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Access Board Members

Carmen Daniels Jones

Carmen Daniels Jones  portrait photograph

A highly accomplished executive, Carmen Daniels Jones is a trusted leader for organizations that demand a visionary to usher them into their next era of significant growth. Synthesizing multidisciplinary thinking, marketing, and community engagement thought leadership with a deep understanding of change management and innovation, Carmen has been instrumental in developing strategies that have transformed organizations from Fortune 100 companies to the frontlines of the federal government. Always focused on bottom-line results, the value that Carmen creates can be undeniably quantified into the key factors that determine every organization’s success: strategic relationships, reach, and revenue.

With a well-earned reputation for driving change, the summation of Carmen’s career has been to foster relationships, leverage opportunities, and orchestrate turnarounds that result in increased market share and shareholder value. Carmen’s expertise across the public sector, small business, and large corporations has been the catalyst for growth in industries as varied as healthcare, telecommunications, and government. Whether she was in her role as an executive for one of the nation’s leading healthcare providers or advocating for equity for disadvantaged businesses as a presidential appointee, Carmen is known for her ability to see potential and opportunities where others cannot, and to galvanize teams around a shared vision. An advocate at her core, championing people and causes is not what Carmen does–it’s who she is.

A passionate, big-picture thinker with an entrepreneurial spirit, the hallmarks of Carmen’s success have been her willingness to take risks, her ability to see opportunities where others cannot, and her relentless determination to challenge the status quo.

Carmen’s insight has been featured on CNNfn, the New York Times, Black Enterprise, Glamour, New Mobility and Essence Magazine.

Carmen recently launched her daughter to college and is an empty nester, who lives in the Atlanta area.