where the same services and decor are provided in a space required to comply with this document and not restricted to use by people with disabilities.


Advisory V206.2.3 Restaurants and Cafeterias Exception 2.  Examples of “same services” include, but are not limited to, bar service, rooms having smoking and non-smoking sections, lotto and other table games, carry-out, and buffet service.  Examples of “same decor” include, but are not limited to, seating at or near windows and railings with views, areas designed with a certain theme, party and banquet rooms, and rooms where entertainment is provided.


V206.2.4 Performance Areas.  Where a circulation path directly connects a performance area to an assembly seating area, at least one onboard accessible route shall directly connect the assembly seating area with the performance area.


V206.2.5 Bowling Lanes.  Where bowling lanes are provided, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one of each type of bowling lane, shall be on an onboard accessible route.


V206.2.6 Court Sports.  In court sports, at least one onboard accessible route shall directly connect both sides of the court.


V206.2.7 Exercise Machines and Equipment.  Exercise machines and equipment required to comply with V230 shall be on an onboard accessible route.


V206.2.8 Miniature Golf Facilities.  Holes required to comply with V231.2, including the start of play, shall be on an onboard accessible route.  Accessible routes serving miniature golf facilities shall comply with Chapter 4 except as modified by V1003.2.


V206.2.9 Play Areas.  Play areas shall provide onboard accessible routes in accordance with V206.2.9.  Accessible routes serving play areas shall comply with Chapter 4 except as modified by V1004.2.


V206.2.9.1 Ground Level and Elevated Play Components.  At least one onboard accessible route shall be provided within the play area.  The onboard accessible route shall connect ground level play components required to comply with V232.2.1 and elevated play components required to comply with V232.2.2, including entry and exit points of the play components.


V206.2.9.2 Soft Contained Play Structures.  Where three or fewer entry points are provided for soft contained play structures, at least one entry point shall be on an onboard accessible route.  Where four or more entry points are provided for soft contained play structures, at least two entry points shall be on an onboard accessible route.


V206.3 Location.  Onboard accessible routes shall coincide with or be located in the same area as general circulation paths.  Where circulation paths are interior, required onboard accessible routes shall also be interior.  An onboard accessible route connecting any two spaces required to comply with this document shall not be more than 300 feet (91 m) longer than the shortest general circulation path connecting the same two spaces.


V206.4 Entry and Departure Points.  Each entry and departure point used by passengers shall be on an onboard accessible route.

EXCEPTION:  Only one tender boarding platform on the port and starboard side of the vessel is required to be on an onboard accessible route.


V206.5 Doors, Doorways, and Gates.  Doors, doorways, and gates providing user passage shall be provided in accordance with V206.5.


V206.5.1 Deck Entry and Departure.  Where doors, doorways, or gates are provided at entry and departure points required to comply with V206.4, at least one door, doorway, or gate shall comply with V404.


V206.5.2 Rooms and Spaces.  Within a passenger vessel, at least one door, doorway, or gate serving each room or space complying with these requirements shall comply with V404.


V206.6 Elevators.  Elevators provided for passengers shall comply with V407.  Where multiple elevators are provided, each elevator shall comply with V407.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In a passenger vessel permitted to use the exceptions to V206.2.1 or permitted by V206.7 to use a platform lift, elevators complying with V408 shall be permitted.

2.  In passenger vessels less than 10,000 ITC tons, elevators complying with V408 shall be permitted.


Advisory V206.6 Elevators Exception 2.  The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (ITC) is a treaty to which the United States is a party.  “Tonnage" is a commonly-used measurement of a ship's size and is used for various international and domestic purposes (e.g., determining taxes, pilotage and port fees, manning, licensing and training of officers and crew, and shipboard equipment).  These guidelines use the measurement system established by the ITC for determining where limited-use-limited-application elevators are permitted to be used when providing vertical access.


V206.6.1 Existing Elevators.  Where elements of existing elevators are altered, the same element shall also be altered in all elevators that are programmed to respond to the same hall call control as the altered elevator and shall comply with the requirements of V407 or V408 for the altered element.


V206.7 Platform Lifts.  Platform lifts shall comply with V409.  Platform lifts shall be permitted as a component of an onboard accessible route in new construction in accordance with V206.7. 

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, platform lifts shall be permitted as a component of any onboard accessible route.


V206.7.1 Performance Areas and Speakers’ Platforms.  Platform lifts shall be permitted to provide onboard accessible routes to performance areas and speakers’ platforms.


V206.7.2 Wheelchair Spaces.  Platform lifts shall be permitted to provide an onboard accessible route to comply with the wheelchair space dispersion and line-of-sight requirements of V221 and V802.


V206.7.3 Vertical Clearance Constraints.  Platform lifts shall be permitted where vertical clearance constraints on a route a passenger vessel operates makes the use of an elevator infeasible.


V206.7.4 Passenger Guest Rooms.  Platform lifts shall be permitted to connect levels within guest rooms required to provide mobility features complying with V806.2.


V206.7.5 Decks Less Than 3000 Square Feet.  Platform lifts shall be permitted to provide an onboard accessible route to decks which are less than 3000 square feet (279 m2).


V206.7.6 Play Areas.  Platform lifts shall be permitted to provide onboard accessible routes to play components or soft contained play structures.


V206.7.7 Tender Platforms.  Platform lifts shall be permitted to provide an onboard accessible route to tender boarding platforms.

EXCEPTION:  Where platform lifts serving tender boarding platforms are exposed to waves and the tender boarding platforms are less than 300 square feet (28 m2), manually powered boarding lifts complying with V414 shall be permitted.


V206.8 Security Barriers.  Security barriers, including but not limited to, security bollards and security check points shall not obstruct a required onboard accessible route or accessible means of escape.

EXCEPTION:  Where security barriers incorporate elements that cannot comply with these requirements such as certain metal detectors, fluoroscopes, or other similar devices, the onboard accessible route shall be permitted to be located adjacent to security screening devices.  The onboard accessible route shall permit persons with disabilities passing around security barriers to maintain visual contact with their personal items to the same extent provided others passing through the security barrier.



V207 Accessible Means of Escape


V207.1 General.  Accessible means of escape shall be provided in accordance with V207.  Each accessible means of escape shall be a continuous path of escape travel complying with V410 to an evacuation station.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, accessible means of escape shall not berequired.


V207.2 Number Required.  Where one means of escape is required by the administrative authority from a space required to comply with this document, the space shall be served by at least one accessible means of escape.  Where more than one means of escape is required by the administrative authority from a space required to comply with this document, the space shall be served by at least two accessible means of escape. 

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where a required means of escape is permitted by the administrative authority to include a ladder, window, or deck scuttle, the corresponding accessible means of escape shall not be required.

2.  Where requiredmeans of escape are permitted by the administrative authority to share a common path of escape travel, the corresponding accessible means of escape shall be permitted to share a common path of escape travel.


Advisory V207.2 Required Number.  For US flag passenger vessels, the US Coast Guard (USCG) is the administrative authority for determining the number of means of escape which are required from a space.  For each space required to comply with this document, the USCG number (for the applicable space) is used to determine the number of accessible means of escape complying with V410 which must be provided.


V207.3 Elevators.  Where an accessible means of escape from any passenger deck travels vertically four or more decks, at least one accessible means of escape from each passenger deck shall contain an elevator complying with V206.6 and V410.3. 

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where vessels are protected by an automatic sprinkler system complying with NFPA 13 (incorporated by reference, see V105.2.4) or an international convention that applies to passenger vessels that the United States is a party to, the elevator is not required to connect decks that:  (1) are located above the highest deck containing evacuation stations, and (2) have at least two main vertical zones complying with requirements established by the administrative authority.

2.  Where vessels are protected by an automatic sprinkler system complying with NFPA 13 (incorporated by reference, see V105.2.4) or an international convention that applies to passenger vessels that the United States is a party to, the elevator shall not be required to those decks connected by a ramp complying with V405.

3.  Where vertical access is not required by an exception under V206.2.1, an elevator shall not be required.


Advisory V207.3 Elevators.  The elevator required by this section is intended to be crew operated in an emergency.  The Marine Safety Committee Circular 846 of the International Maritime Organization provides that in emergencies, lifts (elevators) may be used as an additional means of escape provided that they are controlled by the assigned member of the crew and are supplied from the ships emergency source of power.  Elevators required by V206.2.1 may also be used to comply with this section provided the elevators also comply with V410.3.


Advisory V207.3 Elevators Exceptions 1 and 2.  The automatic sprinkler system requirements in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) would satisfy the conditions of exceptions 1 and 2.  Information on SOLAS may be obtained from the International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embarkment, London SE1 7SR United Kingdom (



V208 Passenger Vessel Boarding. 


V208.1 General.  Where passenger vessels are embarking or disembarking passengers from fixed piers, floating piers, or landside structures, at least one passenger boarding system complying with V412 shall connect an entry deck to fixed piers, floating piers, or landside structures.

EXCEPTION:  Where a boarding system complying with V412 is provided on a floating pier, fixed pier, or landside structure, a vessel carried boarding system is not required.



V209 Stairways


V209.1 General.  Interior and exterior stairs connecting levels not connected by an onboard accessible route shall comply with V502.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In assembly areas, aisle stairs shall not be required to comply with V502.

2.  Stairs that connect play components shall not be required to comply with V502.



V210 Rinsing Showers


V210.1 General.  Where provided, rinsing showers shall comply with V608.

EXCEPTION:  Where rinsing showers are clustered at a single location, at least one shall comply with V608.



V211 Drinking Fountains


V211.1 General.  Where provided on a deck, drinking fountains shall be provided in accordance with V211.


V211.2 Minimum Number.  No fewer than two drinking fountains shall be provided.  One drinking fountain shall comply with V602.1 through V602.6 and one drinking fountain shall comply with V602.7.

EXCEPTION:  Where a single drinking fountain complies with V602.1 through V602.6 and V602.7 it shall be permitted to be substituted for two separate drinking fountains. 


V211.3 More Than Minimum Number.  Where more than the minimum number of drinking fountains specified in V211.2 is provided, 50 percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with V602.1 through V602.6 and 50 percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with V602.7.

EXCEPTION:  Where 50 percent of the drinking fountains yields a fraction, 50 percent shall be permitted to be rounded up or down provided that the total number of drinking fountains complying with V211 equals 100 percent of drinking fountains.



V212 Kitchens, Kitchenettes, and Sinks


V212.1 General.  Where provided, kitchens, kitchenettes, and sinks shall comply with V212.1.


V212.2 Kitchens and Kitchenettes.  Kitchens and kitchenettes shall comply with V804.


V212.3 Sinks.  Where sinks are provided, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type provided in each room or space required to comply with this document shall comply with V606.

EXCEPTION:  Mop or service sinks shall not be required to comply with V212.3.



V213 Toilet Facilities and Bathing Facilities


V213.1 General.  Where toilet facilities and bathing facilities are provided, they shall comply with V213.


V213.2 Toilet Rooms and Bathing Rooms.  Where toilet rooms are provided, each toilet room shall comply with V603.  Where bathing rooms are provided, each bathing room shall comply with V603.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In alterations, where it is technically infeasible to comply with V603, the existing toilet rooms or bathing rooms shall comply to the maximum extent feasible in accordance with V202.3 exception 2, or provide a single unisex toilet room or bathing room complying with V213.2.1 that is located in the same area and on the same deck as existing inaccessible toilet or bathing rooms.

2.  Where exceptions for alterations to qualified historic passenger vessels are permitted by V202.5, no fewer than one toilet room for each sex complying with V603 or one unisex toilet room complying with V213.2.1 shall be provided.

3.  Where multiple single user portable toilet or bathing units are clustered at a single location, no more than 5 percent of the toilet units and bathing units at each cluster shall be required to comply with V603.  Portable toilet units and bathing units complying with V603 shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with V703.7.2.1.

4.  Where multiple single user toilet rooms are clustered at a single location, no more than 50 percent of the single user toilet rooms for each use at each cluster shall be required to comply with V603.


Advisory V213.2 Toilet Rooms and Bathing Rooms.  These requirements allow the use of unisex (or single-user) toilet rooms in alterations when technical infeasibility can be demonstrated.  Unisex toilet rooms benefit people who use opposite sex personal care assistants.  For this reason, it is advantageous to install unisex toilet rooms in addition to accessible single-sex toilet rooms in new facilities.


Advisory V213.2 Toilet Rooms and Bathing Rooms Exceptions 3 and 4.  A “cluster” is a group of toilet rooms proximate to one another.  Generally, toilet rooms in a cluster are within sight of, or adjacent to, one another.


V213.2.1 Unisex (Single-Use or Family) Toilet and Unisex Bathing Rooms.  Unisex toilet rooms shall contain one lavatory and either one water closet or one water closet and one urinal.  Unisex bathing rooms shall contain one lavatory, one water closet and either one shower or one shower and one bathtub.  Doors to unisex toilet rooms and unisex bathing rooms shall have privacy latches.


V213.3 Plumbing Fixtures and Accessories.  Plumbing fixtures and accessories provided in a toilet room or bathing room required to comply with V213.2 shall comply with V213.3.


V213.3.1 Toilet Compartments (Stalls).  Where toilet compartments are provided, at least one toilet compartment shall comply with V604.8.1.  In addition to the compartment required to comply with V604.8.1, at least one compartment shall comply with V604.8.2 where six or more toilet compartments are provided, or where the combination of urinals and water closets totals six or more fixtures.


Advisory V213.3.1 Toilet Compartments.  A toilet compartment is a partitioned space that is located within a toilet room, and that normally contains no more than one water closet.  A toilet compartment may also contain a lavatory.  A lavatory is a sink provided for hand washing.  Full-height partitions and door assemblies can comprise toilet compartments where the minimum required spaces are provided within the compartment.


V213.3.2 Water Closets.  Where water closets are provided, at least one shall comply with V604.


V213.3.3 Urinals.  Where more than one urinal is provided, at least one shall comply with V605.


V213.3.4 Lavatories.  Where lavatories are provided, at least one shall comply with V606 and shall not be located in a toilet compartment.


V213.3.5 Mirrors.  Where mirrors are provided, at least one shall comply with V603.3.


V213.3.6 Bathing Facilities.  Where bathtubs or showers are provided, at least one bathtub complying with V607 or at least one shower complying with V608 shall be provided.


V213.3.7 Coat Hooks and Shelves.  Where coat hooks or shelves are provided in toilet rooms without toilet compartments, at least one of each type shall comply with V603.4.  Where coat hooks or shelves are provided in toilet compartments, at least one of each type complying with V604.8.3 shall be provided in toilet compartments required to comply with V213.3.1.  Where coat hooks or shelves are provided in bathing facilities, at least one of each type complying with V603.4 shall serve fixtures required to comply with V213.3.6.



V214 Washing Machines and Clothes Dryers


V214.1 General.  Where provided, washing machines and clothes dryers shall comply with V214.


V214.2 Washing Machines.  Where three or fewer washing machines are provided, at least one shall comply with V611.  Where more than three washing machines are provided, at least two shall comply with V611.


V214.3 Clothes Dryers.  Where three or fewer clothes dryers are provided, at least one shall comply with V611.  Where more than three clothes dryers are provided, at least two shall comply with V611.



V215 Emergency Alarm Systems


V215.1 General.  Where emergency alarm systems are provided to alert passengers, alarms shall comply with V215.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, compliance with V215 shall not be required except where an existing alarm system is upgraded or replaced, or a new alarm system is installed.


V215.2 Public Areas.  Alarms in public areas shall comply with principles of best practice.


V215.3 Guest Rooms.  Guest rooms required to comply with V224.4 shall provide alarms complying with principles of best practice.



V216 Signs


V216.1 General.  Signs shall be provided in accordance with V216 and shall comply with V703.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Vessel directories, menus, seat and row designations in assembly areas, occupant names, vessel names, and company names and logos shall not be required to comply with V216.

2.  In parking facilities, signs shall not be required to comply with V216.2, V216.3, and V216.6 through V216.9.

3.  Temporary, 7 days or less, signs shall not be required to comply with V216.


V216.2 Designations.  Interior and exterior signs identifying permanent rooms and spaces shall comply with V703.1, V703.2, and V703.5.  Where pictograms are provided as designations of permanent interior rooms and spaces, the pictograms shall comply with V703.6 and shall have text descriptors complying with V703.2 and V703.5.

EXCEPTION:  Exterior signs that are not located at the door to the space they serve shall not be required to comply with V703.2.


Advisory V216.2 Designations.  Section V216.2 applies to signs that provide designations, labels, or names for rooms or spaces where the sign is not likely to change over time.  Examples include signs labeling restrooms, room and deck numbers or letters, and room names.  Tactile text descriptors are required for pictograms that are provided to label or identify a permanent room or space.  Pictograms that provide information about a room or space, such as “no smoking,” occupant logos, and the International Symbol of Accessibility, are not required to have text descriptors.


V216.3 Directional and Informational Signs.  Signs that provide direction to or information about spaces and facilities of the passenger vessel shall comply with V703.5.


Advisory V216.3 Directional and Informational Signs.  Information about interior spaces and facilities includes rules of conduct, occupant load, and similar signs.  Signs providing direction to rooms or spaces include those that identify escape routes.


V216.4 Means of Escape.  Signs for means of escape shall comply with V216.4.


V216.4.1 Exit Doors.  Exit doors identified with illuminated exit signs shall be identified by tactile signs complying with V703.1, V703.2, and V703.5.


V216.4.2 Areas of Temporary Refuge.  Areas of temporary refuge shall comply with V216.4.2.


V216.4.2.1 Identification.  Each door providing access to an area of temporary refuge from an adjacent deck area shall be identified by a sign complying with V703.5, stating “AREA OF TEMPORARY REFUGE”, and the sign shall include the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with V703.7.2.1.  Where exit sign illumination is required by the administrative authority, the area of temporary refuge sign shall be illuminated.  Additionally, a tactile sign complying with V703.2 shall be located at each door to an area of temporary refuge.


V216.4.2.2 Instructions.  In each area of temporary refuge provided with a two-way communication system, instructional signage on the use of the area under emergency conditions shall be posted under the communications system and shall comply with V703.5.  The instructions shall include all of the following:


1.  Directions to other accessible means of escape;

2.  Directions that persons able to use the stairways do so as soon as possible unless they are assisting others;

3.  Information on planned availability of assistance in the use of stairs or supervised operation of elevators and how to summon such assistance; and

4.  Directions for use of emergency communications system.


V216.4.3 Directional Signs.  At exit doors and elevators serving a space required to comply with this document but not serving as an accessible means of escape, signage complying with V703.5 shall be provided indicating the location of the nearest accessible means of escape.


V216.5 Exterior Doors.  Where not all exterior public doors comply with V404, public doors complying with V404 shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with V703.7.2.1.  Directional signs complying with V703.5 that indicate the location of the nearest public door complying with V404 shall be provided at exterior public doors that do not comply with V404.


V216.6 Elevators.  In alterations, where existing elevators do not comply with V407, elevators complying with V407 shall be clearly identified with the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with V703.7.2.1.


V216.7 Toilet Rooms and Bathing Rooms.  Signs for toilet rooms and bathing rooms shall be provided in accordance with V216.7


V216.7.1 Alterations.  In alterations, where existing toilet rooms or bathing rooms do not comply with V603, directional signs complying with V703.5 shall be provided to indicate the location of the nearest toilet room or bathing room complying with V603 within the facility.  In addition, the toilet rooms or bathing rooms complying with V603 shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with V703.7.2.1.  Directional signs shall include the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with V703.7.2.1.


V216.7.2  Clustered Single User Toilet Facilities or Bathing Facilities.  Where clustered single user toilet facilities or bathing facilities are permitted to use V213.2 Exceptions 3 or 4, toilet facilities or bathing facilities complying with V603 shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with V703.7.2.1 unless all toilet facilities and bathing facilities comply with V603.


V216.8 Assistive Listening Systems.  Each assembly area and public seating area required by V219 to provide assistive listening systems shall provide signs informing patrons of the availability of the assistive listening system.  Assistive listening signs shall comply with V703.5 and shall include the International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss complying with V703.7.2.2.


V216.9 Check-Out Aisles.  Where more than one check-out aisle is provided, check-out aisles complying with V904.3 shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with V703.7.2.1.  Where check-out aisles are identified by numbers, letters, or functions, signs identifying check-out aisles complying with V904.3 shall be located in the same location as the check-out aisle identification.

EXCEPTION:  Where all check-out aisles serving a single function comply with V904.3, signs complying with V703.7.2.1 shall not be required.



V217 Telephones


V217.1 General.  Where coin-operated pay telephones, coinless pay telephones, closed-circuit telephones, courtesy telephones, or other types of public telephones are provided, public telephones shall be provided in accordance with V217 for each type of public telephone provided. 


Advisory V217.1 General.  These requirements apply to all types of public telephones, including courtesy phones provided at passenger vessel restaurants or concierge desks that provide free direct connections to passenger guest rooms or guest services.


V217.2 Minimum Number.  No fewer than two public telephones shall be provided at each location containing telephones.  At least one shall be a wheelchair accessible public telephone complying with V704.2 and at least one shall be a public TTY complying with V704.4.


V217.3 Volume Controls.  All public telephones shall have volume controls complying with V704.3.



V218 Two-Way Communication Systems


V218.1 General.  Where a two-way communication system is provided to gain admittance to a passenger vessel or to restricted areas open to passengers within a passenger vessel, the system shall comply with V705.



V219 Assistive Listening Systems


V219.1 General.  Assistive listening systems shall be provided in accordance with V219 and shall comply with V706.


V219.2 Required Systems.  In each assembly area and public seating area where audible communication is integral to the use of the space, an assistive listening system shall be provided.

EXCEPTION:  Assistive listening systems shall not be required where audio amplification is not provided.


V219.3 Receivers.  Receivers complying with V706.3 shall be provided for assistive listening systems in assembly areas and public seating areas in accordance with Table V219.3 and calculated according to the total number of seats in the vessel required to comply with V219.2.  Twenty-five percent minimum of receivers provided, but no fewer than two, shall be hearing-aid compatible in accordance with V706.4.

EXCEPTION:  Where all seats in an assembly area or public seating area are served by an induction loop assistive listening system, the minimum number of receivers required by Table V219.3 to be hearing-aid compatible shall not be required to be provided.


Table V219.3 Receivers for Assistive Listening Systems

Capacity of Seating

Minimum Number

of Required Receivers

Minimum Number of

Required Receivers

Required to be Hearing-Aid Compatible

50 or less



51 to 200

2, plus 1 per 25 seats

over 50 seats1


201 to 500

2, plus 1 per 25 seats

over 50 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

501 to 1000

20, plus 1 per 33 seats

over 500 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

1001 to 2000

35, plus 1 per 50 seats

over 1000 seats1

1 per 4 recievers1

2001 and over

55, plus 1 per 100 seats

over 2000 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

1.  or fraction thereof



V220 Automatic Teller Machines and Fare Machines


V220.1 General.  Where automatic teller machines or self-service fare vending, collection, or adjustment machines are provided, at least one of each type provided at each location shall comply with V707.  Where bins are provided for envelopes, waste paper, or other purposes, at least one of each type shall comply with V807.



V221 Assembly Areas and Public Seating Areas


V221.1 General.  Assembly areas shall provide wheelchair spaces, companion seats, and designated aisle seats complying with V221 and V802.  Public seating areas shall provide wheelchair spaces and companion seats complying with V221, V802.1 and V802.3.


Advisory V221.1 General.  The term assembly area is defined in V106.5 as a passenger vessel, or portion thereof, used for the purpose of entertainment, educational or civic gatherings, or similar purposes.  Assembly areas include, but are not limited to, classrooms, passenger meeting rooms, motion picture houses, auditoria, theaters, playhouses, and dinner theaters.  Assembly areas should not be confused with the term areas of refuge (also known as assembly stations or muster stations).  Areas of refuge are typically large spaces that are separated from the effects of fire and flooding where passengers can gather in an emergency, and then if necessary be directed to an evacuation station for disembarking a vessel.  It is possible that an assembly area could be designed and constructed to also function as an area of refuge.  Section V221 also addresses public seating areas which are defined in V106.5 as an area, other than an assembly area, where fixed seats are provided for passengers, and dining or work surfaces are not provided.


V221.2 Wheelchair Spaces.  Wheelchair spaces complying with V221.2 shall be provided in assembly areas and public seating areas with fixed seating.


V221.2.1 Number.  The number of wheelchair spaces shall be provided in accordance with V221.2.1.


V221.2.1.1 Assembly Areas.  Wheelchair spaces shall be provided in each assembly area in accordance with Table V221.2.1.1.


V221.2.1.2 Public Seating Areas.  The number of wheelchair spaces for public seating areas shall be calculated according to the total number of fixed seats provided in public seating areas of the passenger vessel in accordance with Table V221.2.1.1.


Table V221.2.1.1 Number of Wheelchair Spaces

Number of Seats

Minimum Number of

Required Wheelchair Spaces

4 to 25


26 to 50


51 to 150


151 to 300


301 to 500


501 to 5000

6, plus 1 for each 150, or fraction thereof,

between 501 through 5000

5001 and over

36, plus 1 for each 200, or fraction thereof,

over 5000


V221.2.2 Integration.  Wheelchair spaces shall be an integral part of the seating plan.


Advisory V221.2.2 Integration.  The requirement that wheelchair spaces be an “integral part of the seating plan” means that wheelchair spaces must be placed within the footprint of the seating area.  Wheelchair spaces cannot be segregated from seating areas.  For example, it would be unacceptable to place only the wheelchair spaces, or only the wheelchair spaces and their associated companion seats, outside the seating areas defined by risers in an assembly area or public seating area.


V221.2.3 Lines of Sight and Dispersion in Assembly Areas.  Wheelchair spaces in assembly areas shall provide lines of sight complying with V802.2 and shall comply with V221.2.3.  In providing lines of sight, wheelchair spaces shall be dispersed.  Wheelchair spaces shall provide spectators with choices of seating locations and viewing angles that are substantially equivalent to, or better than, the choices of seating locations and viewing angles available to all other spectators.  When the number of wheelchair spaces required by V221.2.1 has been met, further dispersion shall not be required. 


Advisory V221.2.3 Lines of Sight and Dispersion in Assembly Areas.  Consistent with the overall intent of the ADA, individuals who use wheelchairs must be provided equal access so that their experience is substantially equivalent to that of other members of the audience.  Thus, while individuals who use wheelchairs need not be provided with the best seats in the house, neither may they be relegated to the worst.


