Tina Guenette

Tina Guenette is a motivational speaker who currently is CEO, Founder and people connector of her own national non-profit RAMP real access motivates progress. Tina is a 4x cancer 4x stroke 2x heart attack survivor who, 9 years ago walked into a minor surgery and took a stroke to her spinal cord, is now paralyzed from the waist down. She didn’t let that stop her; instead, she persevered and learned to navigate the world with her positive attitude. Tina devotes her life to helping others by raising awareness of accessibility for all. From talking to school age children on introduction to engaging the disability community to bullying and dealing with life’s curve balls, Tina works with all businesses, professions, and first responders on all areas of communication and best practices of working to include the disability community. She was appointed to the United States Access Board by President Biden and sits on the Governor’s commission on disability as Vice Chair and on Commission of Aging. She loves the opportunity to share her story, meet new people, and advance accessibility for all. She is currently the first person of physical disability to win a national title for the USA Ambassador organization or any mainstream pageant. It’s all based on community service, and to date in the last year she has completed 3000 community service hours. Community service isn’t something she does; it’s all part of her DNA. It’s just who she is at the very core. Tina also hosts her national podcast live every Wednesday night. With all she has been through in her life, to get up every day with a positive attitude and to help others is a true testimony of the type of person she really is all around. Her two favorite quotes: “Don’t just sit there . . . make a difference” & “If you can’t stand up . . . Stand out.”