Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guideliness - Rulemaking
Other Resources
Shared Use Path Resources
A variety of organizations in the public and private sectors provide information on accessibility and accessible design. The resources listed here are provided for information purposes only. The Board makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that the information from these sources is accurate or correct.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
Resources include:
- Accessible Design for the Blind
- Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access (Federal Highway Administration guide)
- Institute of Transportation Engineers (resources for accessible intersections are available)
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Policy and Guidance
- Questions and Answers About ADA and Section 504
- Memorandum Clarifying FHWA Oversight Role in Accessibility (9/12/06)
- Memorandum on Use of the Revised Draft Guidelines (1/23/06)
- Memorandum on Detectable Warning Requirements (5/6/02)
- Coverage of Non-Federally Funded Facilities (Civil Rights Restoration Act) (9/2/92)