V221.2.3.1 Horizontal Dispersion.  Wheelchair spaces shall be dispersed horizontally.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Horizontal dispersion shall not be required in assembly areas with 300 or fewer seats if the companion seats required by V221.3 and wheelchair spaces are located within the 2nd or 3rd quartile of the total row length.  Intermediate aisles shall be included in determining the total row length.  If the row length in the 2nd and 3rd quartile of a row is insufficient to accommodate the required number of companion seats and wheelchair spaces, the additional companion seats and wheelchair spaces shall be permitted to be located in the 1st and 4th quartile of the row.

2.  In row seating, two wheelchair spaces shall be permitted to be located side-by-side.


Advisory V221.2.3.1 Horizontal Dispersion.  Horizontal dispersion of wheelchair spaces is the placement of spaces in an assembly facility seating area from side-to-side.


V221.2.3.2 Vertical Dispersion.  Wheelchair spaces shall be dispersed vertically at varying distances from the screen, or performance area.  In addition, wheelchair spaces shall be located in each balcony or mezzanine that is located on an onboard accessible route.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Vertical dispersion shall not be required in assembly areas with 300 or fewer seats if the wheelchair spaces provide viewing angles that are equivalent to, or better than, the average viewing angle provided in the facility.

2.  In bleachers, wheelchair spaces shall not be required to be provided in rows other than rows at points of entry to bleacher seating.


Advisory V221.2.3.2 Vertical Dispersion.  When wheelchair spaces are dispersed vertically in an assembly facility they are placed at different locations within the seating area from front-to-back so that the distance from the screen, stage, area of sports activity, or other focal point is varied among wheelchair spaces.


Advisory V221.2.3.2 Vertical Dispersion Exception 2.  Points of entry to bleacher seating may include, but are not limited to, cross aisles, and entrance ramps and stairs.  Vertical, center, or side aisles adjoining bleacher seating that are stepped or tiered are not considered entry points.


V221.2.4 Dispersion in Public Seating Areas.  Wheelchair spaces in public seating areas shall be dispersed throughout the public seating areas that are located on levels of the passenger vessel that are on the decks complying with V201.4.  When the number of wheelchair spaces required by V221.2.1 has been met, further dispersion shall not be required.


V221.3 Companion Seats.  At least one companion seat complying with V802.3 shall be provided for each wheelchair space required by V221.2.1.


V221.4 Designated Aisle Seats in Assembly Areas.  In assembly areas, at least 5 percent of the total number of aisle seats provided shall comply with V802.4 and shall be the aisle seats located closest to onboard accessible routes.


Advisory V221.4 Designated Aisle Seats in Assembly Areas.  When selecting which aisle seats will meet the requirements of V802.4, those aisle seats which are closest to, not necessarily on, accessible routes must be selected first.  For example, an assembly area has two aisles (A and B) serving seating areas with an accessible route connecting to the top and bottom of Aisle A only.  The aisle seats chosen to meet V802.4 must be those at the top and bottom of Aisle A, working toward the middle.  Only when all seats on Aisle A would not meet the five percent minimum would seats on Aisle B be designated.



V222 Dressing, Fitting, and Locker Rooms


V222.1 General.  Where dressing rooms, fitting rooms, or locker rooms are provided, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type of use in each cluster provided shall comply with V803.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, where it is technically infeasible to provide rooms in accordance with V222.1, one room for each sex on each level shall comply with V803.  Where only unisex rooms are provided, unisex rooms shall be permitted.


V222.2 Coat Hooks and Shelves.  Where coat hooks or shelves are provided in dressing, fitting or locker rooms without individual compartments, at least one of each type shall comply with V803.5.  Where coat hooks or shelves are provided in individual compartments at least one of each type complying with V803.5 shall be provided in individual compartments in dressing, fitting, or locker rooms required to comply with V222.1.



V223 Medical Care Facilities


V223.1 General.  Where patient sleeping rooms are provided in medical care facilities, at least 10 percent, but no fewer than one, of the patient sleeping rooms shall comply with V805.

EXCEPTION:  Toilet rooms that are part of critical or intensive care patient sleeping rooms shall not be required to comply with V603.


V223.1.1 Alterations.  Where sleeping rooms are altered or added, the requirements of V223 shall apply only to the sleeping rooms being altered or added until the number of sleeping rooms complies with the minimum number required for new construction.



V224 Passenger Guest Rooms


V224.1 General.  Passenger vessels shall provide guest rooms in accordance with V224.


V224.1.1 Alterations.  Where guest rooms are altered or added, the requirements of V224 shall apply only to the guest rooms being altered or added until the number of guest rooms complies with the minimum number required for new construction.


Advisory V224.1.1 Alterations.  In alterations and additions, the minimum required number of accessible passenger guest rooms is based on the total number of guest rooms altered or added instead of the total number of guest rooms provided in a passenger vessel.  Typically, each alteration of a passenger vessel is limited to a particular portion of the passenger vessel.  When accessible guest rooms are added as a result of subsequent alterations, compliance with V224.5 (Dispersion) is more likely to be achieved if all of the accessible guest rooms are not provided in the same area of the passenger vessel.


V224.2 Guest Rooms with Mobility Features.  Guest rooms with mobility features complying with V806.2 shall be provided in accordance with Table V224.2.


Table V224.2 Guest Rooms with Mobility Features

Total Number of Guest Rooms Provided

Minimum Required Number of Rooms With Tubs or Showers

Minimum Number of Required Rooms With Roll-In Showers

Total Number of Required Rooms

1 to 25




26 to 50




51 to 75




76 to 100




101 to 150




151 to 200




201 to 300




301 to 400




401 to 500




501 to 1000

2 percent of total

1 percent of total

3 percent of total

1001 and over

20, plus 1 for each 100, or fraction thereof, over 1000

10, plus 1 for each 100, or fraction thereof, over 1000

30, plus 2 for each 100, or fraction thereof, over 1000


V224.3 Beds.  In guest rooms having more than 25 beds, 5 percent minimum of the beds shall have clear deck space complying with V806.2.3.


V224.4 Communication Features.  Guest rooms with communication features complying with V806.3 shall be provided in accordance with Table V224.4.


Table V224.4 Guest Rooms with Communication Features

Total Number of

Guest Rooms Provided

Minimum Number of Required Guest

Rooms with Communication Features

2 to 25


26 to 50


51 to 75


76 to 100


101 to 150


151 to 200


201 to 300


301 to 400


401 to 500


501 to 1000

5 percent of total

1001 and over

50, plus 3 for each 100 over 1000


V224.5 Dispersion.  Guest rooms required to provide mobility features complying with V806.2 and guest rooms required to provide communication features complying with V806.3 shall be dispersed among the various classes of guest rooms, and shall provide choices of types of guest rooms, number of beds, and other amenities comparable to the choices provided to other guests.  Where the minimum number of guest rooms required to comply with V806 is not sufficient to allow for complete dispersion, guest rooms shall be dispersed in the following priority: guest room type, number of beds, and amenities.  At least one guest room required to provide mobility features complying with V806.2 shall also provide communication features complying with V806.3.  Not more than 10 percent of guest rooms required to provide mobility features complying with V806.2 shall be used to satisfy the minimum number of guest rooms required to provide communication features complying with V806.3.


Advisory V224.5 Dispersion.  Factors to be considered in providing an equivalent range of options may include, but are not limited to, room size, bed size, cost, view, bathroom fixtures such as hot tubs and spas, smoking and nonsmoking, and the number of rooms provided.


V224.6 Location.  Guest rooms required to comply with V806.2 shall be provided on the decks complying with V201.4.



V225 Storage


V225.1 General.  Storage facilities shall comply with V225.


V225.2 Storage.  Where storage is provided in spaces required to comply with this document, at least one of each type shall comply with V807.


Advisory V225.2 Storage.  Types of storage include, but are not limited to, closets, cabinets, shelves, clothes rods, hooks, and drawers.  Where provided, at least one of each type of storage must be within the reach ranges specified in V308; however, it is permissible to install additional storage outside the reach ranges.


V225.2.1 Lockers.  Where lockers are provided, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type, shall comply with V807.


V225.2.2 Self-Service Shelving.  Self-service shelves shall be located on an onboard accessible route complying with V402.  Self-service shelving shall not be required to comply with V308. 


Advisory V225.2.2 Self-Service Shelving.  Self-service shelves include, but are not limited to, library, store, or cafeteria shelves. 



V226 Dining Surfaces and Work Surfaces


V226.1 General.  Where dining surfaces are provided for the consumption of food or drink, at least 5 percent of the seating spaces and standing spaces at the dining surfaces shall comply with V902.  In addition, where work surfaces are provided for use by other than employees, at least 5 percent shall comply with V902.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Sales counters and service counters shall not be required to comply with V902.

2.  Check writing surfaces provided at check-out aisles not required to comply with V904.3 shall not be required to comply with V902.


V226.2 Dispersion.  Dining surfaces and work surfaces required to comply with V902 shall be dispersed throughout the space or facility containing dining surfaces and work surfaces.



V227 Sales and Service


V227.1 General.  Where provided, check-out aisles, sales counters, service counters, food service lines, queues, and waiting lines shall comply with V227 and V904.


V227.2 Check-Out Aisles.  Where check-out aisles are provided, check-out aisles complying with V904.3 shall be provided in accordance with Table V227.2.  Where check-out aisles serve different functions, check-out aisles complying with V904.3 shall be provided in accordance with Table V227.2 for each function.  Where check-out aisles are dispersed throughout the passenger vessel or facility, check-out aisles complying with V904.3 shall be dispersed.

EXCEPTION:  Where the selling space is under 5000 square feet (465 m2) no more than one check-out aisle complying with V904.3 shall be required.


Table V227.2 Accessible Check-Out Aisles

Number of Check-Out Aisles of Each Function

Minimum Number of Check-Out Aisles of Each Function Required to Comply with V904.3

1 to 4


5 to 8


9 to 15


16 and over

3, plus 20 percent of additional aisles


V227.2.1 Altered Check-Out Aisles.  Where check-out aisles are altered, at least one of each check-out aisle serving each function shall comply with V904.3 until the number of check-out aisles complies with V227.2.


V227.3 Counters.  Where provided, at least one of each type of sales counter and service counter shall comply with V904.4.  Where counters are dispersed throughout the facility, counters complying with V904.4 also shall be dispersed.


Advisory V227.3 Counters.  Types of counters that provide different services in the same facility include, but are not limited to, order, pick-up, express, and returns.  One continuous counter can be used to provide different types of service.  For example, order and pick-up are different services.  It would not be acceptable to provide access only to the part of the counter where orders are taken when orders are picked-up at a different location on the same counter.  Both the order and pick-up section of the counter must be accessible.


V227.4 Food Service Lines.  Food service lines shall comply with V904.5.  Where self-service shelves are provided, at least 50 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type provided shall comply with V308.


V227.5 Queues and Waiting Lines.  Queues and waiting lines servicing counters or check-out aisles required to comply with V904.3 or V904.4 shall comply with V403.



V228 Depositories, Vending Machines, Change Machines, and Mail Boxes


V228.1 General.  Where provided, at least one of each type of depository, vending machine, and change machine shall comply with V309.


V228.2 Mail Boxes.  Where mail boxes are provided in an interior location, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type shall comply with V309.



V229 Windows


V229.1 General.  Where glazed openings are provided in rooms or spaces required to comply with this document for operation by passengers, at least one opening shall comply with V309.  Each glazed opening required by an administrative authority to be operable shall comply with V309.

EXCEPTION:  Glazed openings in guest rooms required to provide communication features shall not be required to comply with V229.



V230 Exercise Machines and Equipment


V230.1 General.  At least one of each type of exercise machine and equipment shall comply with V1002.


Advisory V230.1 General.  Most strength training equipment and machines are considered different types.  Where operators provide a biceps curl machine and cable-cross-over machine, both machines are required to meet the provisions in section V230.1, even though an individual may be able to work on their biceps through both types of equipment.


Similarly, there are many types of cardiovascular exercise machines, such as stationary bicycles, rowing machines, stair climbers, and treadmills.  Each machine provides a cardiovascular exercise and is considered a different type for purposes of these requirements.



V231 Miniature Golf Facilities


V231.1 General.  Miniature golf facilities shall comply with V231.


V231.2 Minimum Number.  At least 50 percent of holes on miniature golf courses shall comply with V1003.3.


Advisory V231.2 Minimum Number.  Where possible, providing access to all holes on a miniature golf course is recommended.  If a course is designed with the minimum 50 percent accessible holes, designers or operators are encouraged to select holes which provide for an equivalent experience to the maximum extent possible.


V231.3 Miniature Golf Course Configuration.  Miniature golf courses shall be configured so that the holes complying with V1003.3 are consecutive.  Miniature golf courses shall provide an onboard accessible route from the last hole complying with V1003.3 to the course entrance or exit without requiring travel through any other holes on the course.

EXCEPTION:  One break in the sequence of consecutive holes shall be permitted provided that the last hole on the miniature golf course is the last hole in the sequence.


Advisory V231.3 Miniature Golf Course Configuration.  Where only the minimum 50 percent of the holes are accessible, an accessible route from the last accessible hole to the course exit or entrance must not require travel back through other holes.  In some cases, this may require an additional accessible route.  Other options include increasing the number of accessible holes in a way that limits the distance needed to connect the last accessible hole with the course exit or entrance. 



V232 Play Areas


V232.1 General.  Play areas for children ages 2 and over shall comply with V232.  Where separate play areas are provided within a site for specific age groups, each play area shall comply with V232.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In existing play areas, where play components are relocated for the purposes of creating safe use zones and the ground surface is not altered or extended for more than one use zone, the play area shall not be required to comply with V232.

2.  Where play components are altered and the ground surface is not altered, the ground surface shall not be required to comply with V1004.2.6 unless required by V202.4.


V232.2 Play Components.  Where provided, play components shall comply with V232.2 and V1004.


V232.2.1 Ground Level Play Components.  Ground level play components shall be provided in the number and types required by V232.2.1.  Ground level play components that are provided to comply with V232.2.1.1 shall be permitted to satisfy the additional number required by V232.2.1.2 if the minimum required types of play components are satisfied.  Where two or more required ground level play components are provided, they shall be dispersed throughout the play area and integrated with other play components.


V232.2.1.1 Minimum Number and Types.  Where ground level play components are provided, at least one of each type shall be on an onboard accessible route and shall comply with V1004.4.


V232.2.1.2 Additional Number and Types.  Where elevated play components are provided, ground level play components shall be provided in accordance with Table V232.2.1.2 and shall comply with V1004.4.

EXCEPTION:  If at least 50 percent of the elevated play components are connected by a ramp and at least 3 of the elevated play components connected by the ramp are different types of play components, the play area shall not be required to comply with V232.2.1.2.


Table V232.2.1.2

Number and Types of Ground Level Play Components

Required to be on an Onboard Accessible Route


Number of Elevated Play Components Provided

Minimum Number of Ground Level Play Components Required to be on an Onboard Accessible Route

Minimum Number of Different Types of Ground Level Play Components Required to be on an Onboard Accessible Route


Not applicable

Not applicable

2 to 4



5 to 7



8 to 10



11 to 13



14 to 16



17 to 19



20 to 22



23 to 25



26 and over

8, plus 1 for each additional 3, or fraction thereof, over 25



V232.2.2 Elevated Play Components.  Where elevated play components are provided, at least 50 percent shall be on an onboard accessible route and shall comply with V1004.4.



V233 Saunas and Steam Rooms. 


V233.1 General.  Where provided, saunas and steam rooms shall comply with V612.

EXCEPTION:  Where saunas or steam rooms are clustered at a single location, no more than 5 percent of the saunas and steam rooms, but no fewer than one, of each type in each cluster shall be required to comply with V612.



V234 Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, and Spas


V234.1 General.  Swimming pools, wading pools, and spas shall comply with V234.


V234.2 Swimming Pools.  At least one accessible means of entry shall be provided for swimming pools.  The accessible means of entry shall be a swimming pool lift complying with V1005.2 or a sloped entry complying with V1005.3.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Catch pools shall not be required to provide an accessible means of entry provided that the catch pool edge is on an onboard accessible route.

2.  Where swimming pools are provided in a cluster and at least one of each type of pool in the cluster uses a swimming pool lift complying with V1005.2 or a sloped entry complying with V1005.3, the other pools in the cluster shall be permitted to provide transfer walls complying with V1005.4; transfer systems complying with V1005.5; or pool stairs complying with V1005.6 as the accessible means of entry. 


V234.3 Wading Pools.  At least one accessible means of entry shall be provided for wading pools.  Accessible means of entry shall comply with sloped entries complying with V1005.3 or transfer systems complying with V1005.5.


V234.4 Spas.  At least one accessible means of entry shall be provided for spas.  Accessible means of entry shall comply with swimming pool lifts complying with V1005.2; transfer walls complying with V1005.4; or transfer systems complying with V1005.5.

EXCEPTION:  Where spas are provided in a cluster, no more than 5 percent, but no fewer than one, spa in each cluster shall be required to comply with V234.4.



V235 Shooting Facilities


V235.1 General.  Where shooting facilities with firing positions are designed and constructed at a site, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type of firing position shall comply with V1006.



Chapter V3

V301 General


V301.1 Scope.  The provisions of Chapter 3 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document.



V302 Deck Surfaces


V302.1 General.  Deck surfaces shall be stable, firm, and slip resistant and shall comply with V302.

EXCEPTIONS:  Areas of sport activity shall not be required to comply with V302.


Advisory V302.1 General.  A stable surface is one that remains unchanged by contaminants or applied force, so that when the contaminant or force is removed, the surface returns to its original condition.  A firm surface resists deformation by either indentations or particles moving on its surface.  A slip-resistant surface provides sufficient frictional counterforce to the forces exerted in walking to permit safe ambulation.


V302.2 Carpet.  Carpet or carpet tile shall be securely attached and shall have a firm cushion, pad, or backing or no cushion or pad.  Carpet or carpet tile shall have a level loop, textured loop, level cut pile, or level cut/uncut pile texture.  Pile height shall be ½ inch (13 mm) maximum.  Exposed edges of carpet shall be fastened to deck surfaces and shall have trim on the entire length of the exposed edge.  Carpet edge trim shall comply with V303.


Advisory V302.2 Carpet.  Carpets and permanently affixed mats can significantly increase the amount of force (roll resistance) needed to propel a wheelchair over a surface.  The firmer the carpeting and backing, the lower the roll resistance.  A pile thickness up to ½ inch (13 mm) (measured to the backing, cushion, or pad) is allowed, although a lower pile provides easier wheelchair maneuvering.  If a backing, cushion or pad is used, it must be firm.  Preferably, carpet pad should not be used because the soft padding increases roll resistance.


V302.3 Openings.  Openings in deck surfaces shall not allow passage of a sphere more than ½ inch (13 mm) in diameter except as allowed in V407.4.3 and V409.4.  Elongated openings shall be placed so that the long dimension is perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Vehicle tie-downs which are flush with the deck surface and are not located within an accessible route shall not be required to comply with V302.3.

2.  Where the administrative authority determines that larger openings are needed for deck drainage, openings not located within an accessible route shall be permitted to be increased, provided the size shall not allow passage of a sphere more than ¾ inch (19 mm) in diameter.



V303 Changes in Level


V303.1 General.  Where changes in level are permitted in deck surfaces, they shall comply with V303.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Areas of sport activity shall not be required to comply with V303.

2.  This requirement does not apply to vehicle tie-downs which are flush with the deck surface and are not located within an accessible route.


V303.2 Vertical.  Changes in level of ¼ inch (6.4 mm) high maximum shall be permitted to be vertical.


V303.3 Beveled.  Changes in level between ¼ inch (6.4 mm) high minimum and ½ inch (13 mm) high maximum shall be beveled with a slope not steeper than 1:2.


Advisory V303.3 Beveled.  A change in level of ½ inch (13 mm) is permitted to be ¼ inch (6.4 mm) vertical plus ¼ inch (6.4 mm) beveled.  However, in no case may the combined change in level exceed ½ inch (13 mm).  Changes in level exceeding ½ inch (13 mm) must comply with V405 (Ramps) or V406 (Curb Ramps).


V303.4 Ramps.  Changes in level greater than ½ inch (13 mm) high shall be ramped, and shall comply with V405 or V406.



V304 Turning Space


V304.1 General.  Turning space shall comply with V304.


V304.2 Deck Surfaces.  Deck surfaces of a turning space shall comply with V302.  Changes in level are not permitted.

EXCEPTION:  Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted.


Advisory V304.2 Deck Surfaces Exception.  As used in this section, the phrase “changes in level” refers to surfaces with slopes and to surfaces with abrupt rise exceeding that permitted in Section V303.3.  Such changes in level are prohibited in required clear deck spaces, turning spaces, and in similar spaces where people using wheelchairs and other mobility devices must park their mobility aids such as in wheelchair spaces, or maneuver to use elements such as at doors, fixtures, and telephones.  The exception permits slopes not steeper than 1:48.


V304.3 Size.  Turning space shall comply with V304.3.1 or V304.3.2.


V304.3.1 Circular Space.  The turning space shall be a space of 60 inches (1525 mm) diameter minimum.  The space shall be permitted to include knee and toe clearance complying with V306.


V304.3.2 T-Shaped Space.  The turning space shall be a T-shaped space within a 60 inch (1525 mm) square minimum with arms and base 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum.  Each arm of the T shall be clear of obstructions 12 inches (305 mm) minimum in each direction and the base shall be clear of obstructions 24 inches (610 mm) minimum.  The space shall be permitted to include knee and toe clearance complying with V306 only at the end of either the base or one arm.


V304.4 Door Swing.  Doors shall be permitted to swing into turning spaces.



V305 Clear Deck Space


V305.1 General.  Clear deck space shall comply with V305.


V305.2 Deck Surfaces.  Deck surfaces of a clear deck space shall comply with V302.  Changes in level are not permitted.

EXCEPTION:  Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted.


V305.3 Size.  The clear deck space shall be 30 inches (760 mm) minimum by 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum.


V305.4 Knee and Toe Clearance.  Unless otherwise specified, clear deck space shall be permitted to include knee and toe clearance complying with V306.


V305.5 Position.  Unless otherwise specified, clear deck space shall be positioned for either forward or parallel approach to an element.


V305.6 Approach.  One full unobstructed side of the clear deck space shall adjoin an accessible route or adjoin another clear deck space.


V305.7 Maneuvering Clearance.  Where a clear deck space is confined on all or part of three sides, additional maneuvering clearance shall be provided in accordance with V305.7.


V305.7.1 Forward Approach.  Where the clear deck space is approached at the short side, the space shall be 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum where the depth exceeds 24 inches (610 mm).


V305.7.2 Parallel Approach.  Where the clear deck space is approached at the long side, the space shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) wide minimum where the depth exceeds 15 inches (380 mm).

EXCEPTION:  Platforms of manually powered boarding lifts complying with V414 shall be permitted to be 56 inches (1420 mm) wide minimum.



V306 Knee and Toe Clearance


V306.1 General.  Where space beneath an element is included as part of clear deck space or turning space, the space shall comply with V306.  Additional space shall not be prohibited beneath an element but shall not be considered as part of the clear deck space or turning space.


Advisory V306.1 General.  Clearances are measured in relation to the usable clear deck space, not necessarily to the vertical support for an element.  When determining clearance under an object for required turning or maneuvering space, care should be taken to ensure the space is clear of any obstructions.


V306.2 Toe Clearance.


V306.2.1 General.  Space under an element between the finish deck surface and 9 inches (230 mm) above the finish deck surface shall be considered toe clearance and shall comply with V306.2.


V306.2.2 Maximum Depth.  Toe clearance shall extend 25 inches (635 mm) maximum under an element.


V306.2.3 Minimum Required Depth.  Where toe clearance is required at an element as part of a clear deck space, the toe clearance shall extend 17 inches (430 mm) minimum under the element.


V306.2.4 Additional Clearance.  Space extending greater than 6 inches (150 mm) beyond the available knee clearance at 9 inches (230 mm) above the finish deck surface shall not be considered toe clearance.


V306.2.5 Width.  Toe clearance shall be 30 inches (760 mm) wide minimum.


V306.3 Knee Clearance.


V306.3.1 General.  Space under an element between 9 inches (230 mm) and 27 inches (685 mm) above the finish deck surface shall be considered knee clearance and shall comply with V306.3.


V306.3.2 Maximum Depth.  Knee clearance shall extend 25 inches (635 mm) maximum under an element at 9 inches (230 mm) above the finish deck surface.


V306.3.3 Minimum Required Depth.  Where knee clearance is required under an element as part of a clear deck space, the knee clearance shall be 11 inches (280 mm) deep minimum at 9 inches (230 mm) above the finish deck surface, and 8 inches (205 mm) deep minimum at 27 inches (685 mm) above the finish deck surface.


V306.3.4 Clearance Reduction.  Between 9 inches (230 mm) and 27 inches (685 mm) above the finish deck surface, the knee clearance shall be permitted to reduce at a rate of 1 inch (25 mm) in depth for each 6 inches (150 mm) in height.


V306.3.5 Width.  Knee clearance shall be 30 inches (760 mm) wide minimum.



V307 Protruding Objects


V307.1 General.  Protruding objects shall comply with V307.


V307.2 Protrusion Limits.  Objects with leading edges more than 27 inches (685 mm) and not more than 80 inches (2030 mm) above the finish deck surface shall protrude 4 inches (100 mm) maximum horizontally into the circulation path.

EXCEPTION:  Handrails shall be permitted to protrude 4½ inches (115 mm) maximum.


Advisory V307.2 Protrusion Limits.  When a cane is used and the element is in the detectable range, it gives a person sufficient time to detect the element with the cane before there is body contact.  Elements located on circulation paths, including operable elements, must comply with requirements for protruding objects.  For example, awnings and their supporting structures cannot reduce the minimum required vertical clearance. 


V307.3 Required Clear Width.  Protruding objects shall not reduce the clear width required for accessible routes.


V307.4 Vertical Clearance.  Vertical clearance shall be 80 inches (2030 mm) high minimum.  Guardrails or other barriers shall be provided where the vertical clearance is less than 80 inches (2030 mm) high.  The leading edge of such guardrail or barrier shall be located 27 inches (685 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Door closers and door stops shall be permitted to be 78 inches (1980 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface.

2.  Where doors are required by the administrative authority to have coamings, measurements are permitted to be taken from the finish deck surface adjacent to the coamings and not the top of the coamings.



V308 Reach Ranges


V308.1 General.  Reach ranges shall comply with V308.


