Karen L. Braitmayer, FAIA
Karen L. Braitmayer, FAIA is the founder and managing principal of Studio Pacifica, an accessibility consulting firm, in Seattle that provides consulting services to local governments, school districts, architects, engineers, companies and individuals concerned with complying with Federal laws and State codes, as well as creating spaces that work for the unique needs of individual users. She also leads presentations and workshops around the country to further educate professionals about codes, standards, and inclusion. As a registered architect, Braitmayer was admitted to the College of Fellows by the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Most recently she was awarded the 2019 Whitney M. Young, Jr. award by the American Institute of Architects in recognition of her leadership in civil rights for people with disabilities, social sustainability, public policy and universal design. In addition, Braitmayer was named 2019 Person of the Year by New Mobility Magazine. She is also an active volunteer and non-profit board member.