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Access Board Continues to Provide Services to the Public

April 30, 2020

Like most of the federal workforce, Board staff have been teleworking since mid-March due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, the agency continues to provide its services to the public without interruption or delay. Board accessibility specialists are available for technical assistance on all Board accessibility guidelines and standards during regular business hours. In fact, the Board recently expanded the hours of its toll-free help line which now operates weekdays from 10:00 to 5:00 (ET). (Previously, the line was not open on Wednesdays.) Those calling at other times can leave a message. Technical inquiries also can be submitted by email to

Further, the Board will soon be releasing the next installment of its online guide to the ADA and ABA Accessibility Standards. This material will feature comprehensive technical bulletins on restrooms, bathing facilities, and drinking fountains.

The Board continues to offer free webinars in partnership with the ADA National Network’s Great Lakes ADA Center. This includes a monthly series on facility access and the ADA and ABA Standards that allows attendees to earn continuing education credits. There is also a bi-monthly series on the Section 508 Standards for access to information and communication technology (ICT). Board staff also participates as invited presenters in webinars and virtual meetings organized by other entities and agencies.

Social distancing and travel restrictions, on the other hand, have significantly curtailed the Board’s provision of training in person. Many conferences and in-person trainings have been cancelled or postponed. Some event organizers have transitioned to webinars, webcasts, and other means of remote conferencing and instruction. Board staff is available to provide training on its guidelines and standards as well as other aspects of accessible design remotely through webinars and other virtual platforms. To schedule a session, contact the Board’s Training Coordinator, Bill Botten, at or (202)272-0014. Once travel restrictions are lifted and conferences and other events are scheduled, the Board will resume its provision of training in person.