Advisory V308.1 General.  The following table provides guidance on reach ranges for children according to age where vessel elements such as coat hooks, lockers, or operable parts are designed for use primarily by children.  These dimensions apply to either forward or side reaches.  Accessible elements and operable parts designed for adult use or children over age 12 can be located outside these ranges but must be within the adult reach ranges required by V308.

Children's Reach Ranges

Forward or Side Reach

Ages 3 and 4

Ages 5 through 8

Ages 9 through 12

High (maximum)

36 in (915 mm)

40 in (1015 mm)

44 in (1120 mm)

Low (minimum)

20 in (510 mm)

18 in (455 mm)

16 in (405 mm)


V308.2 Forward Reach.


V308.2.1 Unobstructed.  Where a forward reach is unobstructed, the high forward reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum and the low forward reach shall be 15 inches (380 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface.


V308.2.2 Obstructed High Reach.  Where a high forward reach is over an obstruction, the clear deck space shall extend beneath the element for a distance not less than the required reach depth over the obstruction.  The high forward reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum where the reach depth is 20 inches (510 mm) maximum.  Where the reach depth exceeds 20 inches (510 mm), the high forward reach shall be 44 inches (1120 mm) maximum and the reach depth shall be 25 inches (635 mm) maximum.


V308.3 Side Reach.


V308.3.1 Unobstructed.  Where a clear deck space allows a parallel approach to an element and the side reach is unobstructed, the high side reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum and the low side reach shall be 15 inches (380 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface.

EXCEPTION:  An obstruction shall be permitted between the clear deck space and the element where the depth of the obstruction is 10 inches (255 mm) maximum.


V308.3.2 Obstructed High Reach.  Where a clear deck space allows a parallel approach to an element and the high side reach is over an obstruction, the height of the obstruction shall be 34 inches (865 mm) maximum and the depth of the obstruction shall be 24 inches (610 mm) maximum.  The high side reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum for a reach depth of 10 inches (255 mm) maximum.  Where the reach depth exceeds 10 inches (255 mm), the high side reach shall be 46 inches (1170 mm) maximum for a reach depth of 24 inches (610 mm) maximum.

EXCEPTION:  The top of washing machines and clothes dryers shall be permitted to be 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.



V309 Operable Parts


V309.1 General.  Operable parts shall comply with V309.


V309.2 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided.


V309.3 Height.  Operable parts shall be placed within one or more of the reach ranges specified in V308.


V309.4 Operation.  Operable parts shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.  The force required to activate operable parts shall be 5 pounds (22.2 N) maximum.

EXCEPTION:  Where the administrative authority has determined that forces greater than 5 pounds (22.2 N) are necessary for hardware on fire doors, watertight doors or other doors, the maximum force shall be permitted to be established by the administrative authority for such doors.



Chapter V4

V401 General


V401.1 Scope.  The provisions of Chapter 4 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document.



V402 Accessible Routes


V402.1 General.  Accessible routes shall comply with V402.


V402.2 Components.  Accessible routes shall consist of one or more of the following components:  walking surfaces with a running slope not steeper than 1:20, doorways, ramps, curb ramps excluding the flared sides, elevators, and platform lifts.  All components of an accessible route shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapter 4.


Advisory V402.2 Components.  Walking surfaces must have running slopes not steeper than 1:20 (see V403.3).  Other components of accessible routes, such as ramps (V405) and curb ramps (V406), are permitted to be more steeply sloped. 



V403 Walking Surfaces


V403.1 General.  Walking surfaces that are a part of an accessible route shall comply with V403.


V403.2 Deck Surface.  Deck surfaces shall comply with V302.


V403.3 Slope.  The running slope of walking surfaces shall not be steeper than 1:20.  The cross slope of walking surfaces shall not be steeper than 1:48.


V403.4 Changes in Level.  Changes in level shall comply with V303.


V403.5 Clearances.  Walking surfaces shall provide clearances complying with V403.5.


V403.5.1 Clear Width.  Except as provided in V403.5.2 and V403.5.3, the clear width of walking surfaces shall be 36 inches (915 mm) minimum.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  The clear width shall be permitted to be reduced to 32 inches (815 mm) minimum for a length of 24 inches (610 mm) maximum, provided that reduced width segments are separated by segments that are 48 inches (1220 mm) long minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum.

2.  Where the largest deck of a passenger vessel is less than 3000 square feet (279 m2) in size, the walking surface shall be permitted to have a clear width of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum.


V403.5.2 Clear Width at Turn.


V403.5.2.1 Clear Width at 180 Degree Turn.  Where the accessible route makes a 180 degree turn around an element which is less than 48 inches (1220 mm) wide, clear width shall be 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum approaching the turn, 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum at the turn and 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum leaving the turn.

EXCEPTION:  Where the clear width at the turn is 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum compliance with V403.5.2.1 shall not be required.


V403.5.2.2 Clear Width at 90 Degree Turn.  Where an accessible route is less than 36 inches (915 mm) wide and makes a 90 degree turn, an L-shaped space shall be provided with one stroke 90 inches (2285 mm) minimum in length having a width of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum and the other stroke with an 80 inches (2030 mm) minimum length having a width of 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum.


V403.5.3 Passing Spaces.  An accessible route with a clear width less than 60 inches (1525 mm) shall provide passing spaces at intervals of 200 feet (61 m) maximum.  Passing spaces shall be either: a space 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum; or, an intersection of two walking surfaces providing a T-shaped space complying with V304.3.2 where the base and arms of the T-shaped space extend 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum beyond the intersection.


V403.6 Handrails.  Where handrails are provided along walking surfaces with running slopes not steeper than 1:20, handrails shall comply with V503.

EXCEPTION:  Rails provided along walking surfaces for edge protection shall not be required to comply with V403.6.


AdvisoryV403.6 Handrails Exception.  Rails installed for edge protection on passenger vessels may provide gripping surfaces but are not considered handrails for purposes of applying V403.6.



V404 Doors, Doorways, and Gates


V404.1 General.  Doors, doorways, and gates that are part of an accessible route shall comply with V404.

EXCEPTION:  Doors, doorways, and gates designed to be operated only by employees shall not be required to comply with V404.2.7, V404.2.8, V404.2.9, V404.3.2 and V404.3.4 through V404.3.7.


Advisory V404.1 General Exception.  Employees must have sole control of doors that are eligible for this exception.  It would not be acceptable for employees to operate the doors for people with disabilities while allowing other passengers to have independent access.


V404.2 Manual Doors, Doorways, and Manual Gates.  Manual doors and doorways and manual gates intended for user passage shall comply with V404.2.


V404.2.1 Revolving Doors, Gates, and Turnstiles.  Revolving doors, revolving gates, and turnstiles shall not be part of an accessible route.


V404.2.2 Double-Leaf Doors and Gates.  At least one of the active leaves of doorways with two leaves shall comply with V404.2.3 and V404.2.4.


V404.2.3 Clear Width.  Door openings shall provide a clear width of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum.  Clear openings of doorways with swinging doors shall be measured between the face of the door and the stop, with the door open 90 degrees.  Openings more than 24 inches (610 mm) deep shall provide a clear opening of 36 inches (915 mm) minimum.  There shall be no projections into the required clear opening width lower than 34 inches (865 mm) above the finish deck surface.  Projections into the clear opening width between 34 inches (865 mm) and 80 inches (2030 mm) above the finish deck surface shall not exceed 4 inches (100 mm).

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In alterations, a projection of e inch (16 mm) maximum into the required clear width shall be permitted for the latch side stop.

2.  Door closers and door stops shall be permitted to be 78 inches (1980 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface.


V404.2.4 Maneuvering Clearances.  Minimum maneuvering clearances at doors and gates shall comply with V404.2.4.  Maneuvering clearances shall extend the full width of the doorway and the required latch side or hinge side clearance.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Entry doors to hospital patient rooms shall not be required to provide the clearance beyond the latch side of the door.

2.  Maneuvering clearances are not required on the outboard side of doors and gates at entry and departure points required to be accessible.

3.  Where the largest deck of a passenger vessel is less than 3000 square feet (279m2), doors providing single ramp access in accordance with V404. are permitted to have maneuvering clearances 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum in depth on the non-ramp side of the doors.


V404.2.4.1 Swinging Doors and Gates.  Swinging doors and gates shall have maneuvering clearances complying with Table V404.2.4.1.


Table V404.2.4.1 Maneuvering Clearances at Manual Swinging Doors and Gates

Types of Use

Minimum Maneuvering Clearance

Approach Direction

Door or Gate Side

Perpendicular to Doorway

Parallel to Doorway

(beyond latch side unless noted)

From front


60 inches (1525 mm)

18 inches (455 mm)

From front


48 inches (1220 mm)

0 inches (0 mm)1

From hinge side


60 inches (1525 mm)

36 inches (915 mm)

From hinge side


54 inches (1370 mm)

42 inches (1065 mm)

From hinge side


42 inches (1065 mm)2

22 inches (560 mm)3

From latch side


48 inches (1220 mm)4

24 inches (610 mm)

From latch side


42 inches (1065 mm)4

24 inches (610 mm)

1.        Add 12 inches (305 mm) if closer and latch are provided.

2.        Add 6 inches (150 mm) if closer and latch are provided.

3.        Beyond hinge side.

4.        Add 6 inches (150 mm) if closer is provided.


V404.2.4.2 Doorways without Doors or Gates, Sliding Doors, and Folding Doors.  Doorways less than 36 inches (915 mm) wide without doors or gates, sliding doors, or folding doors shall have maneuvering clearances complying with Table V404.2.4.2.


Table V404.2.4.2 Maneuvering Clearances at Doorways without Doors or Gates,

Manual Sliding Doors, and Manual Folding Doors


Minimum Maneuvering Clearance

Approach Direction

Perpendicular to Doorway

Parallel to Doorway (beyond stop/latch side unless noted)

From front

48 inches (1220 mm)

0 inches (0 mm)

From side 1

42 inches (1065 mm)

0 inches (0 mm)

From pocket/hinge side

42 inches (1065 mm)

22 inches (560 mm)2

From stop/latch side

42 inches (1065 mm)

24 inches (610 mm)

1.        Doorway with no door only

2.        Beyond pocket/hinge side


V404.2.4.3 Recessed Doors and Gates.  Maneuvering clearances for forward approach shall be provided when any obstruction within 18 inches (455 mm) of the latch side of a doorway projects more than 8 inches (205 mm) beyond the face of the door, measured perpendicular to the face of the door or gate.


Advisory V404.2.4.3 Recessed Doors and Gates.  A door can be recessed due to placement of casework, and other fixed elements adjacent to the doorway.  This provision must be applied wherever doors are recessed.


V404.2.4.4 Deck Surface.  Deck surface within required maneuvering clearances shall comply with V302.  Changes in level are not permitted.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Doors with coamings providing double ramp access in accordance with V404. are permitted to have maneuvering clearances on both sides with running slopes complying with V405.

2.  Doors with coamings providing single ramp access in accordance with V404. are permitted to have maneuvering clearances on only one side with running slopes complying with V405.

3.  Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted. 

4.  Changes in level at thresholds complying with V404.2.5 shall be permitted.


V404.2.5 Thresholds.  Thresholds, if provided at doors and doorways, shall comply with V404.2.5.1.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where doors are required by the administrative authority to have coamings, doors shall not be required to comply with V404.2.5 provided (1) the thresholds are readily removable by employees, (2) the doors are only employee operated, and (3) the weather deck areas accessed by these doors are not open to passengers when the vessel is underway.

2.  Where doors are required by the administrative authority to have coamings and the largest deck is less than 3000 square feet (279m2), doors shall be permitted to comply with double or single ramp access in accordance with V404.2.5.2.

3.  Where doors are required by the administrative authority to have coamings and the administrative authority determines that compliance with V404.2.5.1 is not feasible, doors shall be permitted to comply with double or single ramp access in accordance with V404.2.5.2.

4.  Where required by the administrative authority to meet weathertight door sealing requirements, weathertight doors shall be permitted to have non-beveled thresholds ¾ inch (19 mm) high maximum on the sealing side of the doors, provided the thresholds contrast visually with adjacent deck surfaces either light-on-dark or dark-on-light.


Advisory V404.2.5 Thresholds.  Under US Coast Guard regulations and international treaties, certain weathertight doors are required to have raised thresholds (coamings) three or more inches in height that form a watertight barrier at the base of the door.  These coamings help protect the stability of a vessel by reducing the amount of water that may enter the vessel through an open exterior door.  Coamings also improve the survivability of a vessel.  When a vessel has been damaged due to collision or other hazardous action, the coamings allow a portion of the doorway to be submerged without compromising the reserve buoyancy of the vessel.  The draft guidelines set out three configurations of access at doors that are required to have coamings. 


In the first configuration, the goal is to work with the applicable administrative authority to allow compliance with door maneuvering clearance (V404.2.4) and threshold (V404.2.5) requirements as specified without using the coaming exceptions.  These clearances and threshold heights would be the same as any accessible door on land.  However, V404.2.5 Exception 4 allows a maximum ¾ inch (19 mm) high non-beveled threshold at weathertight doors where such vertical surfaces are required by the administrative authority to meet door sealing requirements (see Figure V404.2.5).


Advisory V404.2.5 Thresholds Exceptions 1 through 3.  Exceptions 1 through 3 permit the second configuration of access which allows readily removable coamings (where permitted by the administrative authority), or double and single ramp access methods.  Exceptions in the maneuvering clearance provisions of V404.2.4 and V404.2.4.4 and ramp provisions of V405.2 and V405.7 permit modification of some requirements to allow installation of either the double or single ramp access methods.  A double ramp access method (see Figure V404. has two ramps (maximum slope of 1:12) joining together at the top of a coaming (unless V404.2.5 Exception 4 applies), and the coaming equipped door is required to be automatic.  In general, a single ramp access method (see Figure V404. has one ramp on only one side of the door connecting the top of the coaming (unless V404.2.5 Exception 4 applies), and a conforming door threshold on the other side.  The ramp is allowed to have a maximum slope of 1:8 for a 3 inches (75 mm) maximum rise, or 1:10 for a 6 inches (150 mm) maximum rise. 


V404.2.5 Exception 4 allows a maximum ¾ inch (19 mm) high non-beveled vertical surface on the exterior side of weathertight doors where such vertical surfaces are required by the administrative authority to meet door sealing requirements (see Figure V404.  Although this vertical surface is permitted to be located at the top of the ramps used in the double and single ramp access methods, it is recommended that alternatives be explored with the administrative authority before using this exception in conjunction with either the double or single ramp access methods.  Alternatives may consist of drainage systems which collect leakage where doors seal against ramp surfaces.


Where it is not feasible to comply with the second configuration of access, an exception in V404.2.5.2 allows the third configuration of access to be used.  The third configuration consists of watertight doors with 1¼ inches (32 mm) high non-beveled thresholds on only one side of the doors.


The figure shows an elevation view of a door threshold.  On the right side of the threshold is the door which seals against a 3/4 inch high threshold.  A statement is included which says where permitted by V404.2.5 exception 4, non-beveled thresholds ¾ inch (19 mm) high on the sealing side of the door are allowed.  On the left side of the threshold, a ½ inch high beveled threshold is shown.  A statement on this side is included which says thresholds on non-sealing sides shall comply with V404.2.5.1, V302, and V303.


V404.2.5.1 Doors without Coamings.  Thresholds shall be ½ inch (13 mm) high maximum.  Raised thresholds and changes in level at doorways shall comply with V302 and V303.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, existing thresholds more than ½ inch (13 mm) high shall be permitted provided the thresholds do not exceed a height of ¾ inch (19 mm) and have a beveled edge on each side of the thresholds with a slope not steeper than 1:2.


V404.2.5.2 Doors with Coamings.  Doors and doorways permitted to comply with V404.2.5.2 shall comply with V404. or V404.

EXCEPTION:  Where the administrative authority determines space limitations make it not feasible to comply with V404.2.5.2 and watertight doors are provided instead of coaming equipped weathertight doors, the thresholds on the side of the watertight doors containing the door seal are permitted to have non-beveled thresholds 1¼ inches (32 mm) high maximum.


V404. Doors with Double Ramp Access.  The height of thresholds on both sides of the doors shall be equal to or less than the minimum coaming height allowed by the administrative authority provided the doors are automatic and comply with V404.3.


The figure shows an elevation view of a door with a high sill, known as a coaming, at the bottom.  Two ramps, one on each side of the coaming, slope up and join at the top of the coaming -- forming an inverted shallow V.  Three statements are located within the figure which indicates where in the guidelines various provisions and exceptions allow installation of these double ramps.  The first states that no landings are required at the top of the double ramps (V405.7 exception).  The second states that these doors are required to be automatic (V404.  The third states that maneuvering clearances are allowed to be sloped (V404.2.4.4. exception 1).  An additional statement is provided in the figure to remind readers that the maximum slope for ramps is 1:12 (V405.2).


V404. Doors with Single Ramp Access.  The thresholds on the ramped side of the doors shall have a height equal to or less than the minimum coaming height allowed by the administrative authority.


The figure shows an elevation view of a door with a high sill, known as a coaming, at the bottom.  On one side of the coaming, a ramp slopes up to the top of the coaming.  Three statements are provided which indicate where in the guidelines provisions and exceptions allow installation of this single ramp on one side of the door.  The first states that no landing is required at the top of the ramp (V405.7 exception) and the second states that maneuvering clearance on the ramp side of the coaming is permitted to be sloped (V404.2.4.4 exception 2).  The third states that the slope is permitted to be 1:8 maximum for a 3 inch maximum rise and 1:10 maximum slope for a 6 inch maximum rise (V405.2 exception 2).  On the other side, a 48 inch minimum maneuvering clearance is shown connecting to the top of the coaming.  From that maneuvering clearance, a ramp slopes down and away from the maneuvering clearance and door.  Two statements are provided on this side of the door.  The first states that if the largest deck is less than 3,000 square feet, the maneuvering clearance is allowed to be 48 inches minimum (V404.2.4 exception 3).  The second states that the maximum slope for the ramp shown on the side of the door with a maneuvering clearance is 1:12 (V405.2).



The figure shows an elevation view of a threshold at a door with single ramp access.  On the right side of the threshold, a ramp leads up to the threshold and ends ¾ inches below the threshold top.  A door is shown sealing against this ¾ inch threshold.  A statement is included which says “where permitted by V404.2.5 exception 4, non-beveled thresholds ¾ inch (19 mm) high on the sealing side are allowed”.  On the left side of the threshold, a ½ inch high beveled threshold is shown.  A statement is included which says “thresholds on non-sealing sides shall comply with V404.2.5.1, V302, and V303”.


V404.2.6 Doors in Series and Gates in Series.  The distance between two hinged or pivoted doors in series and gates in series shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum plus the width of doors or gates swinging into the space.


V404.2.7 Door and Gate Hardware.  Handles, pulls, latches, locks, and other operable parts on doors and gates shall comply with V309.4.  Operable parts of such hardware shall be 34 inches (865 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.  Where sliding doors are in the fully open position, operating hardware shall be exposed and usable from both sides.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In alterations, existing locks shall be permitted in any location at existing glazed doors without stiles, existing overhead rolling doors or grilles, and similar existing doors or grilles that are designed with locks that are activated only at the top or bottom rail.

2.  Access gates in barrier walls and fences protecting pools, spas, and hot tubs shall be permitted to have operable parts of the release of latch on self-latching devices at 54 inches (1370 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface, provided the self-latching devices are not also self-locking devices and operated by means of a key, electronic opener, or integral combination lock.


Advisory V404.2.7 Door and Gate Hardware.  Door hardware that can be operated with a closed fist or a loose grip accommodates the greatest range of users.  Hardware that requires simultaneous hand and finger movements require greater dexterity and coordination, and is not recommended.


V404.2.8 Closing Speed.  Door and gate closing speed shall comply with V404.2.8.


V404.2.8.1 Door Closers and Gate Closers.  Door closers and gate closers shall be adjusted so that from an open position of 90 degrees, the time required to move the door to a position of 12 degrees from the latch is 5 seconds minimum.


V404.2.8.2 Spring Hinges.  Door and gate spring hinges shall be adjusted so that from the open position of 70 degrees, the door or gate shall move to the closed position in 1.5 seconds minimum.


V404.2.9 Door and Gate Opening Force.  The force for pushing or pulling open interior and exterior sliding and folding doors, and interior hinged doors and gates, shall be no more than 5 pounds (22.2 N) maximum.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Doors on sailing vessels shall not be required to comply with V404.2.9.

2.  Where the administrative authority has determined that forces greater than 5 pounds (22.2 N) are necessary for fire doors, watertight doors or other doors, the maximum opening force shall be permitted to be established by the administrative authority for such doors.


Advisory V404.2.9 Door and Gate Opening Force.  The maximum force pertains to the continuous application of force necessary to fully open a door, not the initial force needed to overcome the inertia of the door.  It does not apply to the force required to retract bolts or to disengage other devices used to keep the door in a closed position.


V404.2.10 Door and Gate Surfaces.  Swinging door and gate surfaces within 10 inches (255 mm) of the finish deck surface measured vertically shall have a smooth surface on the push side extending the full width of the door or gate.  Parts creating horizontal or vertical joints in these surfaces shall be within 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) of the same plane as the other.  Cavities created by added kick plates shall be capped.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Sliding doors shall not be required to comply with V404.2.10.

2.  Tempered glass doors without stiles and having a bottom rail or shoe with the top leading edge tapered at 60 degrees minimum from the horizontal shall not be required to meet the 10 inch (255 mm) bottom smooth surface height requirement.

3.  Doors and gates that do not extend to within 10 inches (255 mm) of the finish deck surface shall not be required to comply with V404.2.10.

4.  In alterations, existing doors and gates without smooth surfaces within 10 inches (255 mm) of the finish deck surface shall not be required to provide smooth surfaces complying with V404.2.10 provided that if added kick plates are installed, cavities created by such kick plates are capped. 


V404.2.11 Vision Lights.  Doors, gates, and side lights adjacent to doors or gates, containing one or more glazing panels that permit viewing through the panels shall have the bottom of at least one glazed panel located 43 inches (1090 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.

EXCEPTION:  Vision lights with the lowest part more than 66 inches (1675 mm) from the finish deck surface shall not be required to comply with V404.2.11.


V404.3 Automatic and Power-Assisted Doors and Gates.  Automaticdoors and automatic gates shall comply with V404.3.  Full-powered automatic doors shall comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.10 (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1).  Low-energy and power-assisteddoors shall comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.19 (1997 or 2002 edition) (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1).


V404.3.1 Clear Width.  Doorways shall provide a clear opening of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum in power-on and power-off mode.  The minimum clear width for automatic door systems in a doorway shall be based on the clear opening provided by all leaves in the open position, unless the breakout opening requirement in V404.3.6 applies.


V404.3.2 Maneuvering Clearance.  Clearances at power-assisted doors and gates shall comply with V404.2.4.  Clearances at automaticdoors and gates without emergency power and serving an accessible means of escape shall comply with V404.2.4.

EXCEPTION:  Where automatic doors and gates remain open in the power-off condition, compliance with V404.2.4 shall not be required.


V404.3.3 Thresholds.  Thresholds and changes in level at doorways shall comply with V404.2.5.


V404.3.4 Doors in Series and Gates in Series.  Doors in series and gates in series shall comply with V404.2.6.


V404.3.5 Controls.  Manually operated controls shall comply with V309.  The clear deck space adjacent to the control shall be located beyond the arc of the door swing.


V404.3.6 Break Out Opening.  Where doors and gates without emergency power are a part of an accessible means of escape, the clear break out opening at swinging or sliding doors and gates shall be 32 inches (815 mm) minimum when operated in emergency mode.

EXCEPTION:  Where manual swinging doors and gates comply with V404.2 and serve the same accessible means of escape, compliance with V404.3.6 shall not be required.


Advisory V404.3.6 Break Out Opening.  Break out openings are typically on sliding doors and enable passengers to pass through doorways equipped with automatic doors during emergencies where normal ship’s power is not available.


V404.3.7 Revolving Doors, Revolving Gates, and Turnstiles.  Revolving doors, revolving gates, and turnstiles shall not be part of an accessible route.



V405 Ramps


V405.1 General.  Ramps on accessible routes shall comply with V405.

EXCEPTION:  In assembly areas, aisle ramps adjacent to seating and not serving elements required to be on an accessible route shall not be required to comply with V405.


V405.2 Slope.  Ramp runs shall have a running slope not steeper than 1:12.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In alterations, ramps shall be permitted to have running slopes in accordance with Table V405.2 where such slopes are necessary due to space limitations.

2.  At doors with coamings providing single ramp access in accordance with V404., ramp slopes shall be permitted to comply with Table V405.2.

3.  Where ramps connect to platforms of manually powered boarding lifts complying with V414, ramps shall be permitted to have running slopes which do not exceed 1:8 provided the rise of the ramps do not exceed 3 inches (75 mm).


Table V405.2 Alternate Ramp Slopes Permitted by Exceptions 1 and 2


Maximum Rise

Steeper than 1:10 but not steeper than 1:8

3 inches (75 mm)

Steeper than 1:12 but not steeper than 1:10

6 inches (150 mm)

1.        A slope steeper than 1:8 is prohibited.


Advisory V405.2 Slope.  To accommodate the widest range of users, provide ramps with the least possible running slope and, wherever possible, accompany ramps with stairs for use by those individuals for whom distance presents a greater barrier than steps, e.g., people with heart disease or limited stamina.


V405.3 Cross Slope.  Cross slope of ramp runs shall not be steeper than 1:48.


Advisory V405.3 Cross Slope.  Cross slope is the slope of the surface perpendicular to the direction of travel.  Cross slope is measured the same way as slope is measured (i.e., the rise over the run).


V405.4 Deck Surfaces.  Deck surfaces of ramp runs shall comply with V302.  Changes in level other than the running slope and cross slope are not permitted on ramp runs.


V405.5 Clear Width.  The clear width of a ramp run and, where handrails are provided, the clear width between handrails shall be 36 inches (915 mm) minimum.

EXCEPTION:  Where the largest deck of a passenger vessel is less than 3000 square feet (279m2) in size, the width of ramp runs and the distance between handrails, if provided, shall be permitted to have clear widths of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum.


V405.6 Rise.  The rise for any ramp run shall be 30 inches (760 mm) maximum.


V405.7 Landings.  Ramps shall have landings at the top and the bottom of each ramp run.  Landings shall comply with V405.7.

EXCEPTION:  Landings at tops of ramps are not required at doors with coamings providing double or single ramp access in accordance with V404.2.5.2.


