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Autonomous Vehicles

Inclusive Design of Autonomous Vehicles: A Public Dialogue

Series Platform and Format

The forum was conducted through the Zoom webinar.  The forum’s four sessions were held in intervals of two weeks.  Each 90-minute webinar discussion was recorded and supplemented by an online crowdsourcing dialogue platform that was be active for two weeks after each session.  The sessions began with presentations by agency representatives and invited speakers who will reviewed relevant sources and research and outline issues and questions for discussion.  These presentations will be followed by an open dialogue with attendees through the webinar platform.

Accessibility for Passengers with Mobility Disabilities:  Part 1

This session covered methods and technologies for entering and exiting autonomous vehicles.
March 10, 2021, 2:00 – 3:30 (ET)
Recording of Session 1
Presentation Materials from Session 1:  PPT, 23MB or PDF, 4MB

Session I Presenters