Advisory V405.7 Landings.  Ramps that do not have level landings at changes in direction can create a compound slope that will not meet the requirements of this document.  Circular or curved ramps continually change direction.  Curvilinear ramps with small radii also can create compound cross slopes and cannot, by their nature, meet the requirements for accessible routes.  A level landing is needed at the accessible door to permit maneuvering and simultaneously door operation.


V405.7.1 Slope.  Landings shall comply with V302.  Changes in level are not permitted.

EXCEPTION:  Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted.


V405.7.2 Width.  The landing clear width shall be at least as wide as the widest ramp run leading to the landing.


V405.7.3 Length.  The landing clear length shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) long minimum.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where the largest deck is less than 3000 square feet (279m2), the landing clear length shall be permitted to be 48 inches (1220 mm) long minimum.

2.  At the end of ramps connected to platforms of manually powered boarding lifts complying with V414, landings shall be permitted to be 48 inches (1220 mm) long minimum.


V405.7.4 Change in Direction.  Ramps that change direction between runs at landings shall have a clear landing 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum.


V405.7.5 Doorways.  Where doorways are located adjacent to a ramp landing, maneuvering clearances required by V404.2.4 and V404.3.2 shall be permitted to overlap the required landing area.


V405.8 Handrails.  Ramp runs with a rise greater than 6 inches (150 mm) shall have handrails complying with V503.


V405.9 Edge Protection.  Edge protection complying with V405.9.1 or V405.9.2 shall be provided on each side of ramp runs and at each side of ramp landings.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Edge protection shall not be required on ramps that are not required to have handrails and have sides complying with V406.3.

2.  Edge protection shall not be required on the sides of ramp landings serving an adjoining ramp run, gangway run, or stairway.

3.  Edge protection shall not be required on the sides of ramp landings having a vertical drop-off of ½ inch (13 mm) maximum within 10 inches (255 mm) horizontally of the minimum landing area specified in V405.7.


V405.9.1 Extended Deck Surface.  The deck surface of the ramp run or landing shall extend 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beyond the inside face of a handrail complying with V503.


Advisory V405.9.1 Extended Deck Surface.  The extended surface prevents wheelchair casters and crutch tips from slipping off the ramp surface.


V405.9.2 Curb or Barrier.  A curb or barrier shall be provided that prevents the passage of a 4 inch (100 mm) diameter sphere, where any portion of the sphere is within 4 inches (100 mm) of the finish deck surface.


V405.10 Wet Conditions.  Landings subject to wet conditions shall be designed to prevent the accumulation of water.



V406 Curb Ramps


V406.1 General.  Curb ramps on accessible routes shall comply with V406, V405.2 through V405.5, and V405.10.


V406.2 Counter Slope.  Counter slopes of adjoining gutters and vehicular way surfaces immediately adjacent to the curb ramp shall not be steeper than 1:20.  The adjacent surfaces at transitions at curb ramps to walks, gutters, and vehicular ways shall be at the same level.


V406.3 Sides of Curb Ramps.  Where provided, curb ramp flares shall not be steeper than 1:10.


V406.4 Landings.  Landings shall be provided at the tops of curb ramps.  The landing clear length shall be 36 inches (915 mm) minimum.  The landing clear width shall be at least as wide as the curb ramp, excluding flared sides, leading to the landing.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, where there is no landing at the top of existing curb ramps, curb ramp flares shall be provided and shall not be steeper than 1:12.



V407 Elevators


V407.1 General.  Elevators shall comply with V407 and with ASME A17.1 (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1).  They shall be passenger elevators as classified by ASME A17.1.  Elevator operation shall be automatic.


Advisory V407.1 General.  The ADA and other Federal civil rights laws require that accessible features be maintained in working order so that they are accessible to and usable by those people they are intended to benefit.  Vessel owners should note that the ASME Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators requires routine maintenance and inspections.  Isolated or temporary interruptions in service due to maintenance or repairs may be unavoidable; however, failure to take prompt action to effect repairs could constitute a violation of Federal laws and these requirements.


V407.2 Elevator Landing Requirements.  Elevator landings shall comply with V407.2.


V407.2.1 Call Controls.  Where elevator call buttons or keypads are provided, they shall comply with V407.2.1 and V309.4.  Call buttons shall be raised or flush.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, existing elevators shall be permitted to have recessed call buttons.


V407.2.1.1 Height.  Call buttons and keypads shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in V308, measured to the centerline of the highest operable part.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, existing call buttons and existing keypads shall be permitted to be located at 54 inches (1370 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface measured to the centerline of the highest operable part.


V407.2.1.2 Size.  Call buttons shall be ¾ inch (19 mm) minimum in the smallest dimension.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, existing elevator call buttons shall not be required to comply with V407.2.1.2.


V407.2.1.3 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided at call controls.


Advisory V407.2.1.3 Clear Deck Space.  The deck space required at elevator call buttons must remain free of obstructions including ashtrays, plants, and other decorative elements that prevent wheelchair users and others from reaching the call buttons.  The height of the clear deck space is considered to be a volume from the deck surface to 80 inches (2030 mm) above the deck surface.  Recessed ashtrays should not be placed near elevator call buttons so that persons who are blind or visually impaired do not inadvertently contact them or their contents as they reach for the call buttons.


V407.2.1.4 Location.  The call button that designates the up direction shall be located above the call button that designates the down direction.

EXCEPTION:  Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with V407.2.1.4.


Advisory V407.2.1.4 Location Exception.  A destination-oriented elevator system provides lobby controls enabling passengers to select deck stops, lobby indicators designating which elevator to use, and a car indicator designating the deck at which the car will stop.  Responding cars are programmed for maximum efficiency by reducing the number of stops any passenger experiences.


V407.2.1.5 Signals.  Call buttons shall have visible signals to indicate when each call is registered and when each call is answered.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with V407.2.1.5 provided that visible and audible signals complying with V407.2.2 indicating which elevator car to enter are provided.

2.  In alterations, existing elevators shall not be required to comply with V407.2.1.5.


V407.2.1.6 Keypads.  Where keypads are provided, keypads shall be in a standard telephone keypad arrangement and shall comply with V407.4.7.2.


V407.2.2 Hall Signals.  Hall signals, including in-car signals, shall comply with V407.2.2.


V407.2.2.1 Visible and Audible Signals.  A visible and audible signal shall be provided at each hoistway entrance to indicate which car is answering a call and the car’s direction of travel.  Where in-car signals are provided, they shall be visible from the deck area adjacent to the hall call buttons.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Visible and audible signals shall not be required at each destination-oriented elevator where a visible and audible signal complying with V407.2.2 is provided indicating the elevator car designation information.

2.  In alterations to existing elevators, a signal indicating the direction of car travel shall not be required.


V407.2.2.2 Visible Signals.  Visible signal fixtures shall be centered at 72 inches (1830 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface.  The visible signal elements shall be 2½ inches (64 mm) minimum measured along the vertical centerline of the element.  Signals shall be visible from the deck area adjacent to the hall call button.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Destination-oriented elevators shall be permitted to have signals visible from the deck area adjacent to the hoistway entrance.

2.  In alterations, existing elevators shall not be required to comply with V407.2.2.2.


V407.2.2.3 Audible Signals.  Audible signals shall sound once for the up direction and twice for the down direction, or shall have verbal annunciators that indicate the direction of elevator car travel.  Audible signals shall have a frequency of 1500 Hz maximum.  Verbal annunciators shall have a frequency of 300 Hz minimum and 3000 Hz maximum.  The audible signal and verbal annunciator shall be 10 dB minimum above ambient, but shall not exceed 80 dB maximum, measured at the hall call button.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with V407.2.2.3 provided that the audible tone and verbal announcement is the same as those given at the call button or call button keypad.

2.  In alterations, existing elevators shall not be required to comply with the requirements for frequency and dB range of audible signals.


V407.2.2.4 Differentiation.  Each destination-oriented elevator in a bank of elevators shall have audible and visible means for differentiation.


V407.2.3 Hoistway Signs.  Signs at elevator hoistways shall comply with V407.2.3.


V407.2.3.1 Deck Designation.  Deck designations complying with V703.2 and V703.4.1 shall be provided on both jambs of elevator hoistway entrances.  Deck designations shall be provided in both tactile characters and braille.  Tactile characters shall be 2 inches (51 mm) high minimum.  Where vessel entry points are provided on only one deck, a tactile star shall be provided on both jambs at the entry deck.


V407.2.3.2 Car Designations.  Destination-oriented elevators shall provide tactile car identification complying with V703.2 on both jambs of the hoistway immediately below the deck designation.  Car designations shall be provided in both tactile characters and braille.  Tactile characters shall be 2 inches (51 mm) high minimum.


V407.3 Elevator Door Requirements.  Hoistway and car doors shall comply with V407.3.


V407.3.1 Type.  Elevator doors shall be the horizontal sliding type.  Car gates shall be prohibited.


V407.3.2 Operation.  Elevator hoistway and car doors shall open and close automatically.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, existing manually operated hoistway swing doors shall be permitted provided that they comply with V404.2.3 and V404.2.9.  Car door closing shall not be initiated until the hoistway door is closed.


V407.3.3 Reopening Device.  Elevator doors shall be provided with a reopening device complying with V407.3.3 that shall stop and reopen a car door and hoistway door automatically if the door becomes obstructed by an object or person.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, existing elevators with manually operated doors shall not be required to comply with V407.3.3.


V407.3.3.1 Height.  The device shall be activated by sensing an obstruction passing through the opening at 5 inches (125 mm) nominal and 29 inches (735 mm) nominal above the finish deck surface.


V407.3.3.2 Contact.  The device shall not require physical contact to be activated, although contact is permitted to occur before the door reverses.


V407.3.3.3 Duration.  Door reopening devices shall remain effective for 20 seconds minimum.


V407.3.4 Door and Signal Timing.  The minimum acceptable time from notification that a car is answering a call or notification of the car assigned at the means for the entry of destination information until the doors of that car start to close shall be calculated from the following equation: T = D/(1.5 ft/s) or T = D/(455 mm/s) = 5 seconds minimum where T equals the total time in seconds and D equals the distance (in feet or millimeters) from the point in the lobby or corridor 60 inches (1525 mm) directly in front of the farthest call button controlling that car to the centerline of its hoistway door.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  For cars with in-car lanterns, T shall be permitted to begin when the signal is visible from the point 60 inches (1525 mm) directly in front of the farthest hall call button and the audible signal is sounded.

2.  Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with V407.3.4.


V407.3.5 Door Delay.  Elevator doors shall remain fully open in response to a car call for 3 seconds minimum.


V407.3.6 Width.  The width of elevator doors shall comply with Table V407.4.1.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations to existing elevators, a power-operated car door complying with V404.2.3 shall be permitted.


V407.4 Elevator Car Requirements.  Elevator cars shall comply with V407.4.


V407.4.1 Car Dimensions.  Inside dimensions of elevator cars and clear width of elevator doors shall comply with Table V407.4.1.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, existing elevator car configurations that provide a clear deck area of 16 square feet (1.5 m2) minimum and also provide an inside clear depth 54 inches (1370 mm) minimum and a clear width 36 inches (915 mm) minimum shall be permitted.


Table V407.4.1 Elevator Door and Car Sizes


Minimum Dimensions

Door Location

Door Clear Width

Inside Car, Side to Side

Inside Car, Back Wall to Front Return

Inside Car, Back Wall to Inside Face of Door


42 inches (1065 mm)

80 inches (2030 mm)

51 inches (1295 mm)

54 inches (1370 mm)

Side (off-centered)

36 inches (915 mm)1

68 inches (1725 mm)

51 inches (1295 mm)

54 inches (1370 mm)


36 inches (915 mm)1

54 inches (1370 mm)

80 inches (2030 mm)

80 inches (2030 mm)


36 inches (915 mm)1

60 inches (1525 mm)2

60 inches (1525 mm)2

60 inches (1525 mm)2

1.  A tolerance of minus 5/8 inch (16 mm) is permitted.

2.  Other car configurations that provide a turning space complying with V304 with the door closed shall be permitted.


V407.4.2 Deck Surfaces.  Deck surfaces in elevator cars shall comply with V302 and V303.


V407.4.3 Platform to Hoistway Clearance.  The clearance between the car platform sill and the edge of any hoistway landing shall be 1¼ inch (32 mm) maximum.


V407.4.4 Leveling.  Each car shall be equipped with a self-leveling feature that will automatically bring and maintain the car at deck landings within a tolerance of ½ inch (13 mm) under rated loading to zero loading conditions.


V407.4.5 Illumination.  The level of illumination at the car controls, platform, car threshold, and car landing sill shall be 5 foot candles (54 lux) minimum.


V407.4.6 Elevator Car Controls.  Where provided, elevator car controls shall comply with V407.4.6 and V309.4.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations to existing elevators, where a new car operating panel complying with V407.4.6 is provided, existing car operating panels shall not be required to comply with V407.4.6.


V407.4.6.1 Location.  Controls shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in V308.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where the elevator panel serves more than 16 openings and a parallel approach is provided, buttons with deck designations shall be permitted to be 54 inches (1370 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.

2.  In alterations to existing elevators, car control buttons with deck designations shall be permitted to be located 54 inches (1370 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface where a parallel approach is provided.


V407.4.6.2 Buttons.  Car control buttons with deck designations shall comply with V407.4.6.2 and shall be raised or flush.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations to existing elevators, buttons shall be permitted to be recessed.


V407. Size.  Buttons shall be 3/4 inch (19 mm) minimum in their smallest dimension.


V407. Arrangement.  Buttons shall be arranged with numbers in ascending order.  When two or more columns of buttons are provided, they shall read from left to right.


V407.4.6.3 Keypads.  Car control keypads shall be in a standard telephone keypad arrangement and shall comply with V407.4.7.2.


V407.4.6.4 Emergency Controls.  Emergency controls shall comply with V407.4.6.4.


V407. Height.  Emergency control buttons shall have their centerlines 35 inches (890 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface.


V407. Location.  Emergency controls, including the emergency alarm, shall be grouped at the bottom of the panel.


V407.4.7 Designations and Indicators of Car Controls.  Designations and indicators of car controls shall comply with V407.4.7.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations to existing elevators, where a new car operating panel complying with V407.4.7 is provided, existing car operating panels shall not be required to comply with V407.4.7.


V407.4.7.1 Buttons.  Car control buttons shall comply with V407.4.7.1.


V407. Type.  Control buttons shall be identified by tactile characters complying with V703.2.


V407. Location.  Raised character and braille designations shall be placed immediately to the left of the control button to which the designations apply.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, where space on an existing car operating panel precludes tactile markings to the left of the controls, markings shall be placed as near to the control as possible.


V407. Symbols.  The control button for the emergency stop, alarm, door open, door close, entry deck, and phone, shall be identified with tactile symbols as shown in Table V407.

EXCEPTION:  Where a passenger vessel has more than one entry deck, the entry deck tactile symbol is not required.


Table V407. Elevator Control Button Identification

Control Button

Tactile Symbol

Braille Message

Emergency Stop


 octagon with incised X


braille cells


"ST"OP Three cells





braille cells


AL"AR"M Four cells

Door Open


two arrows pointing outward


braille cells


OP"EN" Three cells

Door Close


two facing arrows


braille cells


CLOSE Five cells

Entry Deck



braille cells


MA"IN" Three cells





braille cells


PH"ONE" Four cells


V407. Visible Indicators.  Buttons with deck designations shall be provided with visible indicators to show that a call has been registered.  The visible indication shall extinguish when the car arrives at the designated deck.


V407.4.7.2 Keypads.  Keypads shall be identified by characters complying with V703.5 and shall be centered on the corresponding keypad button.  The number five key shall have a single raised dot.  The dot shall be 0.118 inch (3 mm) to 0.120 inch (3.05 mm) base diameter and in other aspects comply with Table V703.3.1.


V407.4.8 Car Position Indicators.  Audible and visible car position indicators shall be provided in elevator cars.


V407.4.8.1 Visible Indicators.  Visible indicators shall comply with V407.4.8.1.


V407. Size.  Characters shall be ½ inch (13 mm) high minimum.


V407. Location.  Indicators shall be located above the car control panel or above the door.


V407. Deck Arrival.  As the car passes a deck and when a car stops at a deck served by the elevator, the corresponding character shall illuminate.

EXCEPTION:  Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with V407. provided that the visible indicators extinguish when the call has been answered.


V407. Destination Indicator.  In destination-oriented elevators, a display shall be provided in the car with visible indicators to show car destinations.


V407.4.8.2 Audible Indicators.  Audible indicators shall comply with V407.4.8.2.


V407. Signal Type.  The signal shall be an automatic verbal annunciator which announces the deck at which the car is about to stop. 

EXCEPTION:  For elevators other than destination-oriented elevators that have a rated speed of 200 feet per minute (1 m/s) or less, a non-verbal audible signal with a frequency of 1500 Hz maximum which sounds as the car passes or is about to stop at a deck served by the elevator shall be permitted.


V407. Signal Level.  The verbal annunciator shall be 10 dB minimum above ambient, but shall not exceed 80 dB, measured at the annunciator.


V407. Frequency.  The verbal annunciator shall have a frequency of 300 Hz minimum to 3000 Hz maximum.


V407.4.9 Emergency Communication.  Emergency two-way communication systems shall comply with V308.  Tactile symbols and characters shall be provided adjacent to the device and shall comply with V703.2.


V407.4.10 Handrails.  Where handrails are provided in elevators, the handrails shall comply with V503.  Handrails complying with V307.2 shall be permitted to overlap clearances for elevators.



V408 Limited-Use/Limited-Application Elevators


V408.1 General.  Limited-use/limited-application elevators shall comply with V408 and with ASME A17.1 (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1).  They shall be passenger elevators as classified by ASME A17.1.  Elevator operation shall be automatic.


V408.2 Elevator Landings.  Landings serving limited-use/limited-application elevators shall comply with V408.2.


V408.2.1 Call Buttons.  Elevator call buttons and keypads shall comply with V407.2.1.


V408.2.2 Hall Signals.  Hall signals shall comply with V407.2.2.


V408.2.3 Hoistway Signs.  Signs at elevator hoistways shall comply with V407.2.3.1.


V408.3 Elevator Doors.  Elevator hoistway doors shall comply with V408.3.


V408.3.1 Sliding Doors.  Sliding hoistway and car doors shall comply with V407.3.1 through V407.3.3 and V408.4.1.


V408.3.2 Swinging Doors.  Swinging hoistway doors shall open and close automatically and shall comply with V404, V407.3.2 and V408.3.2.


V408.3.2.1 Power Operation.  Swinging doors shall be power-operated and shall comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.19 (1997 or 2002 edition) (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1).


V408.3.2.2 Duration.  Power-operated swinging doors shall remain open for 20 seconds minimum when activated.


V408.4 Elevator Cars.  Elevator cars shall comply with V408.4.


V408.4.1 Car Dimensions and Doors.  Elevator cars shall provide a clear width 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum and a clear depth 54 inches (1370 mm) minimum.  Car doors shall be positioned at the narrow ends of cars and shall provide 32 inches (815 mm) minimum clear width.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Cars that provide a clear width 51 inches (1295 mm) minimum shall be permitted to provide a clear depth 51 inches (1295 mm) minimum, provided that car doors provide a clear opening 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum.

2.  In alterations, existing elevator cars shall be permitted to provide a clear width 36 inches (915 mm) minimum, clear depth 54 inches (1370 mm) minimum, and a net clear platform area 15 square feet (1.4 m2) minimum.


V408.4.2 Deck Surfaces.  Deck surfaces in elevator cars shall comply with V302 and V303.


V408.4.3 Platform to Hoistway Clearance.  The platform to hoistway clearance shall comply with V407.4.3.


V408.4.4 Leveling.  Elevator car leveling shall comply with V407.4.4.


V408.4.5 Illumination.  Elevator car illumination shall comply with V407.4.5.


V408.4.6 Car Controls.  Elevator car controls shall comply with V407.4.6.  Control panels shall be centered on a side wall and shall comply with V309.


V408.4.7 Designations and Indicators of Car Controls.  Designations and indicators of car controls shall comply with V407.4.7.


V408.4.8 Emergency Communications.  Car emergency signaling devices complying with V407.4.9 shall be provided.


V408.4.9 Handrails.  Where handrails are provided in elevators, the handrails shall comply with V503.  Handrails complying with V307.2 shall be permitted to overlap clearances for elevators.



V409 Platform Lifts


V409.1 General.  Platform lifts shall not be attendant-operated and shall provide unassisted entry and exit from the lift.  The design load of the lifts shall be at least 600 pounds (272 kg).


Advisory V409.1 General.  Inclined and vertical platform lifts are available for short-distance vertical transportation.  Because an accessible route requires an 80 inch (2030 mm) vertical clearance, care should be taken in selecting lifts as they may not be equally suitable for use by people using wheelchairs and people standing.  If a lift does not provide 80 inch (2030 mm) vertical clearance, it cannot be considered part of an accessible route in new construction.  


The ADA and other Federal civil rights laws require that accessible features be maintained in working order so that they are accessible to and usable by those people they are intended to benefit.  Isolated or temporary interruptions in service due to maintenance or repairs may be unavoidable; however, failure to take prompt action to effect repairs could constitute a violation of Federal laws and these requirements.


Although section V409.1 does not reference a safety standard for platform lifts, it is recommended that the provisions in ASME A18.1, Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts, be used where applicable in the marine environment.


V409.2 Deck Surfaces.  Deck surfaces in platform lifts shall comply with V302 and V303.


V409.3 Clear Deck Space.  Clear deck space in platform lifts shall comply with V305.


V409.4 Platform to Runway Clearance.  The clearance between the platform sill and the edge of any runway landing shall be 1¼ inch (32 mm) maximum. 


V409.5 Operable Parts.  Controls for platform lifts shall comply with V309.


V409.6 Doors and Gates.  Platform lifts shall have low-energy power-operated doors or gates complying with V404.3.  Doors shall remain open for 20 seconds minimum.  End doors and gates shall provide a clear width 32 inches (815 mm) minimum.  Side doors and gates shall provide a clear width 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum.

EXCEPTION:  Platform lifts serving two landings maximum and having doors or gates on opposite sides shall be permitted to have self-closing manual doors or gates.


V409.7 Handrails.  Where handrails are provided in platform lifts, the handrails shall comply with V503.  Handrails complying with V307.2 shall be permitted to overlap clearances for platform lifts where handrail supports do not project into the clear deck space required by V409.3.



V410 Accessible Means of Escape


V410.1 General.  Accessible means of escape shall comply with V410.1.


V410.1.1 Administrative Authority Requirements.  Accessible means of escape shall comply with the requirements of the administrative authority applicable to the corresponding required means of escape from the space


Advisory V410.1.1 Administrative Authority Requirements.  The accessible means of escape is not required to follow the same path as the required means of escape, but is required tocomply with the same safety requirements (such as fire and smoke protection, and travel distance) established by the administrative authority for the required means of escape.


V410.1.2 Components.  Accessible means of escape shall consist of one or more of the following components:

(a) walking surfaces complying with V403;

(b) doors and doorways complying with V404;

(c) ramps complying with V405;

(d) curb ramps complying with V406;

(e) exit stairways complying with V410.2;

(f) elevators complying with V407 and V410.3;

(g) elevators, as permitted by V206.6, complying with V408 and V410.3;

(h) platform lifts, as permitted by V206.7, complying with V409 and V410.4; and

(i) manually powered boarding lifts, as permitted by V206.7, complying with V414.


V410.2 Exit Stairways.  Exit stairways that are partof an accessible means of escape shall comply with V410.2 and V502.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where exit stairways only serve one passenger guestroom, exit stairways shall not be required to comply with V410.2 and V502.

2.  Where vessels are protected by an automatic sprinkler system complying with NFPA 13 (incorporated by reference, see V105.2.4) or an international convention that applies to passenger vessels that the United States is a party to, exit stairways shall not be required to comply with V410.2 and V502.

3.  Where exit stairways are open to the weather, exit stairways shall not be required to comply with V410.2 and V502. 


Advisory V410.2 EXCEPTION 2.  The automatic sprinkler system requirements in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) would satisfy the condition of exception 2.  Information on SOLAS may be obtained from the International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embarkment, London SE1 7SR United Kingdom (


V410.2.1 Clear Width.  Exit stairways shall have a clear width of 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum between handrails.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where exit stairways are accessed from areas of refuge complying with requirements established by the administrative authority, exit stairways shall not be required to comply withV410.2.1.

2.  Where passenger vessels are permitted to carrying 600 or fewer passengers, exit stairways shall be permitted to have a clear width of 36 inches (915 mm) minimum between handrails.


V410.2.2 Areas of Refuge and Areas of Temporary Refuge.  Exit stairways shall comply with V410.2.2.1, or V410.2.2.2, or V410.2.2.3.

EXCEPTION:  Where exit stairways are accessed from areas open to the weather, exit stairways shall not be required to comply with V410.2.2.


V410.2.2.1 Areas of Refuge.  Exit stairways shall be accessed from an area of refuge complying with requirements established by the administrative authority.


V410.2.2.2 Areas of Temporary Refuge and Enlarged Stair Landings.  Exit stairways shall incorporate areas of temporary refuge complying with V411 within enlarged deck-level stair landings.


V410.2.2.3 Areas of Temporary Refuge in Adjacent Spaces.  Exit stairways shall be accessed from areas of temporary refuge in an adjacent space complying with V411.


Advisory V410.2.2 Areas of Refuge and Areas of Temporary Refuge.  Areas of refuge (different from areas of temporary refuge) on passenger vessels are typically large spaces that are separated from the effects of fire and flooding where passengers can gather in an emergency, and then if necessary be directed to an evacuation station for disembarking a vessel.  In the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), areas of refuge are known as muster stations and assembly stations.  Areas of temporary refuge typically would be much smaller spaces where passengers who are unable to use stairs may remain temporarily to await further instructions or assistance during emergency evacuation to an area of refuge or evacuation station.


V410.3 Elevators.  Elevators that arepart of an accessible means of escape shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.27 of ASME/ANSI A17.1 and shall be provided with emergency power.  The elevators shall be accessed from either an area of temporary refuge complying with V411 or an area of refuge complying with requirements established by the administrative authority.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where elevators are accessed from areas open to the weather, areas of temporary refuge and areas of refuge shall not be required.

2.  Where vessels are protected by an automatic sprinkler system complying with NFPA 13 (incorporated by reference, see V105.2.4) or an international convention that applies to passenger vessels that the United States is a party to, elevators shall not be required to be accessed from areas of temporary refuge and areas of refuge.


V410.4 Platform Lifts.  Platform lifts that arepart of an accessible means of escape shall comply with V409 and shall be provided with emergency power.



V411 Areas of Temporary Refuge


V411.1 General.  Areas of temporary refuge that are part of an accessible means of escape shall comply with V411.


V411.2 Location.  Areas of temporary refuge shall be accessed from the space it serves by an accessible means of escape.  Every required area of temporary refuge shall have direct access to a stair complying with V410.2 or an elevator complying with V410.3.


V411.3 Size.  Areas of temporary refuge shall be sized to accommodate one wheelchair space complying with V305.3 for each 200 occupants or portion thereof, based on the occupant load of the area of temporary refuge and all areas served by the area of temporary refuge.  Such wheelchair spaces shall not reduce the required means of escape width established by the administrative authority.  Access to any of the required wheelchair spaces in an area of temporary refuge shall not be obstructed by more than one adjoining wheelchair space.


V411.4 Construction.  Areas of temporary refuge shall comply with construction requirements established by the administrative authority for areas of refuge applicable to the particular vessel.


V411.5 Smoke Resistance.  Areas of temporary refuge shall comply with smoke resistance requirements established by the administrative authority for areas of refuge applicable to the particular vessel.


V411.6 Two-way Communication.  Areas of temporary refuge shall be provided with a two-way communication system between the area of temporary refuge and the bridge of the vessel, or a central control station which is manned while passengers are on the vessel.  The two-way communication system shall include both audible and visible signals.



V412 Passenger Boarding Systems


V412.1 General.  Passenger boarding systems shall comply with V412.


V412.2 Components.  Passenger boarding systems shall consist of one or more of the following components:

(a) walking surfaces complying with V403;

(b) doors and doorways complying with V404;

(c) ramps complying with V405;

(d) curb ramps complying with V406;

(e) elevators complying with V407 or V408;

(f) platform lifts complying with V409;

(g) gangways complying with V413; and

(h) manually powered boarding lifts complying with V414.



V413 Gangways


V413.1 General.  Gangways that are part of passenger boarding systems required to comply with V412 shall comply with V413.


V413.2 Slope.  Gangway runs shall have a running slope not steeper than 1:12.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where gangways have only one run and the gangways do not exceed a rise of 6 inches (150 mm), the gangways shall be permitted to have running slopes in accordance with Table V413.2.

2.  Where an existing gangway run or series of gangway runs is replaced or altered, an increase in the length of the gangway run is not required to comply with V413.2, unless required by V202.4.

3.  On vessel carried gangways, where the total length of the gangway run or series of runs is at least as long as the beam of the vessel, V413.2 shall not apply to the gangways.

4.  On pier provided gangways, where the total length of a gangway run or series of runs is at least 120 feet (37 m), V413.2 shall not apply to the gangways.

5.  On passenger vessels which carry vehicles, where the only way for pedestrian passengers to embark or disembark is by way of a gangway which also functions as a vehicle transfer bridge, V413.2 shall not apply to the gangway.


Table V413.2 Alternate Running Slopes Permitted by Exception 1


Maximum Rise

Steeper than 1:10 but not steeper than 1:8

3 inches (75 mm)

Steeper than 1:12 but not steeper than 1:10

6 inches (150 mm)

1.        A slope steeper than 1:8 is prohibited.


V413.3 Cross Slope.  Cross slope of gangway runs shall not be steeper than 1:48.


Advisory V413.3 Cross Slope.  Cross slope is the slope of the surface perpendicular to the direction of travel.  It is measured the same way as slope is measured: the rise over the run.


V413.4 Surfaces.  Surfaces of gangway runs shall comply with V302.  Changes in level other than the running slope and cross slope are not permitted on gangway runs.


V413.5 Clear Width.  The clear width of a gangway run and, where handrails are provided, the clear width between handrails shall be 36 inches (915 mm) minimum.

EXCEPTION:  Where the largest deck of a passenger vessel is less than 3000 square feet (279m2), the width of gangway runs and the distance between handrails, if provided, shall be permitted to have clear widths of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum.


V413.6 Transition Plates.  Transition plates provided at the ends of gangway runs shall contrast visually with adjacent passenger walkways either light-on-dark or dark-on-light.


V413.7 Landings.  Gangways shall have landings at the top and the bottom of each gangway run.  Landings shall comply with V405.7.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Landings shall not be required at gangways which connect to transition plates which comply with V405.

2.  On telescoping gangways, landings shall not be required between gangway segments where transition plates are provided which comply with V405.1 through V405.6 and V405.8 through V405.10.


V413.7.1 Slope.  Landings shall comply with V302.  Changes in level are not permitted.

EXCEPTION:  Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted.


V413.7.2 Width.  The landing clear width shall be at least as wide as the widest gangway run leading to the landing.


V413.7.3 Length.  The landing clear length shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) long minimum.


V413.7.4 Change in Direction.  Gangways that change direction between runs at landings shall have a clear landing 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum.


V413.7.5 Doorways.  Where doorways are located adjacent to a gangway landing, maneuvering clearances required by V404.2.4 and V404.3.2 shall be permitted to overlap the required landing area.


V413.8 Handrails.  Gangway runs with a rise greater than 6 inches (150 mm) shall have handrails complying with V503.


V413.9 Edge Protection.  Edge protection complying with V413.9.1 or V413.9.2 shall be provided on each side of gangway runs and at each side of gangway landings.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Edge protection shall not be required on the sides of gangway landings serving an adjoining ramp run, gangway run or stairway.

2.  Edge protection shall not be required on the sides of gangway landings having a vertical drop-off of ½ inch (13 mm) maximum within 10 inches (255 mm) horizontally of the minimum landing area specified in V413.7.


V413.9.1 Extended Deck Surface.  The deck surface of the gangway run or landing shall extend 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beyond the inside face of a handrail complying with V503.


Advisory V413.9.1 Extended Deck Surface.  The extended surface prevents wheelchair casters and crutch tips from slipping off the gangway surface.


V413.9.2 Curb or Barrier.  A curb or barrier shall be provided that prevents the passage of a 4 inch (100 mm) diameter sphere, where any portion of the sphere is within 4 inches (100 mm) of the finish deck surface.


V413.10 Wet Conditions.  Landings subject to wet conditions shall be designed to prevent the accumulation of water.



V414 Manually Powered Boarding Lifts


V414.1 General.  Manually powered boarding lifts shall comply with V414. 


V414.2 Design Load.  The design load of the lift shall be at least 600 pounds (272 kg).  Working parts, such as cables, pulleys, and shafts, which would be expected to wear, and upon which the lift depends for support of the load, shall have a safety factor of at least six, based on the ultimate strength of the material.  Nonworking parts, such as platform, frame, and attachment hardware which would not be expected to wear, shall have a safety factor of at least three, based on the ultimate strength of the material.


V414.3 Controls.  Where provided, each control for deploying, lowering, raising, and stowing the lift and lowering the roll-off barrier shall require continuous manual pressure by the operators and an inherent design feature or other system shall not allow improper lift sequencing when the lift platform is occupied.  The controls shall allow reversal of the lift operation sequence when the lift is occupied.


V414.4 Emergency Operation.  The lift, when occupied, shall incorporate an emergency method of lowering.


V414.5 Equipment Failure.  The lift, when occupied, shall have provisions to prevent it from falling any faster than 12 inches/second (305 mm/second) and dropping an occupant in the event of a single failure of any load carrying component.


V414.6 Platform Barriers.  The lift platform shall be equipped with barriers to prevent any of the wheels of a wheelchair or mobility aid from rolling off the lift during its operation.


V414.7 Platform Surface and Size.  The platform surface and size shall comply with V302, V303, and V305.


Advisory V414.7 Platform Surface and Size.  An exception in V305.7.2 allows platforms to be 56 inches (1420 mm) wide when approached from the side. 


V414.8 Platform Approaches.  The platform approaches, or loading-edge barriers used as approaches, shall comply with V403 or V405.  Transitions from adjacent deck and pier surfaces shall comply with V303.


V414.9 Platform Deflection.  The lift platform shall not deflect more than 3 degrees in any direction between its unloaded position and its position when loaded with 600 pounds (272 kg) applied through a 26 inch (660 mm) by 26 inch (660 mm) test pallet at the centroid of the lift platform.


V414.10 Boarding Direction.  The lift shall permit both inboard and outboard facing of wheelchairs and mobility aids.


V414.11 Handrails.  The platform on the lift shall be equipped with handrails on two sides, which move in tandem with the lift, and which shall be graspable and provide support to standees throughout the entire lift operation.  Handrails shall have a usable component 8 inches (205 mm) long minimum, and the top of the gripping surface shall be 30 inches (760 mm) minimum and 38 inches (965 mm) maximum above the platform.  The handrails shall be capable of withstanding a force of 100 pounds (449 N) concentrated at any point on the handrail without permanent deformation of the rail or its supporting structure.  The handrails shall comply with V503.5 through V503.9.

Chapter V5

V501 General


V501.1 Scope.  The provisions of Chapter 5 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document.



V502 Stairways


V502.1 General.  Stairs shall comply with V502.


V502.2 Treads and Risers.  All steps on a flight of stairs shall have uniform riser heights and uniform tread depths.  Risers shall be 4 inches (100 mm) high minimum and 7 inches (180 mm) high maximum.  Treads shall be 11 inches (280 mm) deep minimum.


V502.3 Open Risers.  Open risers are not permitted.


V502.4 Tread Surface.  Stair treads shall comply with V302.  Changes in level are not permitted.

EXCEPTION:  Treads shall be permitted to have a slope not steeper than 1:48.


Advisory V502.4 Tread Surface.  Consider providing visual contrast on tread nosings, or at the leading edges of treads without nosings, so that stair treads are more visible for people with low vision.


V502.5 Nosings.  The radius of curvature at the leading edge of the tread shall be ½ inch (13 mm) maximum.  Nosings that project beyond risers shall have the underside of the leading edge curved or beveled.  Risers shall be permitted to slope under the tread at an angle of 30 degrees maximum from vertical.  The permitted projection of the nosing shall extend 1½ inches (38 mm) maximum over the tread below.


V502.6 Handrails.  Stairs shall have handrails complying with V503.


V502.7 Wet Conditions.  Stair treads and landings subject to wet conditions shall be designed to prevent the accumulation of water.



V503 Handrails


V503.1 General.  Handrails provided along walking surfaces complying with V403, required at ramps complying with V405, provided at elevators complying with V407 or V408 and platform lifts complying with V409, required at gangways complying with V413 and required at stairs complying with V502, shall comply with V503.


V503.2 Where Required.  Handrails shall be provided on both sides of stairs, gangways, and ramps.

EXCEPTION:  In assembly areas, handrails shall not be required on both sides of aisle ramps where a handrail is provided at either side or within the aisle width.


V503.3 Continuity.  Handrails shall be continuous within the full length of each stair flight, gangway run, or ramp run.  Inside handrails on switchback or dogleg stairs and ramps shall be continuous between flights or runs.

EXCEPTION:  In assembly areas, handrails on ramps shall not be required to be continuous in aisles serving seating.


V503.4 Height.  Top of gripping surfaces of handrails shall be 34 inches (865 mm) minimum and 38 inches (965 mm) maximum vertically above walking surfaces, stair nosings, gangway surfaces, and ramp surfaces.  Handrails shall be at a consistent height above walking surfaces, stair nosings, gangway surfaces, and ramp surfaces.

EXCEPTION:  Section V503.4 shall not apply to handrails along walking surfaces with slopes not steeper than 1:20 that are required by the administrative authority to be located more than 38 inches (965 mm) above deck surfaces.


Advisory V503.4 Height.  The requirements for stair, gangway, and ramp handrails in this document are for adults.  When children are the principal users in a facility (e.g., children’s center), a second set of handrails at an appropriate height can assist them and aid in preventing accidents.  A maximum height of 28 inches (710 mm) measured to the top of the gripping surface from the gangway surface, ramp surface or stair nosing is recommended for handrails designed for children.  Sufficient vertical clearance between upper and lower handrails, 9 inches (230 mm) minimum, should be provided to help prevent entrapment.


V503.5 Clearance.  Clearance between handrail gripping surfaces and adjacent surfaces shall be 1½ inches (38 mm) minimum.


V503.6 Gripping Surface.  Handrail gripping surfaces shall be continuous along their length and shall not be obstructed along their tops or sides.  The bottoms of handrail gripping surfaces shall not be obstructed for more than 20 percent of their length.  Where provided, horizontal projections shall occur 1½ inches (38 mm) minimum below the bottom of the handrail gripping surface.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where handrails are provided along walking surfaces with slopes not steeper than 1:20, the bottoms of handrail gripping surfaces shall be permitted to be obstructed along their entire length where they are integral to crash rails or bumper guards.

2.  The distance between horizontal projections and the bottom of the gripping surface shall be permitted to be reduced by 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) for each ½ inch (13 mm) of additional handrail perimeter dimension that exceeds 4 inches (100 mm).


Advisory V503.6 Gripping Surface.  People with disabilities, older people, and others benefit from continuous gripping surfaces that permit users to reach the fingers outward or downward to grasp the handrail, particularly as the user senses a loss of equilibrium or begins to fall. 


V503.7 Cross Section.  Handrail gripping surfaces shall have a cross section complying with V503.7.1 or V503.7.2.


V503.7.1 Circular Cross Section.  Handrail gripping surfaces with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of 1¼ inches (32 mm) minimum and 2 inches (51 mm) maximum.


V503.7.2 Non-Circular Cross Sections.  Handrail gripping surfaces with a non-circular cross section shall have a perimeter dimension of 4 inches (100 mm) minimum and 6¼ inches (160 mm) maximum, and a cross-section dimension of 2¼ inches (57 mm) maximum.


V503.8 Surfaces.  Handrail gripping surfaces and any surfaces adjacent to them shall be free of sharp or abrasive elements and shall have rounded edges.


V503.9 Fittings.  Handrails shall not rotate within their fittings.


V503.10 Handrail Extensions.  Handrail gripping surfaces shall extend beyond and in the same direction of stair flights, gangway runs and ramp runs in accordance with V503.10.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Extensions shall not be required for continuous handrails at the inside turn of switchback or dogleg stairs and ramps.

2.  In assembly areas, extensions shall not be required for ramp handrails in aisles serving seating where the handrails are discontinuous to provide access to seating and to permit crossovers within aisles.

3.  In alterations, full extensions of handrails shall not be required where such extensions would be hazardous due to plan configuration.

4.  Where gangways and transition plates connect and are required to have handrails, handrail extensions shall not be required.

5.  Where handrail extensions are provided on gangways or transition plates, extensions are not required to be horizontal to the landing surface.


V503.10.1 Top and Bottom Extension at Ramps and Gangways.  Ramp and gangway handrails shall extend horizontally above the landing for 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beyond the top and bottom of ramp and gangway runs.  Extensions shall return to a wall, guard, or the landing surface, or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent ramp run.


V503.10.2 Top Extension at Stairs.  At the top of a stair flight, handrails shall extend horizontally above the landing for 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beginning directly above the first riser nosing.  Extensions shall return to a wall, guard, or the landing surface, or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stair flight.


V503.10.3 Bottom Extension at Stairs.  At the bottom of a stair flight, handrails shall extend at the slope of the stair flight for a horizontal distance at least equal to one tread depth beyond the last riser nosing.  Extensions shall return to a wall, guard, or the landing surface, or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stair flight.

Chapter V6

V601 General


V601.1 Scope.  The provisions of Chapter 6 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document.



V602 Drinking Fountains


V602.1 General.  Drinking fountains shall comply with V307 and V602.


V602.2 Clear Deck Space.  Units shall have a clear deck space complying with V305 positioned for a forward approach and centered on the unit.  Knee and toe clearance complying with V306 shall be provided.

EXCEPTION:  A parallel approach complying with V305 shall be permitted at units for children's use where the spout is 30 inches (760 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface and is 3½ inches (90 mm) maximum from the front edge of the unit, including bumpers.


V602.3 Operable Parts.  Operable parts shall comply with V309.


V602.4 Spout Height.  Spout outlets shall be 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.


V602.5 Spout Location.  The spout shall be located 15 inches (380 mm) minimum from the vertical support and 5 inches (125 mm) maximum from the front edge of the unit, including bumpers.


V602.6 Water Flow.  The spout shall provide a flow of water 4 inches (100 mm) high minimum and shall be located 5 inches (125 mm) maximum from the front of the unit.  The angle of the water stream shall be measured horizontally relative to the front face of the unit.  Where spouts are located less than 3 inches (75 mm) of the front of the unit, the angle of the water stream shall be 30 degrees maximum.  Where spouts are located between 3 inches (75 mm) and 5 inches (125 mm) maximum from the front of the unit, the angle of the water stream shall be 15 degrees maximum.


Advisory V602.6 Water Flow.  The purpose of requiring the drinking fountain spout to produce a flow of water 4 inches (100 mm) high minimum is so that a cup can be inserted under the flow of water to provide a drink of water for an individual who, because of a disability, would otherwise be incapable of using the drinking fountain.


V602.7 Drinking Fountains for Standing Persons.  Spout outlets of drinking fountains for standing persons shall be 38 inches (965 mm) minimum and 43 inches (1090 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.



V603 Toilet and Bathing Rooms


V603.1 General.  Toilet and bathing rooms shall comply with V603.


V603.2 Clearances.  Clearances shall comply with V603.2.


V603.2.1 Turning Space.  Turning space complying with V304 shall be provided within the room.


V603.2.2 Overlap.  Required clear deck spaces, clearance at fixtures, and turning space shall be permitted to overlap.


V603.2.3 Door Swing.  Doors shall not swing into the clear deck space or clearance required for any fixture.  Doors shall be permitted to swing into the required turning space.

EXCEPTION:  Where the toilet room or bathing room is for individual use and a clear deck space complying with V305.3 is provided within the room, beyond the arc of the door swing, doors shall be permitted to swing into the clear deck space or clearance required for any fixture.


V603.3 Mirrors.  Mirrors located above lavatories or countertops shall be installed with the bottom edge of the reflecting surface 40 inches (1015 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.  Mirrors not located above lavatories or countertops shall be installed with the bottom edge of the reflecting surface 35 inches (890 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.


Advisory V603.3 Mirrors.  A single full-length mirror can accommodate a greater number of people, including children.  In order for mirrors to be usable by people who are ambulatory and people who use wheelchairs, the top edge of mirrors should be 74 inches (1880 mm) minimum from the deck surface.


V603.4 Coat Hooks and Shelves.  Coat hooks shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in V308.  Shelves shall be located 40 inches (1015 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.



V604 Water Closets and Toilet Compartments


V604.1 General.  Water closets and toilet compartments shall comply with V604.2 through V604.8.

EXCEPTION:  Water closets and toilet compartments for children's use shall be permitted to comply with V604.9.


V604.2 Location.  The water closet shall be positioned with a wall or partition to the rear and to one side.  The centerline of the water closet shall be 16 inches (405 mm) minimum to 18 inches (455 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition, except that the water closet shall be 17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition in the ambulatory accessible toilet compartment specified in V604.8.2.  Water closets shall be arranged for a left-hand or right-hand approach.


V604.3 Clearance.  Clearances around water closets and in toilet compartments shall comply with V604.3.


V604.3.1 Size.  Clearance around a water closet shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum measured perpendicular from the side wall and 56 inches (1420 mm) minimum measured perpendicular from the rear wall.


V604.3.2 Overlap.  The required clearance around the water closet shall be permitted to overlap the water closet, associated grab bars, dispensers, sanitary napkin disposal units, coat hooks, shelves, accessible routes, clear deck space and clearances required at other fixtures, and the turning space.  No other fixtures or obstructions shall be located within the required water closet clearance.


Advisory V604.3.2 Overlap.  When the door to the toilet room is placed directly in front of the water closet, the water closet cannot overlap the required maneuvering clearance for the door inside the room.


V604.4 Seats.  The seat height of a water closet above the finish deck surface shall be 17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum measured to the top of the seat.  Seats shall not be sprung to return to a lifted position.


V604.5 Grab Bars.  Grab bars for water closets shall comply with V609.  Grab bars shall be provided on the side wall closest to the water closet and on the rear wall.


V604.5.1 Side Wall.  The side wall grab bar shall be 42 inches (1065 mm) long minimum, located 12 inches (305 mm) maximum from the rear wall and extending 54 inches (1370 mm) minimum from the rear wall.


V604.5.2 Rear Wall.  The rear wall grab bar shall be 36 inches (915 mm) long minimum and extend from the centerline of the water closet 12 inches (305 mm) minimum on one side and 24 inches (610 mm) minimum on the other side.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  The rear grab bar shall be permitted to be 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum, centered on the water closet, where wall space does not permit a length of 36 inches (915 mm) minimum due to the location of a recessed fixture adjacent to the water closet.

2.  Where an administrative authority requires flush controls for flush valves to be located in a position that conflicts with the location of the rear grab bar, then the rear grab bar shall be permitted to be split or shifted to the open side of the toilet area.


V604.6 Flush Controls.  Flush controls shall be hand operated or automatic.  Hand operated flush controls shall comply with V309.  Flush controls shall be located on the open side of the water closet, except in compartments with vacuum flush systems and in ambulatory accessible compartments complying with V604.8.2.


Advisory V604.6 Flush Controls.  If plumbing valves are located directly behind the toilet seat, flush valves and related plumbing can cause injury or imbalance when a person leans back against them.  To prevent causing injury or imbalance, the plumbing can be located behind walls or to the side of the toilet; or provide a toilet seat lid.


V604.7 Dispensers.  Toilet paper dispensers shall comply with V309.4 and shall be 7 inches (180 mm) minimum and 9 inches (230 mm) maximum in front of the water closet measured to the centerline of the dispenser.  The outlet of the dispenser shall be 15 inches (380 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface and shall not be located behind grab bars.  Dispensers shall not be of a type that controls delivery or that does not allow continuous paper flow.


Advisory V604.7 Dispensers.  If toilet paper dispensers are installed above the side wall grab bar, the outlet of the toilet paper dispenser must be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface and the top of the gripping surface of the grab bar must be 33 inches (840 mm) minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the finished deck surface.


V604.8 Toilet Compartments.  Wheelchair accessible toilet compartments shall meet the requirements of V604.8.1 and V604.8.3.  Compartments containing more than one plumbing fixture shall comply with V603.  Ambulatory accessible compartments shall comply with V604.8.2 and V604.8.3.


V604.8.1 Wheelchair Accessible Compartments.  Wheelchair accessible compartments shall comply with V604.8.1.


V604.8.1.1 Size.  Wheelchair accessible compartments shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) wide minimum measured perpendicular to the side wall, and 56 inches (1420 mm) deep minimum for wall hung water closets, and 59 inches (1500 mm) deep minimum for deck surface mounted water closets measured perpendicular to the rear wall.  Wheelchair accessible compartments for children’s use shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) wide minimum measured perpendicular to the side wall, and 59 inches (1500 mm) deep minimum for wall hung and deck surface mounted water closets measured perpendicular to the rear wall.


Advisory V604.8.1.1 Size.  The minimum space required in toilet compartments is provided so that a person using a wheelchair can maneuver into position at the water closet.  This space cannot be obstructed by baby changing tables or other fixtures or conveniences, except as specified at V604.3.2 (Overlap).  If toilet compartments are to be used to house fixtures other than those associated with the water closet, they must be designed to exceed the minimum space requirements.  Convenience fixtures such as baby changing tables must also be accessible to people with disabilities as well as to other users.  Toilet compartments that are designed to meet, and not exceed, the minimum space requirements may not provide adequate space for maneuvering into position at a baby changing table.


V604.8.1.2 Doors.  Toilet compartment doors, including door hardware, shall comply with V404 except that if the approach is to the latch side of the compartment door, clearance between the door side of the compartment and any obstruction shall be 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum.  Doors shall be located in the front partition or in the side wall or partition farthest from the water closet.  Where located in the front partition, the door opening shall be 4 inches (100 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition farthest from the water closet.  Where located in the side wall or partition, the door opening shall be 4 inches (100 mm) maximum from the front partition.  The door shall be self-closing.  A door pull complying with V404.2.7 shall be placed on both sides of the door near the latch.  Toilet compartment doors shall not swing into the minimum required compartment area.


V604.8.1.3 Approach.  Compartments shall be arranged for left-hand or right-hand approach to the water closet.


V604.8.1.4 Toe Clearance.  The front partition and at least one side partition shall provide a toe clearance of 9 inches (230 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface and 6 inches (150 mm) deep minimum beyond the compartment-side face of the partition, exclusive of partition support members.  Compartments for children’s use shall provide a toe clearance of 12 inches (305 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface.

EXCEPTION:  Toe clearance at the front partition is not required in a compartment greater than 62 inches (1575 mm) deep with a wall-hung water closet or 65 inches (1650 mm) deep with a deck-surface-mounted water closet.  Toe clearance at the side partition is not required in a compartment greater than 66 inches (1675 mm) wide.  Toe clearance at the front partition is not required in a compartment for children’s use that is greater than 65 inches (1650 mm) deep.


V604.8.1.5 Grab Bars.  Grab bars shall comply with V609.  A side-wall grab bar complying with V604.5.1 shall be provided and shall be located on the wall closest to the water closet.  In addition, a rear-wall grab bar complying with V604.5.2 shall be provided.


V604.8.2 Ambulatory Accessible Compartments.  Ambulatory accessible compartments shall comply with V604.8.2.


V604.8.2.1 Size.  Ambulatory accessible compartments shall have a depth of 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum and a width of 35 inches (890 mm) minimum and 37 inches (940 mm) maximum.


V604.8.2.2 Doors.  Toilet compartment doors, including door hardware, shall comply with V404, except that if the approach is to the latch side of the compartment door, clearance between the door side of the compartment and any obstruction shall be 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum.  The door shall be self-closing.  A door pull complying with V404.2.7 shall be placed on both sides of the door near the latch.  Toilet compartment doors shall not swing into the minimum required compartment area.


V604.8.2.3 Grab Bars.  Grab bars shall comply with V609.  A side-wall grab bar complying with V604.5.1 shall be provided on both sides of the compartment.


V604.8.3 Coat Hooks and Shelves.  Coat hooks shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in V308.  Shelves shall be located 40 inches (1015 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.


V604.9 Water Closets and Toilet Compartments for Children's Use.  Water closets and toilet compartments for children's use shall comply with V604.9.


Advisory V604.9 Water Closets and Toilet Compartments for Children's Use.  The requirements in V604.9 are to be followed where the exception for children's water closets in V604.1 is used.  The following table provides additional guidance in applying the specifications for water closets for children according to the age group served and reflects the differences in the size, stature, and reach ranges of children ages 3 through 12.  The specifications chosen should correspond to the age of the primary user group.  The specifications of one age group should be applied consistently in the installation of a water closet and related elements.

Advisory Specifications for Water Closets Serving Children Ages 3 through 12


Ages 3 and 4

Ages 5 through 8

Ages 9 through 12

Water Closet Centerline

12 inches

(305 mm)

12 to 15 inches

(305 to 380 mm)

15 to 18 inches

(380 to 455 mm)

Toilet Seat Height

11 to 12 inches

(280 to 305 mm)

12 to 15 inches

(305 to 380 mm)

15 to 17 inches

(380 to 430 mm)

Grab Bar Height

18 to 20 inches

(455 to 510 mm)

20 to 25 inches

(510 to 635 mm)

25 to 27 inches

(635 to 685 mm)

Dispenser Height

14 inches

(355 mm)

14 to 17 inches

(355 to 430 mm)

17 to 19 inches

(430 to 485 mm)


V604.9.1 Location.  The water closet shall be located with a wall or partition to the rear and to one side.  The centerline of the water closet shall be 12 inches (305 mm) minimum and 18 inches (455 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition, except that the water closet shall be 17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition in the ambulatory accessible toilet compartment specified in V604.8.2.  Compartments shall be arranged for left-hand or right-hand approach to the water closet.


V604.9.2 Clearance.  Clearance around a water closet shall comply with V604.3.


V604.9.3 Height.  The height of water closets shall be 11 inches (280 mm) minimum and 17 inches (430 mm) maximum measured to the top of the seat.  Seats shall not be sprung to return to a lifted position.


V604.9.4 Grab Bars.  Grab bars for water closets shall comply with V604.5.


V604.9.5 Flush Controls.  Flush controls shall be hand operated or automatic.  Hand operated flush controls shall comply with V309.2 and V309.4 and shall be installed 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.  Flush controls shall be located on the open side of the water closet, except in compartments with vacuum flush systems and in ambulatory accessible compartments complying with V604.8.2.


V604.9.6 Dispensers.  Toilet paper dispensers shall comply with V309.4 and shall be 7 inches (180 mm) minimum and 9 inches (230 mm) maximum in front of the water closet measured to the centerline of the dispenser.  The outlet of the dispenser shall be 14 inches (355 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.  There shall be a clearance of 1½ inches (38 mm) minimum below the grab bar.  Dispensers shall not be of a type that controls delivery or that does not allow continuous paper flow.


V604.9.7 Toilet Compartments.  Toilet compartments shall comply with V604.8.



V605 Urinals


V605.1 General.  Urinals shall comply with V605.


Advisory V605.1 General.  Stall-type urinals provide greater accessibility for a broader range of persons, including people of short stature.


V605.2 Height and Depth.  Urinals shall be the stall-type or the wall-hung type with the rim 17 inches (430 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.  Urinals shall be 13½ inches (345 mm) deep minimum measured from the outer face of the urinal rim to the back of the fixture.


V605.3 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 positioned for forward approach shall be provided.


V605.4 Flush Controls.  Flush controls shall be hand operated or automatic.  Hand operated flush controls shall comply with V309.



V606 Lavatories and Sinks


V606.1 General.  Lavatories and sinks shall comply with V606.


Advisory V606.1 General.  If soap and towel dispensers are provided, they must be located within the reach ranges specified in V308.  Locate soap and towel dispensers so that they are conveniently usable by a person at the accessible lavatory.


V606.2 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305, positioned for a forward approach, and knee and toe clearance complying with V306 shall be provided.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  A parallel approach complying with V305 shall be permitted to a kitchen sink in a space where a cook top or conventional range is not provided and to wet bars.

2.  A knee clearance of 24 inches (610 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface shall be permitted at lavatories and sinks used primarily by children 6 through 12 years where the rim or counter surface is 31 inches (785 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.

3.  A parallel approach complying with V305 shall be permitted to lavatories and sinks used primarily by children 5 years and younger.

4.  The dip of the overflow shall not be considered in determining knee and toe clearances.

5.  No more than one bowl of a multi-bowl sink shall be required to provide knee and toe clearance complying with V306.


V606.3 Height.  Lavatories and sinks shall be installed with the front of the higher of the rim or counter surface 34 inches (865 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.


V606.4 Faucets.  Controls for faucets shall comply with V309.  Hand-operated, metering faucets shall remain open for 10 seconds minimum.


V606.5 Exposed Pipes and Surfaces.  Water supply and drain pipes under lavatories and sinks shall be insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact.  There shall be no sharp or abrasive surfaces under lavatories and sinks.



V607 Bathtubs


V607.1 General.  Bathtubs shall comply with V607.


V607.2 Clearance.  Clearance in front of bathtubs shall extend the length of the bathtub and shall be 30 inches (760 mm) wide minimum.  A lavatory complying with V606 shall be permitted at the control end of the clearance.  Where a permanent seat is provided at the head end of the bathtub, the clearance shall extend 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beyond the wall at the head end of the bathtub.


V607.3 Seat.  A permanent seat at the head end of the bathtub or a removable in-tub seat shall be provided.  Seats shall comply with V610.


V607.4 Grab Bars.  Grab bars for bathtubs shall comply with V609 and shall be provided in accordance with V607.4.1 or V607.4.2.


V607.4.1 Bathtubs With Permanent Seats.  For bathtubs with permanent seats, grab bars shall be provided in accordance with V607.4.1.


V607.4.1.1 Back Wall.  Two grab bars shall be installed on the back wall, one located in accordance with V609.4 and the other located 8 inches (205 mm) minimum and 10 inches (255 mm) maximum above the rim of the bathtub.  Each grab bar shall be installed 15 inches (380 mm) maximum from the head end wall and 12 inches (305 mm) maximum from the control end wall.


V607.4.1.2 Control End Wall.  A grab bar 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum shall be installed on the control end wall at the front edge of the bathtub.


V607.4.2 Bathtubs Without Permanent Seats.  For bathtubs without permanent seats, grab bars shall comply with V607.4.2.


V607.4.2.1 Back Wall.  Two grab bars shall be installed on the back wall, one located in accordance with V609.4 and the other located 8 inches (205 mm) minimum and 10 inches (255 mm) maximum above the rim of the bathtub.  Each grab bar shall be 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum and shall be installed 24 inches (610 mm) maximum from the head end wall and 12 inches (305 mm) maximum from the control end wall.


V607.4.2.2 Control End Wall.  A grab bar 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum shall be installed on the control end wall at the front edge of the bathtub.


V607.4.2.3 Head End Wall.  A grab bar 12 inches (305 mm) long minimum shall be installed on the head end wall at the front edge of the bathtub.


V607.5 Controls.  Controls, other than drain stoppers, shall be located on an end wall.  Controls shall be between the bathtub rim and grab bar, and between the open side of the bathtub and the centerline of the width of the bathtub.  Controls shall comply with V309.4.


V607.6 Shower Spray Unit and Water.  A shower spray unit with a hose 59 inches (1500 mm) long minimum that can be used both as a fixed-position shower head and as a hand-held shower shall be provided.  The shower spray unit shall have an on/off control with a non-positive shut-off.  If an adjustable-height shower head on a vertical bar is used, the bar shall be installed so as not to obstruct the use of grab bars.  Bathtub shower spray units shall deliver water that is 120°F (49°C) maximum.


Advisory V607.6 Shower Spray Unit and Water.  Ensure that hand-held shower spray units are capable of delivering water pressure substantially equivalent to fixed shower heads.


V607.7 Bathtub Enclosures.  Enclosures for bathtubs shall not obstruct controls, faucets, shower and spray units, or obstruct transfer from wheelchairs onto bathtub seats or into bathtubs.  Enclosures on bathtubs shall not have tracks installed on the rim of the open face of the bathtub.



V608 Shower Compartments and Rinsing Showers


V608.1 General.  Shower compartments and rinsing showers shall comply with V608.


Advisory V608.1 General.  Shower stalls that are 60 inches (1525 mm) wide and have no curb may increase the usability of a bathroom because the shower area provides additional maneuvering space.


V608.2 Size and Clearances for Shower Compartments and Rinsing Showers.  Shower compartments and rinsing showers shall have sizes and clearances complying with V608.2.


V608.2.1 Transfer Type Shower Compartments.  Transfer type shower compartments shall be 36 inches (915 mm) by 36 inches (915 mm) clear inside dimensions measured at the center points of opposing sides and shall have a 36 inch (915 mm) wide minimum entry on the face of the shower compartment.  Clearance of 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum by 48 inches (1220 mm) long minimum measured from the control wall shall be provided.


V608.2.2 Standard Roll-In Type Shower Compartments. Standard roll-in type shower compartments shall be 30 inches (760 mm) wide minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) deep minimum clear inside dimensions measured at center points of opposing sides and shall have a 60 inches (1525 mm) wide minimum entry on the face of the shower compartment.


608.2.2.1 Clearance.  A 30 inch (760 mm) wide minimum by 60 inch (1525 mm) long minimum clearance shall be provided adjacent to the open face of the shower compartment. 

EXCEPTION:  A lavatory complying with V606 shall be permitted on one 30 inch (760 mm) wide minimum side of the clearance provided that it is not on the side of the clearance adjacent to the controls or, where provided, not on the side of the clearance adjacent to the shower seat.

V608.2.3 Alternate Roll-In Type Shower Compartments.  Alternate roll-in type shower compartments shall be 36 inches (915 mm) wide and 60 inches (1525 mm) deep minimum clear inside dimensions measured at center points of opposing sides.  A 36 inch (915 mm) wide minimum entry shall be provided at one end of the long side of the compartment.


V608.2.4 Rinsing Showers.  Rinsing showers shall provide a 60 inch (1525 mm) diameter minimum circular clear deck space.


V608.3 Grab Bars.  Grab bars shall comply with V609 and shall be provided in accordance with V608.3.  Where multiple grab bars are used, required horizontal grab bars shall be installed at the same height above the finish deck surface.


V608.3.1 Transfer Type Shower Compartments.  In transfer type compartments, grab bars shall be provided across the control wall and back wall to a point 18 inches (455 mm) from the control wall.


V608.3.2 Standard Roll-In Type Shower Compartments.  Where a seat is provided in standard roll-in type shower compartments, grab bars shall be provided on the back wall and the side wall opposite the seat.  Grab bars shall not be provided above the seat.  Where a seat is not provided in standard roll-in type shower compartments, grab bars shall be provided on three walls.  Grab bars shall be installed 6 inches (150 mm) maximum from adjacent walls. 


V608.3.3 Alternate Roll-In Type Shower Compartments.  In alternate roll-in type shower compartments, grab bars shall be provided on the back wall and the side wall farthest from the compartment entry.  Grab bars shall not be provided above the seat.  Grab bars shall be installed 6 inches (150 mm) maximum from adjacent walls. 


V608.3.4 Rinsing Showers.  Grab bars for rinsing showers shall comply with V609 and shall be provided in accordance with V608.3.4.1, V608.3.4.2, or V608.3.4.3.


V608.3.4.1 Vertical Grab Bar.  Where the shower head is mounted on a post, a vertical grab shall be provided under the shower head.  The grab bar shall start at a point at or below the minimum grab bar mounting height in V609 and shall extend to within at least 3 inches (75 mm) of the shower head.


V608.3.4.2 Circular Grab Bar.  Where the shower head is mounted on a post, a circular grab bar that surrounds the usable part of the post shall be provided.


V608.3.4.3 Horizontal Grab Bar.  Where the shower head is mounted on a post or a wall, a horizontal grab bar extending 18 inches (455 mm) minimum in both directions from the center line of the shower head shall be provided.


V608.4 Seats.  A folding or non-folding seat shall be provided in transfer type shower compartments.  A folding seat shall be provided in roll-in type showers required inguest rooms with mobility features complying with V806.2.  Seats shall comply with V610.  Seats shall not be provided in rinsing showers unless the rinsing showers meet the criteria in V608 for transfer-type, standard roll-in type, or alternate roll-in type showers.


V608.5 Controls.  In shower compartments, controls, faucets, and shower spray units shall comply with V309.4 and V608.5.  In rinsing showers, controls, faucets, and shower spray units shall comply with V309.


V608.5.1 Transfer Type Shower Compartments.  In transfer type shower compartments, the controls, faucets, and shower spray unit shall be installed on the side wall opposite the seat 38 inches (965 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the shower deck surface and shall be located on the control wall 15 inches (380 mm) maximum from the centerline of the seat toward the shower opening.


V608.5.2 Standard Roll-In Type Shower Compartments.  In standard roll-in type shower compartments, the controls, faucets, and shower spray unit shall be located above the grab bar, but no higher than 48 inches (1220 mm) above the shower deck surface.  Where a seat is provided, the controls, faucets, and shower spray unit shall be installed on the back wall adjacent to the seat wall and shall be located 27 inches (685 mm) maximum from the seat wall.


Advisory V608.5.2 Standard Rollin Type Shower Compartments.  In standard roll-in type showers without seats, the shower head and operable parts can be located on any of the three walls of the shower without adversely affecting accessibility.


V608.5.3 Alternate Roll-In Type Shower Compartments.  In alternate roll-in type shower compartments, the controls, faucets, and shower spray unit shall be located above the grab bar, but no higher than 48 inches (1220 mm) above the shower deck surface.  Where a seat is provided, the controls, faucets, and shower spray unit shall be located on the side wall adjacent to the seat 27 inches (685 mm) maximum from the side wall behind the seat or shall be located on the back wall opposite the seat 15 inches (380 mm) maximum, left or right, of the centerline of the seat.  Where a seat is not provided, the controls, faucets, and shower spray unit shall be installed on the side wall farthest from the compartment entry.


V608.6 Shower Spray Unit and Water.  In shower compartments and rinsing showers, a shower spray unit with a hose 59 inches (1500 mm) long minimum that can be used both as a fixed-position shower head and as a hand-held shower shall be provided.  The shower spray unit shall have an on/off control with a non-positive shut-off.  If an adjustable-height shower head on a vertical bar is used, the bar shall be installed so as not to obstruct the use of grab bars.  Shower spray units shall deliver water that is 120°F (49°C) maximum.

EXCEPTION:  A fixed shower head located at 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the shower finish deck surface shall be permitted instead of a hand-held spray unit in facilities that are not medical care facilities or guest rooms.


Advisory V608.6 Shower Spray Unit and Water.  Ensure that hand-held shower spray units are capable of delivering water pressure substantially equivalent to fixed shower heads.


V608.7 Thresholds.  Thresholds in rinsing showers and roll-in type shower compartments shall be ½ inch (13 mm) high maximum in accordance with V303.  In transfer type shower compartments, thresholds ½ inch (13 mm) high maximum shall be beveled, rounded, or vertical.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, a threshold 2 inches (51 mm) high maximum shall be permitted in transfer type shower compartments in existing facilities where provision of a ½ inch (13 mm) high threshold would disturb the structural integrity of the deck surface.


V608.8 Shower Enclosures.  Enclosures for shower compartments and rinsing showers shall not obstruct controls, faucets, and shower spray units or obstruct transfer from wheelchairs or other mobility aid devices onto shower compartment seats.



V609 Grab Bars


V609.1 General.  Grab bars in toilet facilities and bathing facilities shall comply with V609.


V609.2 Cross Section.  Grab bars shall have a cross section complying with V609.2.1 or V609.2.2.


V609.2.1 Circular Cross Section.  Grab bars with circular cross sections shall have an outside diameter of 1¼ inches (32 mm) minimum and 2 inches (51 mm) maximum.


V609.2.2 Non-Circular Cross Section.  Grab bars with non-circular cross sections shall have a cross-section dimension of 2 inches (51 mm) maximum and a perimeter dimension of 4 inches (100 mm) minimum and 4.8 inches (120 mm) maximum.


V609.3 Spacing.  The space between the wall and the grab bar shall be 1½ inches (38 mm).  At rinsing showers, if grab bars are installed on posts, the space between the post and grab bar shall be 1½ inches (38 mm).  The space between the grab bar and projecting objects below and at the ends shall be 1½ inches (38 mm) minimum.  The space between the grab bar and projecting objects above shall be 12 inches (305 mm) minimum.

EXCEPTION:  The space between the grab bars and shower controls, shower fittings, and other grab bars above shall be permitted to be 1½ inches (38 mm) minimum.


V609.4 Position of Grab Bars.  Grab bars shall be installed in a horizontal position, 33 inches (840 mm) minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface measured to the top of the gripping surface, except that at water closets for children's use complying with V604.9, grab bars shall be installed in a horizontal position 18 inches (455 mm) minimum and 27 inches (685 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface measured to the top of the gripping surface.  The height of the lower grab bar on the back wall of a bathtub shall comply with V607.4.1.1 or V607.4.2.1.


V609.5 Surface Hazards.  Grab bars and any wall or other surfaces adjacent to grab bars shall be free of sharp or abrasive elements and shall have rounded edges.


V609.6 Fittings.  Grab bars shall not rotate within their fittings.


V609.7 Installation.  Grab bars shall be installed in any manner that provides a gripping surface at the specified locations and that does not obstruct the required clear deck space.


V609.8 Structural Strength.  Allowable stresses shall not be exceeded for materials used when a vertical or horizontal force of 250 pounds (1112 N) is applied at any point on the grab bar, fastener, mounting device, or supporting structure.



V610 Seats


V610.1 General.  Seats in bathtubs and shower compartments shall comply with V610.


V610.2 Bathtub Seats.  The top of bathtub seats shall be 17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum above the bathroom finish deck surface.  The depth of a removable in-tub seat shall be 15 inches (380 mm) minimum and 16 inches (405 mm) maximum.  The seat shall be capable of secure placement.  Permanent seats at the head end of the bathtub shall be 15 inches (380 mm) deep minimum and shall extend from the back wall to or beyond the outer edge of the bathtub.


V610.3 Shower Compartment Seats.  Where a seat is provided in a standard roll-in shower compartment, it shall be a folding type, shall be installed on the side wall adjacent to the controls, and shall extend from the back wall to a point within 3 inches (75 mm) of the compartment entry.  Where a seat is provided in an alternate roll-in type shower compartment, it shall be a folding type, shall be installed on the front wall opposite the back wall, and shall extend from the adjacent side wall to a point within 3 inches (75 mm) of the compartment entry.  In transfer type showers, the seat shall extend from the back wall to a point within 3 inches (75 mm) of the compartment entry.  The top of the seat shall be 17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum above the bathroom finish deck surface.  Seats shall comply with V610.3.1 or V610.3.2.


V610.3.1 Rectangular Seats.  The rear edge of a rectangular seat shall be 2½ inches (64 mm) maximum and the front edge 15 inches (380 mm) minimum and 16 inches (405 mm) maximum from the seat wall.  The side edge of the seat shall be 1½ inches (38 mm) maximum from the adjacent wall.


V610.3.2 L-Shaped Seats.  The rear edge of an L-shaped seat shall be 2½ inches (64 mm) maximum and the front edge 15 inches (380 mm) minimum and 16 inches (405 mm) maximum from the seat wall.  The rear edge of the "L" portion of the seat shall be 1½ inches (38 mm) maximum from the wall and the front edge shall be 14 inches (355 mm) minimum and 15 inches (380 mm) maximum from the wall.  The end of the "L" shall be 22 inches (560 mm) minimum and 23 inches maximum (585 mm) from the main seat wall.


V610.4 Structural Strength.  Allowable stresses shall not be exceeded for materials used when a vertical or horizontal force of 250 pounds (1112 N) is applied at any point on the seat, fastener, mounting device, or supporting structure.



V611 Washing Machines and Clothes Dryers


V611.1 General.  Washing machines and clothes dryers shall comply with V611.


V611.2 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 positioned for parallel approach shall be provided.  The clear deck space shall be centered on the appliance.


V611.3 Operable Parts.  Operable parts, including doors, lint screens, and detergent and bleach compartments shall comply with V309.


V611.4 Height.  Top loading machines shall have the door to the laundry compartment located 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.  Front loading machines shall have the bottom of the opening to the laundry compartment located 15 inches (380 mm) minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.



V612 Saunas and Steam Rooms


V612.1 General.  Saunas and steam rooms shall comply with V612.


V612.2 Bench.  Where seating is provided in saunas and steam rooms, at least one bench shall comply with V903.  Doors shall not swing into the clear deck space required by V903.2.

EXCEPTION:  A readily removable bench shall be permitted to obstruct the turning space required by V612.3 and the clear deck space required by V903.2.


V612.3 Turning Space.  A turning space complying with V304 shall be provided within saunas and steam rooms.

Chapter V7

V701 General


V701.1 Scope.  The provisions of Chapter 7 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document.



V702 Reserved



V703 Signs


V703.1 General.  Signs shall comply with V703.  Where both visual and tactile characters are required, either one sign with both visual and tactile characters, or two separate signs, one with visual, and one with tactile characters, shall be provided.


V703.2 Raised Characters.  Raised characters shall comply with V703.2 and shall be duplicated in braille complying with V703.3.  Raised characters shall be installed in accordance with V703.4.


Advisory V703.2 Raised Characters.  Signs that are designed to be read by touch should not have sharp or abrasive edges.


V703.2.1 Depth.  Raised characters shall be 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) minimum above their background.


V703.2.2 Case.  Characters shall be uppercase.


V703.2.3 Style.  Characters shall be sans serif.  Characters shall not be italic, oblique, script, highly decorative, or of other unusual forms.


V703.2.4 Character ProportionsCharacters shall be selected from fonts where the width of the uppercase letter "O" is 55 percent minimum and 110 percent maximum of the height of the uppercase letter "I".


V703.2.5 Character Height.  Character height measured vertically from the baseline of the character shall be e inch (16 mm) minimum and 2 inches (51 mm) maximum based on the height of the uppercase letter "I".

EXCEPTION:  Where separate raised and visual characters with the same information are provided, raised character height shall be permitted to be ½ inch (13 mm) minimum.


V703.2.6 Stroke Thickness.  Stroke thickness of the uppercase letter "I" shall be 15 percent maximum of the height of the character.


V703.2.7 Character Spacing.  Character spacing shall be measured between the two closest points of adjacent raised characters within a message, excluding word spaces.  Where characters have rectangular cross sections, spacing between individual raised characters shall be c inch (3.2 mm) minimum and 4 times the raised character stroke width maximum.  Where characters have other cross sections, spacing between individual raised characters shall be 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) minimum and 4 times the raised character stroke width maximum at the base of the cross sections, and c inch (3.2 mm) minimum and 4 times the raised character stroke width maximum at the top of the cross sections.  Characters shall be separated from raised borders and decorative elements d inch (9.5 mm) minimum.


V703.2.8 Line Spacing.  Spacing between the baselines of separate lines of raised characters within a message shall be 135 percent minimum and 170 percent maximum of the raised character height.


V703.3 Braille.  Braille shall be contracted (Grade 2) and shall comply with V703.3 and V703.4.


Advisory V703.3 Braille.  Contracted (Grade 2) braille is an abbreviated method of displaying words in braille.  For example, the word "men" is displayed using the braille symbols for "m" and "en".  The word "women" would use the braille symbols for "w", "o", "m", and "en".  Some grouping of letters have no contracted form, such as exit which would appear as "e", "x", "i", and "t".  Also, numbers have no contracted form.  Numbers in braille are created by using "a" to "j" for 1 to 0.  By putting a “#” sign in front of the letter or letters the reader is told these are numbers not letters.  Therefore, #abc means 123 and #aj means 10. 


V703.3.1 Dimensions and Capitalization.  Braille dots shall have a domed or rounded shape and shall comply with Table V703.3.1.  The indication of an uppercase letter or letters shall only be used before the first word of sentences, proper nouns and names, individual letters of the alphabet, initials, and acronyms.


Table V703.3.1 Braille Dimensions

Measurement Range

Minimum in Inches

Maximum in Inches

Dot base diameter

0.059 (1.5 mm)


0.063 (1.6 mm)

Distance between two dots in the same cell1

0.090 (2.3 mm)


0.100 (2.5 mm)

Distance between corresponding

dots in adjacent cells1

0.241 (6.1 mm)


0.300 (7.6 mm)

Dot height

0.025 (0.6 mm)


0.037 (0.9 mm)

Distance between corresponding dots

from one cell directly below1

0.395 (10 mm)


0.400 (10.2 mm)

1.  measured center-to-center


V703.3.2 Position.  Braille shall be positioned below the corresponding text.  If text is multi-lined, braille shall be placed below the entire text.  Braille shall be separated d inch (9.5 mm) minimum from any other tactile characters and d inch (9.5 mm) minimum from raised borders and decorative elements.

EXCEPTION:  Braille provided on elevator car controls shall be separated 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) minimum and shall be located either directly below or adjacent to the corresponding raised characters or symbols.


V703.4 Installation Height and Location.  Signs with tactile characters shall comply with V703.4.


V703.4.1 Height Above Finish Deck Surface.  Tactile characters on signs shall be located 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface, measured from the baseline of the lowest tactile character and 60 inches (1525 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface, measured from the baseline of the highest tactile character.

EXCEPTION:  Tactile characters for elevator car controls shall not be required to comply with V703.4.1.


V703.4.2 Location.  Where a tactile sign is provided at a door, the sign shall be located alongside the door at the latch side.  Where a tactile sign is provided at double doors with one active leaf, the sign shall be located on the inactive leaf.  Where a tactile sign is provided at double doors with two active leafs, the sign shall be located to the right of the right hand door.  Where there is no wall space at the latch side of a single door or at the right side of double doors, signs shall be located on the nearest adjacent wall.  Signs containing tactile characters shall be located so that a clear deck space of 18 inches (455 mm) minimum by 18 inches (455 mm) minimum, centered on the tactile characters, is provided beyond the arc of any door swing between the closed position and 45 degree open position.

EXCEPTION:  Signs with tactile characters shall be permitted on the push side of doors with closers and without hold-open devices.


V703.5 Visual Characters.  Visual characters shall comply with V703.5.

EXCEPTION:  Where visual characters comply with V703.2 and are accompanied by braille complying with V703.3, they shall not be required to comply with V703.5.2 through V703.5.9.


V703.5.1 Finish and Contrast.  Characters and their background shall have a non-glare finish.  Characters shall contrast with their background with either light characters on a dark background or dark characters on a light background.


Advisory V703.5.1 Finish and Contrast.  Signs are more legible for persons with low vision when characters contrast as much as possible with their background.  Additional factors affecting the ease with which the text can be distinguished from its background include shadows cast by lighting sources, surface glare, and the uniformity of the text and its background colors and textures.


V703.5.2 Case.  Characters shall be uppercase or lowercase or a combination of both.


V703.5.3 Style.  Characters shall be conventional in form.  Characters shall not be italic, oblique, script, highly decorative, or of other unusual forms.


V703.5.4 Character Proportions.  Characters shall be selected from fonts where the width of the uppercase letter "O" is 55 percent minimum and 110 percent maximum of the height of the uppercase letter "I".


V703.5.5 Character Height.  Minimum character height shall comply with Table V703.5.5.  Viewing distance shall be measured as the horizontal distance between the character and an obstruction preventing further approach towards the sign.  Character height shall be based on the uppercase letter "I".


Table V703.5.5 Visual Character Height

Height to Finish Deck Surface From

Baseline of Character

Horizontal Viewing Distance

Minimum Character Height

40 inches (1015 mm) to less

than or equal to 70 inches

(1780 mm)

Less than 72 inches (1830 mm)

5/8 inch (16 mm)

72 inches (1830 mm) and greater

5/8 inch (16 mm), plus c inch (3.2 mm) per foot (305 mm) of viewing distance above 72 inches (1830 mm)

Greater than 70 inches (1780 mm) to less than or equal to 120 inches (3050 mm)

Less than 180 inches (4570 mm)

2 inches (51 mm)

180 inches (4570 mm) and greater

2 inches (51 mm), plus c inch (3.2 mm) per foot (305 mm) of viewing distance above 180 inches (4570 mm)

Greater than 120 inches

(3050 mm)

Less than 21 feet (6400 mm)

3 inches (75 mm)

21 feet (6400 mm) and greater

3 inches (75 mm), plus c inch (3.2 mm) per foot (305 mm) of viewing distance above 21 feet (6400 mm)


V703.5.6 Height From Finish Deck Surface.  Visual characters shall be 40 inches (1015 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Visual characters indicating elevator car controls shall not be required to comply with V703.5.6.

2.  This requirement does not apply where the administrative authority requires signs to be mounted below 40 inches (1015 mm).


V703.5.7 Stroke Thickness.  Stroke thickness of the uppercase letter "I" shall be 10 percent minimum and 30 percent maximum of the height of the character.


V703.5.8 Character Spacing.  Character spacing shall be measured between the two closest points of adjacent characters, excluding word spaces.  Spacing between individual characters shall be 10 percent minimum and 35 percent maximum of character height.


V703.5.9 Line Spacing.  Spacing between the baselines of separate lines of characters within a message shall be 135 percent minimum and 170 percent maximum of the character height.


V703.6 Pictograms.  Pictograms shall comply with V703.6.


V703.6.1 Pictogram Field.  Pictograms shall have a field height of 6 inches (150 mm) minimum.  Characters and braille shall not be located in the pictogram field.


V703.6.2 Finish and Contrast.  Pictograms and their field shall have a non-glare finish.  Pictograms shall contrast with their field with either a light pictogram on a dark field or a dark pictogram on a light field.


Advisory V703.6.2 Finish and Contrast.  Signs are more legible for persons with low vision when characters contrast as much as possible with their background.  Additional factors affecting the ease with which the text can be distinguished from its background include shadows cast by lighting sources, surface glare, and the uniformity of the text and background colors and textures. 


V703.6.3 Text Descriptors.  Pictograms shall have text descriptors located directly below the pictogram field.  Text descriptors shall comply with V703.2, V703.3 and V703.4.


V703.7 Symbols of Accessibility.  Symbols of accessibility shall comply with V703.7.


V703.7.1 Finish and Contrast.  Symbols of accessibility and their background shall have a non-glare finish.  Symbols of accessibility shall contrast with their background with either a light symbol on a dark background or a dark symbol on a light background.


Advisory V703.7.1 Finish and Contrast.  Signs are more legible for persons with low vision when characters contrast as much as possible with their background.  Additional factors affecting the ease with which the text can be distinguished from its background include shadows cast by lighting sources, surface glare, and the uniformity of the text and background colors and textures.


V703.7.2 Symbols.


V703.7.2.1 International Symbol of Accessibility.  The International Symbol of Accessibility shall comply with Figure V703.7.2.1.


V703.7.2.2 Assistive Listening Systems.  Assistive listening systems shall be identified by the International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss complying with Figure V703.7.2.2


V703.7.2.3 Volume Control Telephones.  Telephones with a volume control shall be identified by a pictogram of a telephone handset with radiating sound waves on a square field such as shown in Figure V703.7.2.3.



V704 Telephones


V704.1 General.  Public telephones shall comply with V704.


V704.2 Wheelchair Accessible Telephones.  Wheelchair accessible telephones shall comply with V704.2.


V704.2.1 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided.  The clear deck space shall not be obstructed by bases, enclosures, or seats.


Advisory V704.2.1 Clear Deck Space.  Because clear deck space is required to be unobstructed, telephones, enclosures and related telephone book storage cannot encroach on the required clear deck space and must comply with the provisions for protruding objects.  (See Section V307).


V704.2.1.1 Parallel Approach.  Where a parallel approach is provided, the distance from the edge of the telephone enclosure to the face of the telephone unit shall be 10 inches (255 mm) maximum.


V704.2.1.2 Forward Approach.  Where a forward approach is provided, the distance from the front edge of a counter within the telephone enclosure to the face of the telephone unit shall be 20 inches (510 mm) maximum.


V704.2.2 Operable Parts.  Operable parts shall comply with V309.  Telephones shall have push-button controls where such service is available.


V704.2.3 Telephone Directories.  Telephone directories, where provided, shall be located in accordance with V309.


V704.2.4 Cord Length.  The cord from the telephone to the handset shall be 29 inches (735 mm) long minimum.


V704.3 Volume Control Telephones.  Public telephones required to have volume controls shall be equipped with a receive volume control that provides a gain adjustable up to 20 dB minimum.  For incremental volume control, provide at least one intermediate step of 12 dB of gain minimum.  An automatic reset shall be provided.


Advisory V704.3 Volume Control Telephones.  Amplifiers on pay phones are located in the base or the handset or are built into the telephone.  Most are operated by pressing a button or key.  If the microphone in the handset is not being used, a mute button that temporarily turns off the microphone can also reduce the amount of background noise which the person hears in the earpiece.  If a volume adjustment is provided that allows the user to set the level anywhere from the base volume to the upper requirement of 20 dB, there is no need to specify a lower limit.  If a stepped volume control is provided, one of the intermediate levels must provide 12 dB of gain.  Consider compatibility issues when matching an amplified handset with a phone or phone system.  Amplified handsets that can be switched with pay telephone handsets are available.  Portable and inline amplifiers can be used with some phones but are not practical at most public phones covered by these requirements.


V704.4 TTYs.  TTYs required at a public telephone shall be permanently affixed within, or adjacent to, the telephone enclosure.  Where an acoustic coupler is used, the telephone cord shall be sufficiently long to allow connection of the TTY and the telephone receiver.


V704.4.1 Height.  When in use, the touch surface of TTY keypads shall be 34 inches (865 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface.

EXCEPTION:  Where seats are provided, TTYs shall not be required to comply with V704.4.1.


Advisory V704.4.1 Height.  A telephone with a TTY installed underneath cannot also be a wheelchair accessible telephone because the required 34 inches (865 mm) minimum keypad height can causes the highest operable part of the telephone, usually the coin slot, to exceed the maximum permitted side and forward reach ranges.  (See Section V308).


Advisory V704.4.1 Height Exception.  While seats are not required at TTYs, reading and typing at a TTY is more suited to sitting than standing.



V705 Two-Way Communication Systems


V705.1 General.  Two-way communication systems shall comply with V705.


Advisory V705.1 General.  Devices that do not require handsets are easier to use by people who have a limited reach.


V705.2 Audible and Visual Indicators.  The system shall provide both audible and visual signals.


Advisory V705.2 Audible and Visual Indicators.  A light can be used to indicate visually that assistance is on the way.  Signs indicating the meaning of visual signals should be provided.


V705.3 Handsets.  Handset cords, if provided, shall be 29 inches (735 mm) long minimum.



V706 Assistive Listening Systems


V706.1 General.  Assistive listening systems shall comply with V706.


Advisory V706.1 General.  Assistive listening systems are generally categorized by their mode of transmission.  There are hard-wired systems and three types of wireless systems: induction loop, infrared, and FM radio transmission.  Each has different advantages and disadvantages that can help determine which system is best for a given application.  For example, an FM system may be better than an infrared system in some open-air assemblies since infrared signals are less effective in sunlight.  On the other hand, an infrared system is typically a better choice than an FM system where confidential transmission is important because it will be contained within a given space.

The technical standards for assistive listening systems describe minimum performance levels for volume, interference, and distortion.  Sound pressure levels (SPL), expressed in decibels, measure output sound volume.  Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR or S/N), also expressed in decibels, represents the relationship between the loudness of a desired sound (the signal) and the background noise in a space or piece of equipment.  The higher the SNR, the more intelligible the signal.  The peak clipping level limits the distortion in signal output produced when high-volume sound waves are manipulated to serve assistive listening devices.


Selecting or specifying an effective assistive listening system for a large or complex venue requires assistance from a professional sound engineer.  The Access Board has published technical assistance on assistive listening devices and systems.


V706.2 Receiver Jacks.  Receivers required for use with an assistive listening system shall include a 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) standard mono jack.


V706.3 Receiver Hearing-Aid Compatibility.  Receivers required to be hearing-aid compatible shall interface with telecoils in hearing aids through the provision of neckloops.


Advisory V706.3 Receiver Hearing-Aid Compatibility.  Neckloops and headsets that can be worn as neckloops are compatible with hearing aids.  Receivers that are not compatible include earbuds, which may require removal of hearing aids, earphones, and headsets that must be worn over the ear, which can create disruptive interference in the transmission and can be uncomfortable for people wearing hearing aids.


V706.4 Sound Pressure Level.  Assistive listening systems shall be capable of providing a sound pressure level of 110 dB minimum and 118 dB maximum with a dynamic range on the volume control of 50 dB.


V706.5 Signal-to-Noise Ratio.  The signal-to-noise ratio for internally generated noise in assistive listening systems shall be 18 dB minimum.


V706.6 Peak Clipping Level.  Peak clipping shall not exceed 18 dB of clipping relative to the peaks of speech.



V707 Automatic Teller Machines and Fare Machines


Advisory V707 Automatic Teller Machines and Fare Machines.  Interactive transaction machines (ITMs), other than ATMs, are not covered by Section V707.  However, for entities covered by the ADA, the Department of Justice regulations that implement the ADA provide additional guidance regarding the relationship between these requirements and elements that are not directly addressed by these requirements.  Federal procurement law requires that ITMs purchased by the Federal government comply with standards issued by the Access Board under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.  This law covers a variety of products, including computer hardware and software, websites, phone systems, fax machines, copiers, and similar technologies.  For more information on Section 508 consult the Access Board’s website at


V707.1 General.  Automatic teller machines and fare machines shall comply with V707.


Advisory V707.1 General.  If farecards have one tactually distinctive corner they can be inserted with greater accuracy.  Token collection devices that are designed to accommodate tokens which are perforated can allow a person to distinguish more readily between tokens and common coins.  Place accessible gates and fare vending machines in close proximity to other accessible elements when feasible so the facility is easier to use.


V707.2 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided.


V707.3 Operable Parts.  Operable parts shall comply with V309.  Unless a clear or correct key is provided, each operable part shall be able to be differentiated by sound or touch, without activation.


V707.4 Privacy.  Automatic teller machines shall provide the opportunity for the same degree of privacy of input and output available to all individuals.


Advisory V707.4 Privacy.  In addition to people who are blind or visually impaired, people with limited reach who use wheelchairs or have short stature, who cannot effectively block the ATM screen with their bodies, may prefer to use speech output.  Speech output users can benefit from an option to render the visible screen blank, thereby affording them greater personal security and privacy.


V707.5 Speech Output.  Machines shall be speech enabled.  Operating instructions and orientation, visible transaction prompts, user input verification, error messages, and all displayed information for full use shall be accessible to and independently usable by individuals with vision impairments.  Speech shall be delivered through a mechanism that is readily available to all users, including but not limited to, an industry standard connector or a telephone handset.  Speech shall be recorded or digitized human, or synthesized.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Audible tones shall be permitted instead of speech for visible output that is not displayed for security purposes, including but not limited to, asterisks representing personal identification numbers.

2.  Advertisements and other similar information shall not be required to be audible unless they convey information that can be used in the transaction being conducted.

3.  Where speech synthesis cannot be supported, dynamic alphabetic output shall not be required to be audible.


Advisory V707.5 Speech Output.  If an ATM provides additional functions such as dispensing coupons, selling theater tickets, or providing copies of monthly statements, all such functions must be available to customers using speech output.  To avoid confusion at the ATM, the method of initiating the speech mode should be easily discoverable and should not require specialized training.  For example, if a telephone handset is provided, lifting the handset can initiate the speech mode.


V707.5.1 User Control.  Speech shall be capable of being repeated or interrupted.  Volume control shall be provided for the speech function.

EXCEPTION:  Speech output for any single function shall be permitted to be automatically interrupted when a transaction is selected.


V707.5.2 Receipts.  Where receipts are provided, speech output devices shall provide audible balance inquiry information, error messages, and all other information on the printed receipt necessary to complete or verify the transaction.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Machine location, date and time of transaction, customer account number, and the machine identifier shall not be required to be audible.

2.  Information on printed receipts that duplicates information available on-screen shall not be required to be presented in the form of an audible receipt.

3.  Printed copies of bank statements and checks shall not be required to be audible.


V707.6 Input.  Input devices shall comply with V707.6.


V707.6.1 Input Controls.  At least one tactilely discernible input control shall be provided for each function.  Where provided, key surfaces not on active areas of display screens, shall be raised above surrounding surfaces.  Where membrane keys are the only method of input, each shall be tactilely discernable from surrounding surfaces and adjacent keys.


V707.6.2 Numeric Keys.  Numeric keys shall be arranged in a 12-key ascending or descending telephone keypad layout.  The number five key shall be tactilely distinct from the other keys.


Advisory V707.6.2 Numeric Keys.  Telephone keypads and computer keyboards differ in one significant feature, ascending versus descending numerical order.  Both types of keypads are acceptable, provided the computer-style keypad is organized similarly to the number pad located at the right on most computer keyboards, and does not resemble the line of numbers located above the computer keys.


V707.6.3 Function Keys.  Function keys shall comply with V707.6.3.


V707.6.3.1 Contrast.  Function keys shall contrast visually from background surfaces.  Characters and symbols on key surfaces shall contrast visually from key surfaces.  Visual contrast shall be either light-on-dark or dark-on-light.

EXCEPTION:  Tactile symbols required by V707.6.3.2 shall not be required to comply with V707.6.3.1.


V707.6.3.2 Tactile Symbols.  Function key surfaces shall have tactile symbols as follows: Enter or Proceed key: raised circle; Clear or Correct key: raised left arrow; Cancel key: raised letter ex; Add Value key: raised plus sign; Decrease Value key: raised minus sign.


V707.7 Display Screen.  The display screen shall comply with V707.7.


V707.7.1 Visibility.  The display screen shall be visible from a point located 40 inches (1015 mm) above the center of the clear deck space in front of the machine.


V707.7.2 Characters.  Characters displayed on the screen shall be in a sans serif font.  Characters shall be 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) high minimum based on the uppercase letter "I".  Characters shall contrast with their background with either light characters on a dark background or dark characters on a light background.


V707.8 Braille Instructions.  Braille instructions for initiating the speech mode shall be provided.  Braille shall comply with V703.3.

Chapter V8

V801 General


V801.1 Scope.  The provisions of Chapter 8 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document.


V802 Wheelchair Spaces, Companion Seats, and Designated Aisle Seats


V802.1 Wheelchair Spaces.  Wheelchair spaces shall comply with V802.1.


V802.1.1 Deck Surface.  The deck surface of wheelchair spaces shall comply with V302.  Changes in level are not permitted.

EXCEPTION:  Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted.


V802.1.2 Width.  A single wheelchair space shall be 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum.  Where two adjacent wheelchair spaces are provided, each wheelchair space shall be 33 inches (840 mm) wide minimum.


V802.1.3 Depth.  Where a wheelchair space can be entered from the front or rear, the wheelchair space shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) deep minimum.  Where a wheelchair space can be entered only from the side, the wheelchair space shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) deep minimum.


V802.1.4 Approach.  Wheelchair spaces shall adjoin accessible routes.  Accessible routes shall not overlap wheelchair spaces.


Advisory V802.1.4 Approach.  Because accessible routes serving wheelchair spaces are not permitted to overlap the clear deck space at wheelchair spaces, access to any wheelchair space cannot be through another wheelchair space.


V802.1.5 Overlap.  Wheelchair spaces shall not overlap circulation paths.


Advisory V802.1.5 Overlap.  The term “circulation paths” used in Section V802.1.5 means aisle width required by the administrative authority for the specific assembly area.  Where the circulation path provided is wider than the required aisle width, the wheelchair space may intrude into that portion of the circulation path that is provided in excess of the required aisle width.


V802.2 Lines of Sight.  Lines of sight to the screen, or performance area, for spectators in wheelchair spaces shall comply with V802.2.


V802.2.1 Lines of Sight Over Seated Spectators.  Where spectators are expected to remain seated during events, spectators in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight complying with V802.2.1.


V802.2.1.1 Lines of Sight Over Heads.  Where spectators are provided lines of sight over the heads of spectators seated in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the heads of seated spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces.


V802.2.1.2 Lines of Sight Between Heads.  Where spectators are provided lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of spectators seated in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of seated spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces.


V802.2.2 Lines of Sight Over Standing Spectators.  Where spectators are expected to stand during events, spectators in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight complying with V802.2.2.


V802.2.2.1 Lines of Sight Over Heads.  Where standing spectators are provided lines of sight over the heads of spectators standing in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the heads of standing spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces.


V802.2.2.2 Lines of Sight Between Heads.  Where standing spectators are provided lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of spectators standing in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of standing spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces.


V802.3 Companion Seats.  Companion seats shall comply with V802.3.


V802.3.1 Alignment.  In row seating, companion seats shall be located to provide shoulder alignment with adjacent wheelchair spaces.  The shoulder alignment point of the wheelchair space shall be measured 36 inches (915 mm) from the front of the wheelchair space.  The deck surface of the companion seat shall be at the same elevation as the deck surface of the wheelchair space.


V802.3.2 Type.  Companion seats shall be equivalent in size, quality, comfort, and amenities to the seating in the immediate area.  Companion seats shall be permitted to be movable.


V802.4 Designated Aisle Seats.  Designated aisle seats shall comply with V802.4.


V802.4.1 Armrests.  Where armrests are provided on the seating in the immediate area, folding or retractable armrests shall be provided on the aisle side of the seat.


V802.4.2 Identification.  Each designated aisle seat shall be identified by a sign or marker.


Advisory V802.4.2 Identification.  Seats with folding or retractable armrests are intended for use by individuals who have difficulty walking.  Consider identifying such seats with signs that contrast (light-on-dark or dark-on-light) and that are also photo luminescent.



V803 Dressing, Fitting, and Locker Rooms


V803.1 General.  Dressing, fitting, and locker rooms shall comply with V803.


Advisory V803.1 General.  Partitions and doors should be designed to ensure that people using accessible dressing and fitting rooms have privacy equivalent to that afforded other users of the facility.  Section V903.5 requires dressing room bench seats to be installed so that they are at the same height as a typical wheelchair seat, 17 inches (430 mm) to 19 inches (485 mm).  However, wheelchair seats can be lower than dressing room benches for people of short stature or children using wheelchairs.


V803.2 Turning Space.  Turning space complying with V304 shall be provided within the room.


V803.3 Door Swing.  Doors shall not swing into the room unless a clear deck space complying with V305.3 is provided, beyond the arc of the door swing.


V803.4 Benches.  A bench complying with V903 shall be provided within the room.


V803.5 Coat Hooks and Shelves.  Coat hooks provided within the room shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in V308.  Shelves shall be 40 inches (1015 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.



V804 Kitchens and Kitchenettes


V804.1 General.  Kitchens and kitchenettes shall comply with V804.


V804.2 Clearance.  Where a pass through kitchen is provided, clearances shall comply with V804.2.1.  Where a U-shaped kitchen is provided, clearances shall comply with V804.2.2.

EXCEPTION:  Spaces that do not provide a cooktop or conventional range shall not be required to comply with V804.2.


Advisory V804.2 Clearance.  Clearances are measured from the furthest projecting face of all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls, excluding hardware.


V804.2.1 Pass Through Kitchen.  In pass through kitchens where counters, appliances, or cabinets are on two opposing sides, or where counters, appliances, or cabinets are opposite a parallel wall, clearance between all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within kitchen work areas shall be 40 inches (1015 mm) minimum.  Pass through kitchens shall have two entries.


V804.2.2 U-Shaped.  In U-shaped kitchens enclosed on three contiguous sides, clearance between all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within kitchen work areas shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum.


V804.3 Sinks.  Sinks shall comply with V606.


V804.4 Storage.  At least 50 percent of shelf space in storage facilities shall comply with V807.


V804.5 Appliances.  Where provided, kitchen appliances shall comply with V804.5.


V804.5.1 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided at each kitchen appliance.  Clear deck spaces shall be permitted to overlap.


V804.5.2 Operable Parts.  All appliance controls shall comply with V309.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Appliance doors and door latching devices shall not be required to comply with V309.4.

2.  Bottom-hinged appliance doors, when in the open position, shall not be required to comply with V309.3.


V804.5.3 Dishwasher.  Clear deck space shall be positioned adjacent to the dishwasher door.  The dishwasher door, in the open position, shall not obstruct the clear deck space for the dishwasher or the sink.


V804.5.4 Range or Cooktop.  Where a forward approach is provided, the clear deck space shall provide knee and toe clearance complying with V306.  Where knee and toe space is provided, the underside of the range or cooktop shall be insulated or otherwise configured to prevent burns, abrasions, or electrical shock.  The location of controls shall not require reaching across burners.


V804.5.5 Oven.  Ovens shall have controls on front panels.


V804.5.6 Refrigerator/Freezer.  Combination refrigerators and freezers shall have at least 50 percent of the freezer space 54 inches (1370 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.  The clear deck space shall be positioned for a parallel approach to the space dedicated to a refrigerator/freezer with the centerline of the clear deck space offset 24 inches (610 mm) maximum from the centerline of the dedicated space.



V805 Medical Care Facilities


V805.1 General.  Medical care facility patient sleeping rooms required to provide mobility features shall comply with V805.


V805.2 Turning Space.  Turning space complying with V304 shall be provided within the room.


V805.3 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided on each side of the bed.  The clear deck space shall be positioned for a parallel approach to the side of the bed.


V805.4 Toilet and Bathing Rooms.  Toilet and bathing rooms that are provided as part of a patient sleeping room shall comply with V603.  Where provided, no fewer than one water closet, one lavatory, and one bathtub or shower shall comply with the applicable requirements of V603 through V610.



V806 Passenger Guest Rooms


V806.1 General.  Guest rooms shall comply with V806.  Guest rooms required to provide mobility features shall comply with V806.2.  Guest rooms required to provide communication features shall comply with V806.3.


V806.2 Guest Rooms with Mobility Features.  Guest rooms required to provide mobility features shall comply with V806.2.


Advisory V806.2 Guest Rooms.  The requirements in Section V806.2 do not include requirements that are common to all accessible spaces.  For example, closets in guest rooms must comply with the applicable provisions for storage specified in scoping.


V806.2.1 Living and Dining Areas.  Living and dining areas shall be accessible.


V806.2.2 Exterior Spaces.  Exterior spaces, including patios, terraces and balconies that serve the guest room shall be accessible.


V806.2.3 Sleeping Areas.  At least one sleeping area shall provide a clear deck space complying with V305 on both sides of a bed.  The clear deck space shall be positioned for parallel approach to the side of the bed.

EXCEPTION:  Where a single clear deck space complying with V305 positioned for parallel approach is provided between two beds, a clear deck space shall not be required on both sides of a bed.


V806.2.4 Toilet and Bathing Facilities.  At least one bathroom that is provided as part of a guest room shall comply with V603.  No fewer than one water closet, one lavatory, and one bathtub or shower shall comply with applicable requirements of V603 through V610.  In addition, required roll-in shower compartments shall comply with V608.2.2 or V608.2.3.  Toilet and bathing fixtures required to comply with V603 through V610 shall be permitted to be located in more than one toilet or bathing area, provided that travel between fixtures does not require travel between other parts of the guest room.


V806.2.4.1 Vanity Counter Top Space.  If vanity counter top space is provided in non-accessible guest toilet or bathing rooms, comparable vanity counter top space, in terms of size and proximity to the lavatory, shall also be provided in accessible guest toilet or bathing rooms.


Advisory V806.2.4.1 Vanity Counter Top Space.  This provision is intended to ensure that accessible guest rooms are provided with comparable vanity counter top space.


V806.2.5 Kitchens and Kitchenettes.  Kitchens and kitchenettes shall comply with V804.


V806.2.6 Turning Space.  Turning space complying with V304 shall be provided within the guest room.


V806.2.7 Doors to Adjacent Guest Rooms.  Where provided, doors that connect adjacent guest rooms shall comply with V404.


V806.3 Guest Rooms with Communication Features.  Guest rooms required to provide communication features shall comply with V806.3.


V806.3.1 Alarms.  Where emergency warning systems are provided, alarms complying with principles of best practice shall be provided.


V806.3.2 Notification Devices.  Visible notification devices shall be provided to alert room occupants of incoming telephone calls and a door knock or bell.  Notification devices shall not be connected to visible alarm signal appliances.  Telephones shall have volume controls compatible with the telephone system and shall comply with V704.3.  Telephones shall be served by an electrical outlet complying with V309 located within 48 inches (1220 mm) of the telephone to facilitate the use of a TTY.



V807 Storage


V807.1 General.  Storage shall comply with V807.


V807.2 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided.


V807.3 Height.  Storage elements shall comply with at least one of the reach ranges specified in V308.


V807.4 Operable Parts.  Operable parts shall comply with V309.

Chapter V9

V901 General


V901.1 Scope.  The provisions of Chapter 9 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document.



V902 Dining Surfaces and Work Surfaces


V902.1 General.  Dining surfaces and work surfaces shall comply with V902.2 and V902.3.

EXCEPTION:  Dining surfaces and work surfaces for children’s use shall be permitted to comply with V902.4.


Advisory V902.1 General.  Dining surfaces include, but are not limited to, bars, tables, lunch counters, and booths.  Examples of work surfaces include writing surfaces, study carrels, student laboratory stations, baby changing and other tables or fixtures for personal grooming.


V902.2 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 positioned for a forward approach shall be provided.  Knee and toe clearance complying with V306 shall be provided.


V902.3 Height.  The tops of dining surfaces and work surfaces shall be 28 inches (710 mm) minimum and 34 inches (865 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.


V902.4 Dining Surfaces and Work Surfaces for Children’s Use.  Accessible dining surfaces and work surfaces for children’s use shall comply with V902.4.

EXCEPTION:  Dining surfaces and work surfaces that are used primarily by children, 5 years and younger, shall not be required to comply with V902.4 where a clear deck space complying with V305 positioned for a parallel approach is provided.


V902.4.1 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space complying with V305 positioned for a forward approach shall be provided.  Knee and toe clearance complying with V306 shall be provided, except that knee clearance 24 inches (610 mm) minimum above the finish deck surface shall be permitted.


V902.4.2 Height.  The tops of tables and counters shall be 26 inches (660 mm) minimum and 30 inches (760 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.



V903 Benches


V903.1 General.  Benches shall comply with V903.


Advisory V903.1 General.  The technical provisions in V903 are not for typical seating benches.  They have a greater bench depth which assists persons who use wheelchairs or other mobility aids to dress or change their clothes while on the benches.


V903.2 Clear Deck Space.  Clear deck space complying with V305 shall be provided and shall be positioned at the end of the bench seat and parallel to the short axis of the bench.


V903.3 Size.  Benches shall have seats that are 42 inches (1065 mm) long minimum and 20 inches (510 mm) deep minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) deep maximum.


V903.4 Back Support.  The bench shall provide for back support or shall be affixed to a wall.  Back support shall be 42 inches (1065 mm) long minimum and shall extend from a point 2 inches (51 mm) maximum above the seat surface to a point 18 inches (455 mm) minimum above the seat surface.  Back support shall be 2½ inches (64 mm) maximum from the rear edge of the seat measured horizontally.


Advisory V903.4 Back Support.  To assist in transferring to the bench, consider providing grab bars on a wall adjacent to the bench, but not on the seat back.  If provided, grab bars cannot obstruct transfer to the bench.


V903.5 Height.  The top of the bench seat surface shall be 17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.


V903.6 Structural Strength.  Allowable stresses shall not be exceeded for materials used when a vertical or horizontal force of 250 pounds (1112 N) is applied at any point on the seat, fastener, mounting device, or supporting structure.


V903.7 Wet Locations.  Where installed in wet locations, the surface of the seat shall be slip resistant and shall not accumulate water.



V904 Sales and Service Counters


V904.1 General.  Check-out aisles and sales and service counters shall comply with the applicable requirements of V904.


V904.2 Approach.  All portions of counters required to comply with V904 shall be located adjacent to a walking surface complying with V403.


Advisory V904.2 Approach.  If a cash register is provided at the sales or service counter, locate the accessible counter close to the cash register so that a person using a wheelchair is visible to sales or service personnel and to minimize the reach for a person with a disability.


V904.3 Check-Out Aisles.  Check-out aisles shall comply with V904.3.


V904.3.1 Aisle.  Aisles shall comply with V403.


V904.3.2 Counter.  The counter surface height shall be 38 inches (965 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.  The top of the counter edge protection shall be 2 inches (51 mm) maximum above the top of the counter surface on the aisle side of the check-out counter.


V904.3.3 Check Writing Surfaces.  Where provided, check writing surfaces shall comply with V902.3.


V904.4 Sales and Service Counters. Sales counters and service counters shall comply with V904.4.1 or V904.4.2.  The accessible portion of the counter top shall extend the same depth as the sales or service counter top.

EXCEPTION:  In alterations, when the provision of a counter complying with V904.4 would result in a reduction of the number of existing counters at work stations or a reduction of the number of existing mail boxes, the counter shall be permitted to have a portion which is 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum complying with V904.4.1 provided that the required clear deck space is centered on the accessible length of the counter.


V904.4.1 Parallel Approach.  A portion of the counter surface that is 36 inches (915 mm) long minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) high maximum above the finish deck surface shall be provided.  A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be positioned for a parallel approach adjacent to the 36 inch (915 mm) minimum length of counter.

EXCEPTION:  Where the provided counter surface is less than 36 inches (915 mm) long, the entire counter surface shall be 36 inches (915 mm) high maximum above the finish deck surface.


V904.4.2 Forward Approach.  A portion of the counter surface that is 30 inches (760 mm) long minimum by 36 inches (915 mm) high maximum shall be provided.  Knee and toe space complying with V306 shall be provided under the counter.  A clear deck space complying with V305 shall be positioned for a forward approach to the counter.


V904.5 Food Service Lines.  Counters in food service lines shall comply with V904.5.


V904.5.1 Self-Service Shelves and Dispensing Devices.  Self-service shelves and dispensing devices for tableware, dishware, condiments, food, and beverages shall comply with V308.


V904.5.2 Tray Slides.  The tops of tray slides shall be 28 inches (710 mm) minimum and 34 inches (865 mm) maximum above the finish deck surface.


V904.6 Security Glazing.  Where counters or teller windows have security glazing to separate employees from the passengers, a method to facilitate voice communication shall be provided.  Telephone handset devices, if provided, shall comply with V704.3.


Advisory V904.6 Security Glazing.  Assistive listening devices complying with V706 can facilitate voice communication at counters or teller windows where there is security glazing which promotes distortion in audible information.  Where assistive listening devices are installed, place signs complying with V703.7.2.4 to identify those facilities which are so equipped.  Other voice communication methods include, but are not limited to, grilles, slats, talk-through baffles, intercoms, or telephone handset devices.

Chapter V10

V1001 General


V1001.1 Scope.  The provisions of Chapter 10 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document.


Advisory V1001.1 Scope.  Unless otherwise modified or specifically addressed in Chapter 10, all other provisions apply to the design and construction of recreation facilities and elements.  The provisions in Section V1001.1 apply wherever these elements are provided.  For example, some passenger vessels may contain a room with exercise equipment to which these sections would apply.



V1002 Exercise Machines and Equipment


V1002.1 Clear Deck Space.  Exercise machines and equipment shall have a clear deck space complying with V305 positioned for transfer or for use by an individual seated in a wheelchair.  Clear deck spaces required at exercise machines and equipment shall be permitted to overlap.


Advisory V1002.1 Clear Deck Space.  One clear deck space is permitted to be shared between two pieces of exercise equipment.  To optimize space use, designers should carefully consider layout options such as connecting ends of the row and center aisle spaces.  The position of the clear deck space may vary greatly depending on the use of the equipment or machine.  For example, to provide access to a shoulder press machine, clear deck space next to the seat would be appropriate to allow for transfer.  Clear deck space for a bench press machine designed for use by an individual seated in a wheelchair, however, will most likely be centered on the operating mechanisms.



V1003 Miniature Golf Facilities


V1003.1 General.  Miniature golf facilities shall comply with V1003.


V1003.2 Accessible Routes.  Accessible routes serving holes on miniature golf courses shall comply with Chapter 4.  Accessible routes located on playing surfaces of miniature golf holes shall be permitted to use the exceptions in V1003.2.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Playing surfaces shall not be required to comply with V302.2.

2.  Where accessible routes intersect playing surfaces of holes, a 1 inch (25 mm) maximum curb shall be permitted for a width of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum.

3.  A slope not steeper than 1:4 for a 4 inch (100 mm) maximum rise shall be permitted.

4.  Ramp landing slopes specified by V405.7.1 shall be permitted to be 1:20 maximum.

5.  Ramp landing length specified by V405.7.3 shall be permitted to be 48 inches (1220 mm) long minimum.

6.  Ramp landing size specified by V405.7.4 shall be permitted to be 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum.

7.  Handrails shall not be required on holes.  Where handrails are provided on holes, the handrails shall not be required to comply with V503.


V1003.3 Miniature Golf Holes.  Miniature golf holes shall comply with V1003.3.


V1003.3.1 Start of Play.  A clear deck space 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum with slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be provided at the start of play.


V1003.3.2 Golf Club Reach Range Area.  All areas within holes where golf balls rest shall be within 36 inches (915 mm) maximum of a clear deck space 48 inches (1220 mm) long minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum having a running slope not steeper than 1:20.  The clear deck space shall be served by an accessible route.


Advisory V1003.3.2 Golf Club Reach Range Area.  The golf club reach range applies to all holes required to be accessible.  This includes accessible routes provided adjacent to or, where provided, on the playing surface of the hole.



V1004 Play Areas


V1004.1 General.  Play areas shall comply with V1004.


V1004.2 Accessible Routes.  Accessible routes serving play areas shall comply with Chapter 4 and V1004.2 and shall be permitted to use the exceptions in V1004.2.1 through V1004.2.3.  Where accessible routes serve ground level play components, the vertical clearance shall be 80 inches high (2030 mm) minimum.


V1004.2.1 Ground Level and Elevated Play Components.  Accessible routes serving ground level play components and elevated play components shall be permitted to use the exceptions in V1004.2.1.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Transfer systems complying with V1004.3 shall be permitted to connect elevated play components except where 20 or more elevated play components are provided no more than 25 percent of the elevated play components shall be permitted to be connected by transfer systems.

2.  Where transfer systems are provided, an elevated play component shall be permitted to connect to another elevated play component as part of an accessible route.


V1004.2.2 Soft Contained Play Structures.  Accessible routes serving soft contained play structures shall be permitted to use the exception in V1004.2.2.

EXCEPTION:  Transfer systems complying with V1004.3 shall be permitted to be used as part of an accessible route.


V1004.2.3 Water Play Components.  Accessible routes serving water play components shall be permitted to use the exceptions in V1004.2.3.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Where the surface of the accessible route, clear deck spaces, or turning spaces serving water play components is submerged, compliance with V302, V403.3, V405.2, V405.3, and V1004.2.6 shall not be required.

2.  Transfer systems complying with V1004.3 shall be permitted to connect elevated play components in water.


V1004.2.4 Clear Width.  Accessible routes connecting play components shall provide a clear width complying with V1004.2.4.


V1004.2.4.1 Ground Level.  At ground level, the clear width of accessible routes shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  In play areas less than 1000 square feet (92 m2), the clear width of accessible routes shall be permitted to be 44 inches (1120 mm) minimum, if at least one turning space complying with V304.3 is provided where the restricted accessible route exceeds 30 feet (9.14 m) in length.

2.  The clear width of accessible routes shall be permitted to be 36 inches (915 mm) minimum for a distance of 60 inches (1525 mm) maximum, provided that multiple reduced width segments are separated by segments that are 60 inches (1525 mm) wide minimum and 60 inches (1525 mm) long minimum.


V1004.2.4.2 Elevated.  The clear width of accessible routes connecting elevated play components shall be 36 inches (915 mm) minimum.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  The clear width of accessible routes connecting elevated play components shall be permitted to be reduced to 32 inches (815 mm) minimum for a distance of 24 inches (610 mm) maximum provided that reduced width segments are separated by segments that are 48 inches (1220 mm) long minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum.

2.  The clear width of transfer systems connecting elevated play components shall be permitted to be 24 inches (610 mm) minimum.


V1004.2.5 Ramps.  Within play areas, ramps connecting ground level play components and ramps connecting elevated play components shall comply with V1004.2.5.


V1004.2.5.1 Ground Level.  Ramp runs connecting ground level play components shall have a running slope not steeper than 1:16.


V1004.2.5.2 Elevated.  The rise for any ramp run connecting elevated play components shall be 12 inches (305 mm) maximum.


V1004.2.5.3 Handrails.  Where required on ramps serving play components, the handrails shall comply with V503, except as modified by V1004.2.5.3.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Handrails shall not be required on ramps located within ground level use zones.

2.  Handrail extensions shall not be required.


V1004. Handrail Gripping Surfaces.  Handrail gripping surfaces with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of 0.95 inches (24.1 mm) minimum and 1.55 inches (39.4 mm) maximum.  Where the shape of the gripping surface is non-circular, the handrail shall provide an equivalent gripping surface.


V1004. Handrail Height.  The top of handrail gripping surfaces shall be 20 inches (510 mm) minimum and 28 inches (710 mm) maximum above the ramp surface.


V1004.2.6 Ground Surfaces.  Deck surfaces on accessible routes, clear deck spaces, and turning spaces shall comply with V1004.2.6.


V1004.2.6.1 Accessibility.  Deck surfaces shall comply with ASTM F 1951 (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1).  Ground surfaces shall be inspected and maintained regularly and frequently to ensure continued compliance with ASTM F 1951.


V1004.2.6.2 Use Zones.  Deck surfaces located within use zones shall comply with ASTM F 1292 (1999 edition or 2004 edition) (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1).


V1004.3 Transfer Systems.  Where transfer systems are provided to connect to elevated play components, transfer systems shall comply with V1004.3.


V1004.3.1 Transfer Platforms.  Transfer platforms shall be provided where transfer is intended from wheelchairs or other mobility aids.  Transfer platforms shall comply with V1004.3.1.


V1004.3.1.1 Size.  Transfer platforms shall have level surfaces 14 inches (355 mm) deep minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) wide minimum.


V1004.3.1.2 Height.  The height of transfer platforms shall be 11 inches (280 mm) minimum and 18 inches (455 mm) maximum measured to the top of the surface from the deck surface.


V1004.3.1.3 Transfer Space.  A transfer space complying with V305.2 and V305.3 shall be provided adjacent to the transfer platform.  The 48 inch (1220 mm) long minimum dimension of the transfer space shall be centered on and parallel to the 24 inch (610 mm) long minimum side of the transfer platform.  The side of the transfer platform serving the transfer space shall be unobstructed.


V1004.3.1.4 Transfer Supports.  At least one means of support for transferring shall be provided.


V1004.3.2 Transfer Steps.  Transfer steps shall be provided where movement is intended from transfer platforms to levels with elevated play components required to be on accessible routes.  Transfer steps shall comply with V1004.3.2.


V1004.3.2.1 Size.  Transfer steps shall have level surfaces 14 inches (355 mm) deep minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) wide minimum.


V1004.3.2.2 Height.  Each transfer step shall be 8 inches (205 mm) high maximum.


V1004.3.2.3 Transfer Supports.  At least one means of support for transferring shall be provided.


V1004.4 Play Components.  Ground level play components on accessible routes and elevated play components connected by ramps shall comply with V1004.4.


V1004.4.1 Turning Space.  At least one turning space complying with V304 shall be provided on the same level as play components.  Where swings are provided, the turning space shall be located immediately adjacent to the swing.


V1004.4.2 Clear Deck Space.  Clear deck space complying with V305.2 and V305.3 shall be provided at play components.


V1004.4.3 Play Tables.  Where play tables are provided, knee clearance 24 inches (610 mm) high minimum, 17 inches deep (430 mm) minimum, and 30 inches (760 mm) wide minimum shall be provided.  The tops of rims, curbs, or other obstructions shall be 31 inches (785 mm) high maximum.

EXCEPTION:  Play tables designed and constructed primarily for children 5 years and younger shall not be required to provide knee clearance where the clear deck space required by V1004.4.2 is arranged for a parallel approach.


V1004.4.4 Entry Points and Seats.  Where play components require transfer to entry points or seats, the entry points or seats shall be 11 inches (280 mm) minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) maximum from the clear deck space.

EXCEPTION:  Entry points of slides shall not be required to comply with V1004.4.4.


V1004.4.5 Transfer Supports.  Where play components require transfer to entry points or seats, at least one means of support for transferring shall be provided.



V1005 Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, and Spas


V1005.1 General.  Where provided, pool lifts, sloped entries, transfer walls, transfer systems, and pool stairs shall comply with V1005.


V1005.2 Pool Lifts.  Pool lifts shall comply with V1005.2.


Advisory V1005.2 Pool Lifts.  There are a variety of seats available on pool lifts ranging from sling seats to those that are preformed or molded.  Pool lift seats with backs will enable a larger population of persons with disabilities to use the lift.  Pool lift seats that consist of materials that resist corrosion and provide a firm base to transfer will be usable by a wider range of people with disabilities.  Additional options such as armrests, head rests, seat belts, and leg support will enhance accessibility and better accommodate people with a wide range of disabilities.


V1005.2.1 Seat Location.  In the raised position, the centerline of the seat shall be located over the deck surface and 16 inches (405 mm) minimum from the edge of the pool.  The deck surface between the centerline of the seat and the pool edge shall have a slope not steeper than 1:48.


V1005.2.2 Clear Deck Space.  On the side of the seat opposite the water, a clear deck space shall be provided parallel with the seat.  The space shall be 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum and shall extend forward 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum from a line located 12 inches (305 mm) behind the rear edge of the seat.  The clear deck space shall have a slope not steeper than 1:48.


V1005.2.3 Seat Height.  The height of the lift seat shall be designed to allow a stop at 16 inches (405 mm) minimum to 19 inches (485 mm) maximum measured from the deck surface to the top of the seat surface when in the raised (load) position.


V1005.2.4 Seat Width.  The seat shall be 16 inches (405 mm) wide minimum.


V1005.2.5 Footrests and Armrests.  Footrests shall be provided and shall move with the seat.  If provided, the armrest positioned opposite the water shall be removable or shall fold clear of the seat when the seat is in the raised (load) position.

EXCEPTION:  Footrests shall not be required on pool lifts provided in spas.


V1005.2.6 Operation.  The lift shall be capable of unassisted operation from both the deck surface and water levels.  Controls and operating mechanisms shall be unobstructed when the lift is in use and shall comply with V309.4.


Advisory V1005.2.6 Operation.  Pool lifts must be capable of unassisted operation from both the deck and water levels.  This will permit a person to call the pool lift when the pool lift is in the opposite position.  It is extremely important for a person who is swimming alone to be able to call the pool lift when it is in the up position so he or she will not be stranded in the water for extended periods of time awaiting assistance.  The requirement for a pool lift to be independently operable does not preclude assistance from being provided.


V1005.2.7 Submerged Depth.  The lift shall be designed so that the seat will submerge to a water depth of 18 inches (455 mm) minimum below the stationary water level.


Advisory V1005.2.7 Submerged Depth.  As pool lifts are required by V1005.2.5 to be equipped with footrests, water depths greater than 18 inches (455 mm) are needed to properly submerge the seat of pool lifts.  To allow the opportunity for someone to provide assistance from a standing position in the water to lift users, it is recommended that a portion of the pools where pool lifts are located have water depths that do not exceed 48 inches (1220 mm).


V1005.2.8 Lifting Capacity.  Single person pool lifts shall have a weight capacity of 300 pounds (136 kg) minimum and be capable of sustaining a static load of at least one and a half times the rated load.


Advisory V1005.2.8 Lifting Capacity.  Single person pool lifts must be capable of supporting a minimum weight of 300 pounds (136 kg) and sustaining a static load of at least one and a half times the rated load.  Providing a pool lift with a weight capacity greater than 300 pounds (136 kg) may be advisable.


V1005.3 Sloped Entries.  Sloped entries shall comply with V1005.3.


Advisory V1005.3 Sloped Entries.  Personal wheelchairs and mobility devices may not be appropriate for submerging in water.  Some may have batteries, motors, and electrical systems that when submerged in water may cause damage to the personal mobility device or wheelchair or may contaminate the pool water.  Providing an aquatic wheelchair made of non-corrosive materials and designed for access into the water will protect the water from contamination and avoid damage to personal wheelchairs or other mobility aids.


V1005.3.1 Sloped Entries.  Sloped entries shall comply with Chapter 4 except as modified in V1005.3.1 through V1005.3.3.

EXCEPTION:  Where sloped entries are provided, the surfaces shall not be required to be slip resistant.


V1005.3.2 Submerged Depth.  Sloped entries shall extend to a depth of 24 inches (610 mm) minimum and 30 inches (760 mm) maximum below the stationary water level.  Where landings are required by V405.7, at least one landing shall be located 24 inches (610 mm) minimum and 30 inches (760 mm) maximum below the stationary water level.

EXCEPTION:  In wading pools, the sloped entry and landings, if provided, shall extend to the deepest part of the wading pool.


V1005.3.3 Handrails.  At least two handrails complying with V503 shall be provided on the sloped entry.  The clear width between required handrails shall be 33 inches (840 mm) minimum and 38 inches (965 mm) maximum.

EXCEPTIONS:  1.  Handrail extensions specified by V503.10.1 shall not be required at the bottom landing serving a sloped entry.

2.  Where a sloped entry is provided for wave action pools, leisure rivers, sand bottom pools, and other pools where user access is limited to one area, the handrails shall not be required to comply with the clear width requirements of V1005.3.3.

3.  Sloped entries in wading pools shall not be required to provide handrails complying with V1005.3.3.  If provided, handrails on sloped entries in wading pools shall not be required to comply with V503.


V1005.4 Transfer Walls.  Transfer walls shall comply with V1005.4.


V1005.4.1 Clear Deck Space.  A clear deck space of 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum with a slope not steeper than 1:48 shall be provided at the base of the transfer wall.  Where one grab bar is provided, the clear deck space shall be centered on the grab bar.  Where two grab bars are provided, the clear deck space shall be centered on the clearance between the grab bars.


V1005.4.2 Height.  The height of the transfer wall shall be 16 inches (405 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum measured from the deck surface.


V1005.4.3 Wall Depth and Length.  The depth of the transfer wall shall be 12 inches (305 mm) minimum and 16 inches (405 mm) maximum.  The length of the transfer wall shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum and shall be centered on the clear deck space.


V1005.4.4 Surface.  Surfaces of transfer walls shall not be sharp and shall have rounded edges.


V1005.4.5 Grab Bars.  At least one grab bar complying with V609 shall be provided on the transfer wall.  Grab bars shall be perpendicular to the pool wall and shall extend the full depth of the transfer wall.  The top of the gripping surface shall be 4 inches (100 mm) minimum and 6 inches (150 mm) maximum above transfer walls.  Where one grab bar is provided, clearance shall be 24 inches (610 mm) minimum on both sides of the grab bar.  Where two grab bars are provided, clearance between grab bars shall be 24 inches (610 mm) minimum.

EXCEPTION:  Grab bars on transfer walls shall not be required to comply with V609.4.


V1005.5 Transfer Systems.  Transfer systems shall comply with V1005.5.


V1005.5.1 Transfer Platform.  A transfer platform shall be provided at the head of each transfer system.  Transfer platforms shall provide 19 inches (485 mm) minimum clear depth and 24 inches (610 mm) minimum clear width.


V1005.5.2 Transfer Space.  A transfer space of 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum with a slope not steeper than 1:48 shall be provided at the base of the transfer platform surface and shall be centered along a 24 inch (610 mm) minimum side of the transfer platform.  The side of the transfer platform serving the transfer space shall be unobstructed.


V1005.5.3 Height.  The height of the transfer platform shall comply with V1005.4.2.

EXCEPTION:  Transfer platforms which serve wading pools are permitted to have a height of 11 inches (280 mm) minimum and 18 inches (455 mm) maximum measured to the top of the platform surface from the deck surface.


V1005.5.4 Transfer Steps.  Transfer step height shall be 8 inches (205 mm) maximum.  The surface of the bottom tread shall extend to a water depth of 18 inches (455 mm) minimum below the stationary water level.

EXCEPTION:  In wading pools where the depth of the water is less than 18 inches (455 mm), the water depth of the bottom tread surface is permitted to be equal to the depth of the pool.


Advisory V1005.5.4 Transfer Steps.  Where possible, the height of the transfer step should be minimized to decrease the distance an individual is required to lift up or move down to reach the next step to gain access.


V1005.5.5 Surface.  The surface of the transfer system shall not be sharp and shall have rounded edges.


Advisory V1005.5.5 Surface.  People using the transfer system may have skin contact with the surfaces of the transfer system.  Care should be taken in selecting surface materials.  Some materials require more maintenance and may be subject to splintering which might cause skin injuries and related health complications. Padding of transfer surfaces may further protect people during use of such systems.


V1005.5.6 Size.  Each transfer step shall have a tread clear depth of 14 inches (355 mm) minimum and 17 inches (430 mm) maximum and shall have a tread clear width of 24 inches (610 mm) minimum.


V1005.5.7 Grab Bars.  At least one grab bar on each transfer step and the transfer platform or a continuous grab bar serving each transfer step and the transfer platform shall be provided.  Where a grab bar is provided on each step, the tops of gripping surfaces shall be 4 inches (100 mm) minimum and 6 inches (150 mm) maximum above each step and transfer platform.  Where a continuous grab bar is provided, the top of the gripping surface shall be 4 inches (100 mm) minimum and 6 inches (150 mm) maximum above the step nosing and transfer platform.  Grab bars shall comply with V609 and be located on at least one side of the transfer system.  The grab bar located at the transfer platform shall not obstruct transfer.

EXCEPTION:  Grab bars on transfer systems shall not be required to comply with V609.4.


V1005.6 Pool Stairs.  Pool stairs shall comply with V1005.6.


V1005.6.1 Pool Stairs.  Pool stairs shall comply with V502.

EXCEPTION:  Pool step riser heights shall not be required to be 4 inches (100 mm) high minimum and 7 inches (180 mm) high maximum provided that riser heights are uniform.


V1005.6.2 Handrails.  The width between handrails shall be 20 inches (510 mm) minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) maximum.  Handrail extensions required by V503.10.3 shall not be required on pool stairs.



V1006 Shooting Positions


V1006.1 Turning Space.  A circular turning space 60 inches (1525 mm) diameter minimum with slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be provided at firing positions.

Chapter V11

V1101 General.  Tenders shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 11 where required by V201.1.3.


V1102 Wheelchair Spaces.  At least two wheelchair spaces shall be provided and shall comply V1102.


V1102.1 Deck Surface.  The deck surface of wheelchair spaces shall comply with V302.  Changes in level are not permitted.

EXCEPTION:  Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted.


V1102.2 Width.  A single wheelchair space shall be 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum.  Where two adjacent wheelchair spaces are provided, each wheelchair space shall be 33 inches (840 mm) wide minimum.


V1102.3 Depth.  Wheelchair spaces shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) deep minimum.


V1102.4 Securement.  Wheelchair spaces shall be provided with securement systems which limit the movement of occupied wheelchairs or mobility aids under normal tender operating conditions.


V1103 Accessible Route.  At least one onboard accessible route complying with V402 shall connect each wheelchair space to each entry and departure point of the tender used by passengers in non-emergency conditions.


V1104 Boarding Systems.  Where tenders embark or disembark passengers to vessels, fixed piers, floating piers, or landside structures, a method complying with criteria established by the US Department of Transportation shall be provided to facilitate the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers with disabilities.